Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2585: Can recognize it by feeling

If everyone said the words "Pistol was taken from a foreigner" just now, everyone in Muzixi said that the pistol was from a foreigner, it must be foreign man-made, and it would not be taken. Words similar to the model name of the country Z pistol.

Then what Muzixi said behind him was like a giant slap, which gave everyone who had questioned Yunjian a loud slap.

"What? What are you talking about, boy? You repeat it for us!" Muzixi listened to his buddy, his face suddenly changed, he looked at his buddy and said aloud.

Muzixi buddy crossed a huge question mark in his heart. He frowned slightly, sweeping his eyes across the scene as if he didn't understand, he froze, and then said:

"I said that the model of this gun is Type 64 ... A pistol developed by Country Z? Why? Am I wrong?"

After the words of Muzixi buddies fell down, Muzixi has jumped off the steps and walked towards Yunjian. At the same time, a few words were also lightly transmitted from Yunkou to Mujian:

"I'm going! You really know guns! Niuyuhe! Just look at these dozens of parts and you can recognize the gun model! I almost thought you were in the army!"

Muzixi's words fell behind, and his brother finally knew what was going on.

The brothers of Muzixi also looked at Yun Jian with a look of shock, and spoke to Yun Jian in front of the people who were shaking around:

"I have studied in depth guns for so many years. This gun is scattered. I have not been able to identify the type of gun at a glance. Could you ask me, how did you recognize the gun at a glance?"

Muzixi's brother is named Jing Cheng. He is a very casual person. He usually doesn't like to deal with people besides knowing what he likes. If people are asked questions in public, they will blush.

Now listening to Muzixi's words, knowing that Yun Jian actually recognized the types of pistols that had been scattered to different parts at a glance, Jing Cheng immediately became interested, and rushed to Yun Jian to ask questions.

In fact, not only did everyone around you want to know about this problem, but even Yun Yun was full of doubts.

Her sister Yun Jian, what has she encountered in the past 15 years?

"She guessed it by chance?" Wan Youyou still didn't believe it, she glanced at Yunjian, silent for two seconds, and made a noise.

Sure enough, after Wan You's remarks ended, Yun Jian said, "Feel."

Did you recognize the model of this pistol?

This is a good point to recognize the pistol by feeling, but to say something awkward, isn't it just a coincidence?

Wan Youyou spread out her hands and made a look like `` Look at the facts ''.

People live in the poorest slums in Quzhou. Wanyou is also a frog at the bottom of the well. She doesn't know pistols, and naturally doesn't know that there are many types of pistols in the world.

People who do n’t understand pistols, if you want to blindly go against a type of pistol, it is simply a nightmare.

If you do n’t understand the pistol one day, then congratulations, you can immediately go to buy a lottery prize of 5 million.

"Coincidentally? You don't know how many pistols there are in this world!" Jing Cheng argued Wanyou.

Later, when Wanyou's face changed, he asked Yunjian again: "How do you use your feelings to identify the pistol model? Can you teach me?"

Jing Cheng spoke to Yun Jian again, and he has changed from the "you" to "you ...".

After knowing what Jing Cheng said, Yun Jian patted himself on the steps and dusted his pants. He pulled Yun Yuan and walked down the steps.

Everyone thought that Yun Jian didn't plan to ignore Jing Cheng, so he left.

But when Yun Jian was halfway there, she turned abruptly, and those glamorous eyes flashed sharply, but left Jing Cheng with only a sentence that made everyone in the audience seem to understand, but trembled:

"When you have to hold a variety of firearms in your hand one day, when fighting against the enemy, the type of firearms, you will naturally recognize it by feeling."

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