Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2676: Soaring towards the blue, freedom (final ending 6 [below])

This is a mysterious person, that is, the woman Liu Shiyun will fall in love with in the future.

This woman who was simply looking at only sixteen or seventeen years old, with a beautiful face and a delicate voice, could not help sinking into her wonderful singing voice.

However, such an angelic woman accidentally ruined Liu Shiyun's life, let Liu Shiyun be enchanted, and revenge madly.

"Sister Yunjian, I'm sorry, I killed you. I never thought he would be so attached to me. Maybe my birth was a tragedy."

The woman who was deeply loved by Liu Shiyun, looked at Yun Jian with this phantom, put her hands behind her waist, and showed an apologetic smile towards Yun Jian.

The words that come out of a woman's mouth are as pure as her wonderful singing voice, bringing everyone an unforgettable experience.

"By the way, sister Yunjian, you don't seem to know me now. Then, to reiterate, my name is Xiang Weilan. My dream is that one day, I will be as pure as the clouds flying in the blue sky."

Introduce yourself to Zhao Yunjian, who is smiling and happy on the blue.

Laughing and smiling, turning to Wei Lan, reaching out to the mysterious person, that is, the future Liu Shiyun:

"Shi Yun, we should go and go to a place where no one knows us. This time, I don't want to let go of your hand again. I want to be as pure and flawless as the clouds in this sky, even if I'm dirty and unacceptable , Just like you once said.

"I'm the purest person in the world. I believe in you. I don't want to let go of your hands in the future."

The mysterious man's phantom Ben held his head, squatted on the ground, and listened to Xiang Weilan's words. He slowly put down his ears covering his sides, and slowly stood up.

The moment you put that hand in the palm of Xiang blue, the two hands that can never be held together again, the posture of the mysterious man stood slowly towards Xiang blue.

The wind blew through the place again, with a thick fragrance.

I don't know where the dandelion from the blowing Buddha lingers on the side of Xiang Lan and the mysterious person.

The figures of Xiang Weilan and the mysterious man, lingering under the dandelion, gradually dissipated, and finally turned into two ordinary to no longer ordinary dandelions. With the dandelions floating in the sky, they flew to the blue sky.

To the blue, she yearned for the blue sky, and she did it.

She told herself that she could be as white as the clouds floating in the sky in the future.

The story about Xiang Weilan and Liu Shiyun in the future was learned by Yun Jian from a notebook left by Liu Shiyun in 2004.

Liu Shiyun has always been in the habit of writing notes.

From the note left by Liu Shiyun, Yun Jian learned that the future Liu Shiyun had found the current Liu Shiyun early and told him everything that happened in the future.

Xiang Weilan is a prostitute. When Liu Shiyun met her in the future, she sang in the bar.

That crisp and beautiful singing voice attracted Liu Shiyun.

Xiang Weilan also liked Liu Shiyun, who took good care of herself, but she did not dare to tell Liu Shiyun of her low status.

She was dirty, so dirty, she even hated herself.

But in order to survive, to eat a bite, to survive, she betrayed herself.

Later, Shi-Yun Liu discovered her past and did not dislike her, but she disliked herself.

Later, Xiang Weilan refused to accept customers for life or death for Liu Shiyun, which provoked the big man and was beaten countless times.

She was afraid of persecution of Liu Shiyun, so she left Liu Shiyun in the name of betrayal, and pleaded with Yun Yun in the future that if she passed away, don't save her.

Because of this kind of self, he can no longer face Liu Shiyun.

Later, Wei Lan died and was raped and killed by the group of dignitaries.

Liu Shiyun knew that Yun Jian had superb medical skills, and pleaded with Yu Lan to ask Yun Jian for treatment, but Yun Jian was cruelly rejected.

Men in love are usually irrational, so he hates Yun Jian and feels that Yun Jian is intentional.

The name Xiang Weilan was obtained by Xiang Lan herself. She hopes that one day, she can soar towards the blue sky, as white and flawless as the clouds floating in the sky, and as clean as her singing song.

She did it.

Soaring towards the blue sky, she did it.

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