Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2443: The assassination team arrives

Dong Lijie never imagined that in the presence of so many people, Galvin's hands touched his thigh so smoothly.

Dong Lijie was frightened, and the feeling of nausea in his heart was even more wanton.

She looked up at Yun Jian who was sitting opposite to her, and finally shook her fist, clasped her flesh with her thumb, her knuckles turned white, and she finally resisted.

There is no other way to reach a person like Galvin, only this.

What's more, if you are a friend of Galvin, a person with high vigilance like Galvin will never show a flaw.

"I, I, I respect your wine." At last, Galvin talked to himself, and his hands slipped to Dong Lijie's thighs. Dong Lijie couldn't help the disgusting atmosphere. She immediately stood up to get the bottle.

Galvin was upset, but still didn't show it.

Pessimistic things, these investors and Mr. Midland have already met a lot here, so no one feels wrong.

Especially this kind of thing, usually actress willingly.

What you want, the actress only wants to get better resources on the actor's way, and everyone who Galvin wants knows.

So no one will stand up and stop.


In the end, I do n’t know how it developed. Dong Lijie was taken to the hotel by Galvina and opened a room at the five-star hotel in Xelia.

With a bang, Zhu Xi, the leader of the best team, punched the wall with a punch, and closed his eyes in pain.

Letting Dong Lijie sacrifice is something that no one wants to happen.

Especially Zhu Xi.

"Captain ..." The other members of the best team did not feel much, and at the moment Lu Yu made a noise.

"Don't talk to me!" Zhu Xi shouted at Lu Yu.

Just now they watched Dong Lijie and Galvin walk into the hotel.

Just after Zhu Xi's remarks ended, everyone saw Yun Jian coming out of the door of the Sheraton Hotel.

When Zhu Xi thought of Dong Lijie and Galvin entering the hotel, he was upset, as if he was about to lose the most important thing in his life.

Zhu Xi's emotions began to become arrogant. He suddenly thought of Yun Jian before saying that he would complete the task by early this morning, and there was a hint of hatred in his head. He rushed to stop Yun Jian:

"What are you going to do!"

That momentum, as if Dong Lijie would go into the hotel with Galvin tonight, was hurt by Yun Jian.

But now, if they rush into the hotel to rescue Dong Lijie.

Well, not only will they fail today, their mission will fail completely this time!

Once you have done something, you give up halfway through it. Not only have you done the previous thing in vain, you can't even finish it later.

For example, if they rushed in and rescued Dong Lijie this time, then people were saved.

Ever thought about it? Couldn't Galvin doubt?

Unless they have this strength, Galvin is forced to surrender evidence of his drug trafficking.

But they didn't!

At the moment Zhu Xi stopped Yun Jian, members of the Tyrannosaurus and King's Squads also arrived at the scene.

They all heard it.

Zhu Xi suddenly hugged his head, squatting down in pain, and no longer wanted to accept this painful reality.

But when everyone bowed their heads silently, saddened beyond description, hated that their strength was too weak to be irreparable, thinking that this was an irreparable situation, a female voice rang: "Sister Jie!"

Upon hearing this, the crowd turned around and looked, but only saw a woman who was enchanting and in a red cheongsam appeared before everyone.

The visitor is not someone else, it is the president of Rongyao, the demon girl!

The appearance of the demon girl surprised everyone.

Of course, before everyone responded, they saw Yun Jian take off his black fur coat and throw it aside.

Under the black fur coat, there was an agent's clothing for the task.

At this moment, Yun Jian withdrew the pistol from her waist box. She turned the gun in a circle, held it in her hand, and suddenly evoked a red arc. In front of everyone present, she yelled at the demon girl and let the already desperate people restart. Words of hope:

"Have the assassination team arrived yet? Fuck, today I'm going to stab Galvin's old nest!

(End of this chapter)

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