Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2446: The pinnacle of people

If it is said that in the audition set, from the superb acting of Yun Jian, everyone seems to have seen a living female killer Ao Dezhang walk out of the movie and come to the real world.

So at this moment, the group of Galvin's bodyguards in front of them is a real group of real killers who are completely different from Yun Jian, the killer Aode.

Galvin's bodyguards are a group of true underground killers!

They wandered at the pinnacle of the world, performing one task after another that was scary and scary.

That's a group of real professional killers!

Following the interpreted killer, it is completely two concepts!

So when Yun Jian didn't say a word, and didn't even say hello to the members of the three teams, he rushed over there. At that moment, Lu Yu and Tian Shuaishuai, the members of the most cattle team and the Tyrannosaurus team, almost at the same moment Dilated pupils.

She's over!

Not only exposed himself! Also exposed all members of their three squads!

No, it's not that she's finished, it's that she wants to affect all of them! It's all over!

Even this time's mission, all the efforts that have been done before, will be lost because of Yun Jian's impulse this time!

The emotions of all people rose to their highest point at this moment.

But the moment everyone thought so, everyone suddenly saw that Yun Jian over there came to the group of bodyguard killers the moment the bodyguard killers hadn't responded.

One bodyguard reacts fastest!

After he reacted, he wanted to make a noise, and struck Yunjian with his eagle claws.

Of course, before the bodyguard responded, Yun Jian had rushed forward. She was behind the bodyguard at the second when the bodyguard wanted to speak to call other bodyguards.

Reached out and covered the bodyguard's mouth.

The blade that Ben bite in his mouth was silently held in Yunjian's hand.

She held the blade's hand at a speed as fast as a thunderbolt, and swiped directly across the bodyguard's throat without human eyes being able to capture it.

Blood splattered, and the bodyguard died instantly.

But the blood of the throat and neck of the bodyguard didn't wait for the blood to splash, and the rest of the bodyguards didn't realize that the bodyguard had died in the same second.

Yun Jian covered the bodyguard's throat and laid the bodyguard silently on the ground.

Squatting down, another bodyguard suddenly saw the body of the bodyguard whose throat was chopped by Yun Jian, and was surprised when he came to scream.

Yun Jian lifted his foot high up and put his jaw directly on the bodyguard.

That foot directly caused the bodyguard to bite his tongue. Because of the pain, he couldn't say half a word at all.

But he is a killer anyway, knowing that danger is coming now.

Regardless of his pain, he reached out and took out the pistol from his waist box, the moment he wanted to shoot directly at Yun Jian.

Yun Jian has turned to the side, she came to the bodyguard lightly, and the blade in her hand had been pushed directly into the temple of the bodyguard.

After killing the group of bodyguards, the other three bodyguards all discovered Yunjian's move.

At this moment, the three of them were about to loudly tell Galvin in the hotel that there was a sneak attack, and the moment they started to move towards Yunjian.

The three have just opened their mouths.

The three blades already followed the trajectory as if they knew that the three of them were about to open their mouths, and flew directly into their mouths.


Yun Jian came to the three bodyguards almost instantly.

When Yun Jian turned around and looked at the corner, watching this scene happen in a few seconds, stunned to the pale crowd.

The three bodyguards behind Yun Jian also fell to the ground.

From beginning to end, this process is only 15 seconds!

Yun Jian's skills and movements are coherent!

What even surprised everyone at the scene was that Yun Jian's move seemed to be similar to the professional killer hired by Mr. Midland at the time!

But compared to that professional killer, Yun Jian's coherent killing strategy is really what the top figures in the killer agent world should have!

Who is she!

(End of this chapter)

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