Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 827: Ready to go, someone coming in

In the morning, when Ge Junjian said that he was going out for a picnic, Xiao Yunzhu's three children were helpless.

At this moment, Xiao Yunzhu, Duan Li, and Duan Ya had already carried their exquisite schoolbags, and stood by the stairs and watched Qin Yirou and Ge Junjian packing up barbecue appliances.

"No, how can this be, you guys have to go out for a picnic, you are not allowed to be with me? Just straighten me out!" When Yun Jian and Si Yi had just reached the stairs, they heard a sound from the floor. The irritable male voice does not need to be heard to know that it is Adam.

"You're seriously injured. It's not good for you to eat barbecue. Can you hold back without eating? So you can't go." Moson's voice came later.

Adam looks normal and normal, in fact, in front of food, he really has no control.

"Fuck! This is the rhythm of throwing me alone at home? Morson, you," Adam's voice slowly raised, and then he fell again, listening more like he turned and said to another person: "Xueying, can you justify me? Is there such a thing as Mosen? Is it good to be blessed with happiness?"

Snow Eagle smiled slightly, his voice with a slightly depressed smile: "It's done, who can't let you be beaten and people get hurt like this, I look at you obediently, haha."

"It's not because of Lan Su's girl ..." Adam said angrily.

Upstairs, the three Adams just said here, and Yun Jian standing downstairs saw that Lan Su, who had returned from the gate, was already standing at the stairs and was going upstairs.

"Yunjian." As soon as Lan Su returned from the outside, she shouted at Yunjian just as soon as she returned.

"Um." Yun Jian nodded, smiling slightly.

Lan Su naturally also heard the conversation of the three Adam upstairs.

At this moment, Lan Su stepped upstairs, and Yun Jian and Si Yi walked slowly behind Lan Su.

As soon as they were upstairs, the three Adams standing by the stairs on the second floor were faint.

"I'm going, dead girl, why didn't you say a word when you came up?" Adam was still talking about Lan Su, but when he saw Lan Su coming downstairs, he made a swear word.

Lan Su glanced at Adam obliquely, and then she passed over Adam and planned to walk to her room.

Adam swallowed, and when he thought that Lan Su was angry, he heard Lan Su turn his head and said to Adam, "I won't follow the picnic, I will stay with you at home."

This can be regarded as a little compensation for Adam. After all, Adam was injured because of himself. If he followed the picnic, he would leave Adam at home, and it would be uncomfortable for anyone.

"No, **** girl, you don't mean that to me." Adam thought that Lan Su was angry. He reached out and touched his head impatiently, and then said something out of mouth: "I don't want you to stay at home. , Who wants you to stay with me! I'm annoying to see you! "

With that said, Adam turned around as if to leave in a hurry.

"The two guys are really entangled!" Xueying couldn't help laughing, then he walked to Si Yi, and shouted "Little Master" in a happy mood.

"It's time to go, hurry downstairs!" Qin Yirou shouted downstairs and upstairs.

Qin Yirou had just shouted this sentence, and the door knocked loudly.

The door was not closed, but the knocker outside the door knocked on the door symbolically.

"Is someone there?" Someone glanced in.

When this person saw Qin Yirou inside the room, he even took a few people into the room with a careless expression.

"Table ... cousin?" Qin Yirou was surprised when he saw the man who came in.

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