Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2684: Engagement ceremony, Yunjian debut (Final ending 13 [below])

Yuan Zhen's sudden confession suddenly startled all the people around him.

Even the traveling style has never thought of it. He has always been by his side, always focusing on major events. At first, even the women she knew fell in front of him, he could watch the other person Yuan Yuan who was beaten to death by the others. .

He would say such a hot word!

Xingfeng originally thought that Yuan Zhen had some differences with Yeats.

I thought Yuan Zhen would say something to Yeats for more than ten years.

But I didn't expect to get married as a wife!

"Cough!" Xing Feng put his fist to his mouth, coughed gently, and unnaturally shouted a sneaky aunt smiling.

Ye Zhi was timid at first. She was a puppet created by a mysterious person to deal with Yun Jian. It was originally an existence that was not recognized by the world.

But suddenly everyone was confessed by Yuan Zhen in front of everyone, Yeats was completely caught off guard.

His wrist was pulled tightly by Yuan Zhen, and his eyes stared at her face, as if she would swallow her big python if she dared to refuse.

Ye Zhi slammed a shudder, turned to look at Yun Jian, asking for help: "Sister Yun Jian ..."

"Follow your own heart. If you wish, we will see you in more than ten years." Yun Jian's red arc stunned gently, grabbing Ye Zhi to export.

"Follow her own heart ..." Ye Zhi put another hand that was not held by Yuan Zhen gently on her heart, and she closed her eyes.

After quietly meditating for a few minutes, Ye Zhi finally opened his eyes and looked at Yun Jian: "Sister Yun Jian, can I see you again when I leave?"

"Yes." Yun Jian nodded.

Ye Zhi went to the future, which is equivalent to spanning more than ten years, came directly to the future, and naturally can meet the future Yunjian.

But for Yunjian and others, it will be more than ten years later to encounter Yeats who have crossed into the future.

As soon as I left, I could see Yunjian. Yeats agreed decisively: "Well, I ..."

"The gate of time and space will soon dissipate, and it will be too late if you don't leave." Xing Feng felt it with his spiritual power and frowned.

Yuan Zhen heard this, grabbed Ye Zhi's hand, and walked into the forest of time and space.

"Father, mother, ladies and gentlemen, we will see you in the future!" Xingfeng showed a handsome smile with a few smiles, and he nodded to the crowd, then turned to follow Yuan Zhen's pace and trot to catch up.

After sending away the three of Feng Xing, Yuan Zhen and Ye Zhi, Yun Jian returned to normal life.

But after this, Yunjian has one very important thing to do.

A month later.

Longmen City, Chen Family.

Chen Xinyi has been locked up at home by her father for several days, and especially today, it's hard for her to die.

Because this afternoon, Zhang Shaofeng will be engaged to a lady Qian Qian who hasn't met for half a year.

Zhang Shaofeng's family and Chen Xinyi's family discovered that they were in love.

Cousins ​​and sisters are in love, which is incredibly incestuous.

Chen Xinyi was imprisoned at home, and she was impatient. Just when Chen Xinyi was anxious to smash her head, she suddenly threw a sachet outside the window.

She snapped, then quickly unwrapped the sachet and took out the contents.

When she saw the familiar words and the key contained in the sachet, Chen Xinyi was glad.

is her! It's Yunjian!

A luxurious five-star hotel in Longmen.

Zhang Shaofeng was forced by her parents to change into the groom's clothes for engagement.

The engagement banquet is being held.

Zhang Shaofeng's father, Zhang Zhang dragged Zhang Shaofeng, stood in the center of the hotel, and toasted with the woman's father, Guo Hong, "Dear family, we will be a family in the future, so we can do more in the future!"

"That is necessary!" Guo Hong smiled and touched Zhang Zhang's glass with a smile.

The two drank each other.

Zhang Shaofeng stood and rolled her eyes.

He wouldn't have come here if his mother hadn't moved his knife around his neck to get him to change clothes.

Standing next to Guo Hong was a shy glance at the girl who looked at Zhang Shaofeng.

The girl Guo Youting was the object of this engagement with Zhang Shaofeng.

It can be seen that, if it was not for rushing to cut off the relationship between Zhang Shaofeng and Chen Xinyi, Zhang Shaofeng's father would not have made Zhang Shaofeng so eager to make a marriage.

"Oh, thank you for your friends and relatives here. Today is my child's engagement banquet with Miss Guo's Guo Youting. Thank you for joining us. Then the engagement ceremony will begin ..."

Father Zhang squinted and opened his eyes.

But as soon as this was said, a crisp and sweet female voice suddenly sounded: "Slow!"

The sound suddenly sounded, and everyone was shocked.

this is? Like in the TV series, someone robs you?

Everyone is amazed.

But at the moment when everyone thought like that, the second floor suddenly jumped down and fell a figure.

The figure jumped off the second floor, and the action was a shock to everyone around him.

Zhang Shaofeng saw this, his eyes brightened.

But I saw Yun Jian standing suddenly in front of the crowd, looking at Zhang Shaofeng standing in front of the engagement ceremony.

"Why did your kid get engaged and not invite your master to me? Uh?"

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