Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2576: Mother Zhou Ran, sister Yun Yan

Most of the people in the slums live a life of hunger and hunger, and even here they can have a good meal and are satisfied.

Standing in this dilapidated low-rise building that was only two stories high, Yun Jian looked at the middle-aged woman in a linen cloth with rags on her clothes, and a gleam of coldness flashed under her eyes.

The women bypassed the back of the burning stove fire, pressed their hands to the waist, slowly bent down, picked up a wood fire and stuffed it into the stove fire, then went back to the place and continued to cook the rice with only a few green vegetables.

The interior was shabby and dim, and crunching sounds were made when people stepped on the floor, giving the illusion that they could step on the air at any time.

"Little girl, let, let, let!" Just outside Yunjian's door, looking at this humble house that was not closed, her eyes flickered, and when she stood still, she couldn't move, there was an old lady's voice.

The old lady gently pushed away Yunjian, and quickly Yunjian rushed into the house, opening her mouth to the middle-aged woman who was cooking:

"Dye! Your daughter is fighting with someone! Just at the Simon's Market! Some adults can't stop it! This girl! Fight with a man! Come and see!"

The middle-aged woman is different from Qin Yirou at the beginning. Her face is thin, and her hands are almost free of flesh. The skin on her face is full of yellow spots.

But vaguely, when she was young, she was also a big beauty.

Middle-aged woman with surname Zhou Mingran.

Boat dye.

Zhou Ran listened to the old lady's words, her hands were stunned, and "snapped", and the old spoon she used for cooking fell to the ground.

"Aunt Wang, please help me put out the fire in the stove, and I'll rush over!" Zhou Ran said to the old lady, and she went out anxiously.

Zhou Ran's face carried a sorrow that could not be washed, which was from the depths of the soul, with many years of sorrow and heart knot.

Zhou Ran quickly ran out of the house, but the moment she ran out of the house, she accidentally glanced at Yun Jian.

Eyes on ...

With only one glance, Zhou Ran paused. She stared at Yun Jian, but the steps that should have been taken under her feet could no longer be taken a half step.

"Dye! I'm stubborn! What should you do if your girlfriend is going to be too late! This little girl doesn't know who to come for, I will entertain you here! Hurry up!"

The old lady whom Zhou Ran called Aunt Wang rushed, and Zhou Ran finally glanced at Yun Jian, and rushed out with her steps.

Fifteen years.

Yun Jian was convicted at the age of five and joined the Dark Soul organization. Yun Jian is 19 years old this year, but the actual age is already 20.

She can't remember the birth in her previous life, and cares carefully about what her parents looked like, but at the moment when she and Zhou Ran looked at each other, the blood erupting in her body told Yun Jian that she was her previous life's mother.

After Zhou Ran left, the old lady looked up and just wanted to ask Yun Jian who she was looking for.

But the old lady looked up and disappeared.

Simon's Market.

Zhou Ran almost fell because she ran too fast, and she quickly stood up and supported the ground. Her knees were rubbed hard by the ground, but she ignored the pain in her knees and rushed to the Ximen Market.

"What did you say !? You say it again! My sister will be back! And my brother will be back! You are not allowed to say this to my mother! My mother is not a broom star!"

At the entrance of the vegetable market, a girl with a height of one meter and a short short hair clenched her fists and fought while fighting with four or five boys.

At first it was the girl who prevailed, but then four or five boys joined forces to suppress the girl.

This young girl is also Zhou Ran's daughter, Yun Yun. She is the sister of Yun Jian's previous life! Only two years younger than Yun Jian's previous body.

That is one year younger than Yun Jian's physical body, which is eighteen.

After Yun Jian was abducted, Zhou Ran's mother-in-law forced Zhou Ran to regenerate her child when Zhou Ran was heartbroken.

Zhou Ran couldn't beat, and gave birth to Yun Yan.

Zhou Ran's mother-in-law saw that Zhou Ran gave birth to another baby girl, and immediately forced Zhou Ran to continue giving birth.

As a result, a child could not be born for several years.

In the end, a boy was born, and that boy was Yunzhu.

But when Yunzhu was eight years old, he was abducted for no reason, Zhou Ran's mother-in-law cried, cried, and made three hangs, forcing Zhou Ran and Yun Jian's previous father to divorce. Yun Jian's father Yun Yun refused.

In the end, Zhou Ran's mother-in-law attempted suicide by taking sleeping pills, and Yun Ni compromised and gave up his wife.

In these years, Yun Ni and Zhou Ran have never given up searching for Yunjian and Xiaoyun Bamboo.

At this moment, Yun Yan is being ridiculed by these boys, she scolds and fights back.

When Zhou Ran rushed here, the boys were going to take turns throwing a cloud and slapping in public.

"No! Keep your heart open and don't talk to her in general! Hit me if you want to fight!" Zhou Ran rushed over.

As Zhou Ran rushed over there, she suddenly felt a figure flashing countless times faster than herself.

The next second the figure suddenly came to a few boys. One boy in front of him was about to slap his hands on Yun Yan's face and reached out to grab the boy's wrist.

Then, the sound of a broken wrist bone spread through the audience:

"Ka-K-K ---"

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