Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2498: Or come out with an annual salary of 10 million

There is a kind of person who, depending on being a relative of you, feels that you are profitable and make money, and you have to help her unconditionally, so that the people in her family become prosperous.

Just like the cousin Zhang Meihua.

Even when saying this, there is a proper tone mixed in it.

This being said, most people are embarrassed to refuse directly.

At that time, Zhang Meihua's cousin, also the old woman, said that she stretched out her hand to pull Yunjian, but she seemed to hold it for Yunjian's sake.

When everyone present at the scene thought that Yun Jian was for the sake of the chairman of Xinqi Company, they would also verbally agree to the unreasonable request of cousin Zhang Meihua.

Yun Jian patted the old woman's hand in public and said mercilessly indifferently:


The two words simply refused, and everyone who heard Yun Jian's words abruptly stunned.

Especially this old lady.

The old lady didn't expect Yun Jian to refuse so simply, she froze.

"Ha ha ha! Plum blossom your granddaughter is a bit temperament! Aihua, don't be mad at you, even if the children can make the company go abroad, making money is awesome, but after all, it's still a child! I don't understand!

Soon after Yunjian's remarks, a middle-aged man in his forties spoke to the old woman with an adult's tone of voice, with a little joke in his words.

Aihua is the name of this old woman, her full name is Ma Aihua.

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, Ma Aihua's expression that had just been held back was restored at this moment.

She and Fang Cai looked at Yun Jian with a smile on her face. This time, she was clever and didn't take Yun Jian's hand, but she did not hear what Fang Cai Yun Jian said, and said again:

"You are the chairman of Xinqi Company, so powerful, take my family Xuan Yi, my family Xuan Yi can do everything, you talk to my family Xuan Yi to say it plainly, cousin!

"It will be a family in the future. Take a moment to dial Xuanyi in my home and make Xuanyi in my home make money like you!"

If Fang Cai's words were straightforward, then Ma Aihua also played relative cards this time.

This is the case in this society.

You are poor and despised, and you have money, and they ca n’t wait to swindle the last drop of blood from you.

No one likes to approach the rich you for nothing, and flatter and praise you unless the other person is purposeful.

Ma Aihua's shameless disposition seems to be justified to those around him.

Yun Jian's refusal is stingy and wrong.

In fact, there are not many old ladies like Ma Aihua. After most people get a rejection response, they will definitely not mention it again.

But Ma Aihua said in a persecution-like tone after getting a response from Yun Jian.

With this remark, some relatives and friends standing around felt Ma Aihua's shame.

"Want me to promote your granddaughter to make a lot of money?" Yun Jian listened to Ma Aihua's repeated words, and made a red arc, contempt.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Ma Aihua really thought that Yun Jian should agree to her request, and she quickly said: "Let my family Xuanyi follow you! Make the same big money with you! She is very smart and not worse than you ! "

This is so confident.

It seems that Yunjian can drive the company abroad, but luck is good.

If she gave equal grand luck to her granddaughter Zhang Xuanyi, her granddaughter Zhang Xuanyi's achievement would not be weaker than her.

"Yes." Just when everyone thought Yun Jian would refuse like before, the sound of Yun Jian's sweet voice suddenly sounded.

At this, everyone was shocked.

But at this moment when everyone was shocked, the female voice that was so cold to the freezing point came out from Yunjian's mouth again.

In that case, listening to the presence of everyone was a shock to the presence:

"Send your granddaughter to the killer organization training for ten years. If she can survive the killer organization, then I will hire her to be my bodyguard with an annual salary of 10 million.

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