Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2667: Follow her until she is dead (The finale 16 [中])

No matter why Liu Shiyun changed from an ordinary person to a mysterious person who would put her to death everywhere.

She Yunjian said that she never accepted any betrayal with her.

Regardless of anyone.

Deal with her Yunjian, kill!

If anyone commits a crime and kills a hundred, even the closest person will do the same.

She Yunjian is not a good person, let alone juxtapose her with good people.

Bloodthirsty is king.

Killing, war, and hegemony, this is her world!

Because in this world, she can find the value of her survival!

She, the king, has always been!

Nor was anyone allowed to stand in front of her, arrogant.

If so, lore!

She's the king, and you can't change your family name or name.

"Liu Shiyun? Captain? What's going on?" The five of Chu Ning trembled suddenly when they heard Yun Jian's words.

All the fools could see that Yun Jian and the mysterious man standing in front of him covered with black robes all over his body had the blood feud of ‘either you die or I live’.

"So, where did the captain go?" Chu Xiangnan's crooked mind was wondering for a while.

Everyone was puzzled.

"Hehehe!" At this time, the mysterious man standing in front of Yunjian stopped loading, and he tore off his black robe that had never been shown for so many years, exposing the familiar and strange one. Face.

The mysterious man is indeed Liu Shiyun, no doubt, but compared with Liu Shiyun in his twenties, now he is a bit more mature from the future.

That look is not bad. The face of the middle-aged person is in stark contrast to Liu Shiyun, who is young.

Liu Shiyun, a mysterious man from the future world, looks at his appearance. In addition to being mature and older than the current Liu Shiyun, his appearance is a little darker.

It's kind of dark and dull with Yintang black.

One thing we can know is that Liu Shiyun in 2004 has not yet become a mysterious person who will never be forgiven in the future.

The bad is just the future of him.

This can not help but let Yun Jian have a hint of inquiry into what happened to Liu Shiyun in the future.

"team leader!?"

"No! That's not the captain ... he looks older than the captain ..."

After seeing the appearance of the mysterious people, several members of the King's squad showed their horror.

At the moment, everyone in the audience, including everyone in Yunmen, Zhou Yan, Muzixi, and Zhangmenhua and other Longmen City, Mo Bufan, and other students from Jiangcheng University, but everyone who has contacted Yunjian just wondered: What does Yunjian call himself the Witch God of Yulong Continent?

But without waiting for everyone to think about it, the mysterious man took a big step forward. When he raised his hand, several large bottles of 10,000 times potion really appeared on his hand.

Open your mouth and swallow your stomach without waiting for everyone to respond.

"Don't talk nonsense, come on! Let me see what you have, how lonely you are to challenge me!" The mysterious man walked towards Yunjian with a somber face.

Si Yi has no idea when, standing side by side with Yun Jian on the concrete pipe, holding her hand firmly.

But as soon as the mysterious man came this way, a loud voice came from the crowd:

"Yun Jian is not alone. I Zhang Zhifan once chose to follow her, and she will be under her control all her life! Until death! Because I am her strongest shield!"

What came out was Zhang Zhifan, the president of Xinkai, which managed Yunjian for Yunjian.

Zhang Zhifan, after speaking, stood behind Yun Jian. Among the thousands of people on the scene, someone immediately saw Zhang Zhifan's appearance and recognized Zhang Zhifan at a glance.

"Zhang ... Zhang Zhifan! Zhang Zhifan, president of Xinqi Company, is under Yunjian !? Isn't Yunjian the company of Xinqi ..." Chairman! Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

In this case, Ben did not know Yun Jian's identity, and everyone who already knew Yun Jian's identity trembled at the origin.

New start company! The company has been promoted to the whole world, becoming the leading brand of country Z today, and even a solid international brand!

"That's right! One of my most proud things in Xu Zetian's life is to follow her Yunjian! Falcon Hall, because of her! I will always follow that woman named Luocha! Always! "

After Zhang Zhifan stood up, a magnificent and firm sound resounded.

Everyone saw, a figure came out again in the crowd.

This man, with the heroic aura of the gang boss, was in front of Yun Jian, and he was willing to show weakness!

Xu Zetian, the head of the largest gang boss, Raksha, in country Z!

The crowd rose again, and some people even forgot the battle in front of them. In the most panic tone of their lives, they shouted loudly throughout the audience, shaking the audience's voice:

"Xin Kai Company ... Falcon Hall! ... She Yunjian is both the chairman of Xin Kai Company and Falcon Hall, the boss of the legendary Falcon Hall, Rakshasa !!!!!! "

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