Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2629: Cloud note camouflage, scramble for plan

Suddenly listening to Yun Jian's self-declaration of identity, this group of seniors on the International Agent Killer website shrank their pupils and flashed an unnatural surprise.

"Ji Shen !?" The total boss gave a glance at Yun Jian, and asked with a very unnatural look.

Although the international agent killer website is a communication platform that is directly tied to the agent killer in some way, they do not know any agent or killer who receives the task assigned by the employer on their website.

Agents and killers are a high-risk occupation.

Sometimes you just see each other and you put yourself in a dangerous situation.

The international agent killer website is a platform for employers and agent killers to know and trade.

The staff of the website, including senior staff, are the boss and the group of people standing behind the boss.

All rely on earning Agent Killers to take over tasks from the International Agent Killer website and divide the money into income.

In other words, the more tasks the Agent Killer takes on the website, the greater the reward for the task, and the more they earn.

As the world ’s number one agent in the ranking of the agents, although the total amount of BOSS people received a small amount of money on Yunjian, they can start a task like Yunjian for a hundred million dollars, even if they get a 0.1% share, The international agent killer website is also making a lot of money.

So for the international agent killer website, Yunjian is undoubtedly the biggest predator of the entire website.

"Cough!" But the boss quickly reacted. He coughed, looked at Yun Jian, and immediately sang Yun Jian with the most standard posture. His attitude was extremely respectful:

"Are you looking for us, what do you need to tell yourself?"

Country J, the capital, the downtown area, the bar is bright.

The colorful lights in the bar are so strange that people's eyes are blurred.

People fluttering in the flashing lights, like stimulants, shaking their heads frantically, jumping and cheering.

Among the crowd, no one noticed that a 19-year-old girl from the country's flower season Z carried two bottles of spirits prepared by the dispenser and walked to the corner of the bar.

At this corner of the bar, there are a dozen adult men in their thirties and forties, all with creepy tattoos engraved on their hands, face, or skin exposed outside the vest.

The girl with strong liquor came here.

These dozens of adult men in their thirties and forties are still talking openly.

"Brother, when are we going to do it!" One of them, a young man in his twenties who looked frizzy, hugged a 20-year-old enchanting woman sitting on his lap, engraved in front of a chest across. The tattooed man spoke.

"What's urgent! It's ours, it must be ours! The goddess of the goddess is dead. In this world, in addition to the mad dragon organized from the dark soul with the godess of the goddess, there are several hidden people For many years, no one will show up because of this little thing, and no one has the ability to compete with us! "

The middle-aged man who is said to be the elder brother is holding a cigarette in his mouth, and two beautiful women in his left and right hands.

Talking, the middle-aged man patted the bottom of the blonde sitting on his right side, half-stretched, squinting:

"And I just greeted the people on the international agent killer website. This time, in the name of Shen Ji, we joined hands to seize it! Believe me, this is something you can easily get!"

Speaking, the middle-aged man reached out and grabbed the chests of the beauties on the left and right, with no expression on his face: "You guys are not new here anyway? It's always these goods, nothing new"

At the moment when the middle-aged man frowned, he suddenly saw a nineteen-year-old young girl came over with two bottles of spirits. If the girl spit out, the middle-aged man swallowed hard in his throat:

"Excuse me, this is the whiskey ordered by the gentlemen. Do you need to put the wine into the glass for the gentlemen?"

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