Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2514: Call from Shen Ji, Liaoning Province is waiting for you

Long Xinquan was frightened by Yun Jian's words, and his upper body shuddered and shuddered. He sat on the bench with his buttocks and almost shook away from the position and slipped to the ground.

Fortunately, Long Xinyu finally stabilized herself, so she sat down on the bench without shaking, and slipped to the ground.

"Sister Xinyi, what's wrong!" Seeing Long Xinyi's body shaking like a threat, a girl sitting next to Long Xinyi asked.

Long Xinyu seemed to be called back to God, she suddenly returned to God, her eyes blinked and flickered.

Then I looked around and sat next to the table of Long Xinquan, just right where I could look at Long Xinquan. Yun Jian had been wearing a pair of disposable gloves and peeling off the lobster as if nothing had happened. Come.

Even the warning words that Yun Jian said to her just now seemed to have never happened.

This feeling caused Long Xin to feel a little cold on her back, and she swallowed deeply. The crayfish that she had loved was tasteless.

It's terrible, this woman is terrible!

Long Xinyi did not dare to think about Yunjian any more, she closed her eyes fiercely, and never dared to say anything about what happened.

Obviously, no one saw Yun Jian's silent warning to Long Xinyu.

At that time, he ate a large mouthful of crayfish and drew a thumbs up at Yun Jian:

"It is indeed the president of the shrine. The thief is terrible! I see that provincial game last year. If you led the shrine to participate in the game, the first place in the provincial game is your shrine?

"I heard that before this national martial arts competition, people can join in halfway, president of the shrine. Would you like to bring your community to play together?

"I guess that the two hands you just showed, the top three places in the national martial arts competition, can be easily taken down by you."

The tricky battle is also honest.

"Yeah, such a good opportunity for performance, why don't you take part in the competition!" After someone at Zhanwusha heard the tricky battle, he also said something unfortunately for Yunjian.

Facing the questions of the members of the Zhanwu Society, Yun Jian was just a red arc, and she didn't say anything.

Seeing Yun Jian not to mention, Diao Dazhan and others were very clever and didn't press hard.

A horrifying farce, although everyone didn't say it, in fact, they hadn't reacted to the horror just now.

That baby shop is indeed worth visiting. Unlike other baby shops, baby toys in that baby shop, or clothes for babies, are all designed by the owner.

Presumably the two little ones will love it very much.

At night, when she returned to her residence, the goddess, who had been haunted by surprise, called her.

"Hey, I didn't expect it to get through. You guy, actually returned to the agent circle and signed an agreement with the website again.

"006, do you know that after you returned, the low price of my mission dropped directly from 50 million US dollars to 30 million US dollars!

"That's $ 20 million less. Tell me what you want!"

As soon as Shen Ji called Yunjian's phone, she burst into tears.

Listening to this, Yun Jian's red arc micro-hook, she turned the phone in her hand and said swiftly: "What do you want?"

"Fight me fast! I recently developed a few new moves, 006, I will definitely surpass you this time, believe it or not!"

For many years, when Shen Ji, Kuanglong and Moshen were organized from the dark souls, Shen Ji still did not give up her dream of surpassing Yun Jian.

After listening to Shen Ji's words, Yun Jian's red arc slightly smiled slightly, she said:

"Cheng, tomorrow at six o'clock in the evening, at the gate of the Zongliao Global Martial Arts Competition. I will wait for you there and lose."

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