Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2429: Whether to engage in, killer profession

At this time, the remaining members of the three teams, Zhu Xi, Lu Yu, Tian Shuaishuai, and Chu Nang, Chu Xiangnan, also joined the crew.

But sadly, after Chu Ning and others joined the crew, they did logistical work.

For example, when it is necessary to carry heavy and large objects that need to be photographed, several people of Chu Ning are out.

To put it plainly, what they do is cool work.

"That's right!" As soon as Yun Jian reached the crew, he saw a middle-aged man standing behind Shi Mifen, extending his hand from behind Shi Mifen to her, and teaching Shi Mifen over and over again.

But if it is a person with a good eye, it can be seen at a glance that this middle-aged man stretches under Shi Mifen's arm and holds Shi Mifen's wrist from behind. His arm touches Shi Mifen's chest.

And this middle-aged man's lower body, there is also a patch on the back of Shi Mifen, the posture is extremely ambiguous.

"It is indeed our shadow actor Shi Mifen! So soon to deal with other professional killers! After that, I am in the circle, but there is not a backer!

"This professional killer, but the one who does not blink! Whoever messed with our shadow Shi Mifen in the future, be careful of your throat!"


Someone was talking around.

Needless to say, we can know that the middle-aged man was a professional killer hired by Mr. Midland to teach Yunjian to kill.

Yun Jian glanced at it obliquely and saw it.

This middle-aged man taught Shi Mifen, it was indeed a killing move.

However, the middle-aged man is still missing! To put it plainly is not enough strength.

And Yun Jian can't see the identity of this middle-aged man.

It can also be determined from this ...

Yun Jian blinked and didn't care.

"Mo Nan, this is the girl you want to teach. The shooting period has been shortened. You can teach her some simple killing tricks within three days. Can you do it? I will pay the bounty at the price I had previously negotiated I'll pay you! "

At this moment Mr. Midland appeared, he stood in front of the crowd, and pointed his finger at the middle-aged man.

At this time, the middle-aged man recovered from the action of teaching Shi Mifen.

"Isn't this the person I want to teach?" He asked, pointing to Shi Miffin.

Mo Nan, is the code name of this professional killer, his strength is not ranked in the killer world, at most it is a low-level killer.

"Of course not, she is the heroine of our play!" Someone said in place of Mr. Midland.

Listening to this, Mo Nan, already in his forties, looked up indifferently and looked up at Shi Mifen.

Obviously, everyone just felt that Mo Nan was eating Shimifen Tofu immediately.

The feeling is that Shi Mifen deceived Mo Nan and said that he is the person he wants to teach! ?

In fact, the same is true, and in order to make others feel like they are behind the film, any man will be dumped by himself, deliberately touching his **** and buttocks to touch Mo Nan.

Mo Nan is probably the kind of person who is not interested in general things. Shi Mifen did not bother to avoid it.

In addition to the fact that his strength is not particularly strong in the killer world, although Mo Nan is already in his forties, it is not difficult to see that he looks pretty good when he is young.

I heard that Shi Mifen was not the one he was going to teach, and Mo Nan was too lazy to say something unpleasant.

He walked directly to Yun Jian, and said to Yun Jian just like Shi Mifen just now: "Please let me touch your wrist, check your bones, and stick your clothes on. I will not touch your hand."

There are still taboos for men and women.

Yun Jian was also unpretentious, she reached out.

People around me saw this, because they saw the order of killing by the Monans in Shi Mifen just now, and they felt that the sense of freshness was gone, and they all dispersed.

Dong Lijie and Wei Yuke, as well as the other three team members who help here, will also be dispersed.

But at the moment when everyone wanted to spread, Mo Nan, who had examined Yun Jian's bones through his thick clothes, suddenly changed his usual expression of ignorance. He looked up at Yun Jian in front of everyone present. , Shocked out loud:

"Your bones ... don't look like ordinary people should! From your bones alone ...

"This little girl, have you ever worked as a killer or a special agent! Tell me bluntly, I should not have this qualification and can teach you more!"

(End of this chapter)

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