Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2422: De Lijie, audition on stage

"But Yun Jianer, to you, you are a true performance!"

In the last sentence, Chu Ning said very softly. After that, Chu Ning showed her front teeth and laughed twice.

There are candidates waiting to be auditioned around the court. At this moment, because they are afraid of being nervous, they can't recite their lines. Everyone is madly reclining lines.

Some people are so nervous that they tremble all over their teeth and lips.

Chu Ning's last sentence was very light. No one was around or heard, but it was impartially introduced to Dong Lijie and the Tyrannosaurus team and the best team. They wanted to hear what Yunjian chose. What role everyone hears.

"What is the nature of the show, I think she confuses the killer with us! The killer pays attention to killing tricks, and really treats himself as a hole card? Don't look at her virtue!"

Dong Lijie hummed a disdainful "he" from her nasal cavity. She glanced at Yun Jian obliquely, and taunted with words that only three special teams could hear.

"The old woman wants you to take care of me! I don't think you even memorize the lines, but you should worry about yourself!" Chu Xiangnan deserves to be directed at Chu Ning. After listening to Dong Lijie's words, he scorned Dong Lijie with contempt. At a glance, he responded politely.

"Old woman? Who does the old woman say!" Dong Lijie stood up immediately.

"Who should say who is sloppy!" Chu Xiangnan shrugged and answered.

"You ..." Dong Lijie got up annoyed by Chu Xiangnan's words and wanted to start.

"Please come to No. 60." At this time, the staff in charge of the order of appearances shouted.

The other number plate on Dong Lijie's chest was exactly 60.

Dong Lijie heard this and gave Yun Jian a provocative look before taking office.

Who doesn't know that before she joined the special team, Dong Lijie read the acting department? I was once fortunate to be guided by a world-class performance master!

So acting, naturally.

On stage, Dong Lijie introduced herself to the fake identities that the former army had fabricated for them, and then began performing.

Dong Lijie's role is a female match that is not particularly high.

From the looks, looks, expressions, and sounds, no one can find a flaw.

Even Mr. Midland, who has been holding his face a long time and never smiled from the beginning of the audition, grinned, applauded, and said in English that starting from the audition, he gave the highest evaluation: "Good!"

This greatly satisfied Dong Lijie's vanity.

After stepping down.

"It's amazing! There's yours!" Just after Dong Lijie stepped down, a female player from their best team had boasted to Dong Lijie.

"It's nothing." Dong Lijie raised his head a little bit, and glanced at Yun Jian again with contempt.

Yun Jian ignored it.

"Please come to the stage 66." Until the previous serial number, the staff's voice sounded again, and the people returned to God.

Yun Jian came to power now.

The word "Audrey" popped out on a large screen next to it, which means that Yun Jian chose the role of audition this time.

At first glance, the role of Yunjian audition is actually Ao Dezhang, all the audience in the scene were stunned.

After all, the role of Aude is the hardest and hardest of all.

Aude Ai's appearances can be regarded as more in a movie, but Aude Ai's lines are the least. Every appearance, he must tell everything with his eyes.

And that look, from the inside out, has to make people feel that she is a cold-blooded killer.

Audrey's audition has been tried by two people before.

The lines are the same. The scene is a battlefield of flames and smoke. Oder stepped on a large body of corpses, slowly raised his head, and said a "kill" to his men.

Before the audition, the two of Ao Dezhen did not feel at all.

At this moment, Yun Jian came to power, which made everyone curious.

At that time, Yun Jian had stood in front of several judges.

Everyone thought that Yun Jian would briefly introduce herself first, but Yun Jian had her head bowed, which made her feel a little scared to go on stage.

But when the Yunjian person came to the center of the stage, her awesome gas field changed!

Her red arc rose slightly, as if a killer was in the blood of a sword and gun, slowly raising her eyes, sharply raised.

Those red bloodshot eyes made all the judges and spectators in the room nervous and tense.

The playful half-smile made everyone present creepy.

Just then, the girl suddenly healed the playful half-smile, and she looked up, like a king, as if she was stepping on her feet, that is, thousands of bones, a simple and simple, with a pinch in her arms. The words that make people's hearts beat like this stand out:


(End of this chapter)

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