Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2419: Can't cooperate, cold-blooded like her

The first moment in the ranking of international agents, as long as there is a slight move, any relevant international gangster will be frightened!

This sentence is by no means general!

The facts are true.

Since these high-level members of the international intelligence platform warned them, let alone dare to investigate Yunjian.

This group of high-levels have nightmares for days and nights, and they fall asleep in the middle of the night. When they fall asleep several times a night, they are awakened by the nightmares several times. Life is average.

Not to mention the exaggeration, Momentshen really did such a thing!

The ancient killing mercenary regiment is not an independent organization. An organization must also cooperate with countless large international companies in order to develop for a long time.

When Momentshen first took over the ancient killing mercenary regiment, a large company thought she was a bully, so she defeated the forces of the ancient mercenary regiment everywhere.

In the end, the executives of this large company were rumored to report bizarre deaths.

No one in the world knows that the top executives of this large company died bizarrely, it was just a sudden move.

Today, Sushen warned in this way that the high-level members of the international intelligence platform immediately thought of the original force that had defeated the cooperation project of the ancient killing mercenary regiment, and subsequent incidents of bizarre death.

But at this moment, Yun Jian, who made these high-rises horrified, has already got the housing card for the International Information Platform Building.

Hotel for two.

Yun Jian lived with Chu Ning, Jiang Weiwei lived with a girl from Tyrannosaurus Squad, and the other four boys from the Kings Squad happened to be paired in pairs.

Holding the room card, Yunjian went to the elevator and waited for the elevator.

But before he got to the elevator entrance, Zhu Xi had already chased up with his best team, blocked the elevator entrance and looked at Yunjian:

"Don't you think you owe us an explanation?"

After listening to Zhu Xi's words, Yun Jian cold arc ticked off, "What's the explanation?"

"What happened just now! Your King Squad is just a cover for us. Any personal action in the future must report to us! This is what the Chief Liu said when he came!

"Just don't listen! Just now you know who the portrait you are tearing. If this is a big deal, not only you, but all of us will be dragged by you!"

Before waiting for Zhu Xi to speak again, Dong Lijie replaced Zhu Xi with Yun Jian's questioning voice.

When he arrived, Liu Cheng told the King's team that seven people must fully obey the arrangements of the Tyrannosaurus team and the best team.

Because the strength of the Seven Kings team is the weakest!

However, Yun Jian obviously did not intend to obey the arrangement.

"Sorry, I didn't intend to obey anybody's arrangement. As for what your chief said, it was his arrangement, not my intention. My purpose was only to complete the task.

"As for you, you don't have the qualification to call me!"

Yun Jian hugged his chest and looked at Zhu Xi, Dong Lijie and others, saying these words.

At the end of the speech, just as Zhu Xi, Dong Lijie and others were shocked by Yun Jian's words, Yun Jian's words sounded again:

"And by the way, I haven't planned to work with you from the beginning.

"Non-sense, you shouldn't ask questions, you are not qualified to work with me to complete the task!"

Yun Jian's words were very straightforward, and his meaning was simple and clear.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Zhu Xi and Dong Lijie chatted.

Dong Lijie looked at Yunjian and thought, "You ..."

But without waiting for Lijie to finish speaking, Yunjian already looked sideways at the Tyrannosaurus squad. In front of the crowd, he ruthlessly said something that was so cold-blooded that the people present were unbelievable:

"For you, I am the same, without cooperation, you have the ability to complete the task yourself, whether it is life or death, has nothing to do with me."

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