Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2568: She said she was blind and alive

There is a toilet here five kilometers away from the hotel. This toilet is only piled up with stones and looks torn. Although people outside can't see the people in the toilet, the toilet seems to be broken. Will fall.

Yun Jian was standing ten meters away from the toilet at the moment. Under the moonlight that was about to fall, her straight and slender figure was enough to satisfy male desire.

But at this time she stood as if nothing was happening, and suddenly said this sentence out of thin air, the words Jin Jin and the insignificant man hiding in the dark, and Chen Min, including those who came to the toilet together with the gang. The group of women who followed the tour group Z were all stunned.

"Why, what followed you, you, you, don't scare me. There are no people around here in the dark surrounding ..."

One of them pulled her own clothes, her face turned green, and she looked around, showing a frightened voice.

The other women who came with it shivered at Yun Jian's words.

Among a group of people who came here, three or two were men.

And a group of people are from the Z country.

Although it is more than three o'clock in the morning, people from country Z have long heard that there are few toilets in country D, and women go out to the toilet alone, and the probability of being raped is very high.

So these women just called many people in the middle of the night to go to the toilet here five kilometers away.

Several women also pulled their boyfriends or husbands with them.

That is the three or two men standing on the scene.

Yun Jian was only three minutes behind the words. A woman standing next to her husband was holding her man's hand. After a long time, no one was around, and she was not afraid of anything. She replied with a loud voice:

"Where is anyone? Who are you scaring! Please shut your mouth, please! Otherwise, you can go back alone!"

This woman is relying on her husband to protect her, and she is not afraid of people around.

"It's just that there are no noises around you. You shouldn't scare us like this because you are young. We are all old bones and we can't afford to scare."

There was another woman who should reconcile.

As soon as the woman with her husband's arm finished speaking, the rest of the women also reconciled, and all stood on the side of the woman with her husband's arm.

"That's right!"

"Who is it to scare!"

When people are in a dark environment, they will bring a sense of atmosphere.

At this time, all around was gloomy, only the round moon that was about to fall west hangs in the sky.

It is surrounded by woods.

In such a place, it is inevitable that there will be some fear. In addition, the probability of crime in Country D is generally higher.

Therefore, after deciding that Yun Jian was deliberately creating a horror atmosphere, everyone at the scene turned his head towards Yun Jian.

In the dark, the Jin Jin and the worrisome man found were stunned first, and then they turned around lightly and wanted to escape.

They originally intended to appear in the group of old bachelors in Country D. After the women at the scene were subdued, they took advantage of the opportunity.

But they were found!

What is that woman's ear strength!

Jin Jin and the insignificant man turned around lightly and wanted to leave.

However, just as the tight and insignificant man turned around and wanted to leave, all women blamed Yun Jian for the moment.


Then Yun Jian, who was standing in place, raised her hand slightly, and the three knives were caught in the gap between her fingers.

She didn't even look at her eyes, and threw her blade in the dark.

No one saw it in the night, and three blades 嗖 嗖 nailed Jin Jin and the wretched man who wanted to run away and put a thick tree trunk.

At this moment in the night, Jin Jin and the insignificant male had a guilty conscience that they did bad things. Then suddenly they saw three blades flying over their sides and pierced into the trunk. The blades that appeared suddenly seemed like ghosts.

The two were screaming in horror under the eyes of everyone, tumbling to where Yun Jian and his party were, and crawling and rolling as they shouted, "Ghost Ghost! Ghost! Hell! Hell !!!"

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