Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 852: Encountered again, borrowed salt girl

Among the students participating in this competition, in addition to junior high school students, there will also be high school students.

However, Yun Jian had previously heard that the head teacher said that junior high school students only compete with junior high school students, and high school students only compete with high school students.

The two are irrelevant, and even the venues for foreign language competitions are not in the same place.

Yun Jian is a day student and she goes home every day.

She guessed that today's occasion, my brother Yun Yi will definitely come. Because Yun Yi is a resident student, Yun Jian hasn't seen Yun Yi from weekend to Wednesday, so I didn't have the opportunity to ask if he would come to participate in the competition today.

In addition, today's foreign language competition junior high school and high school are not in the same place, so Yun Jian does not know if he will meet Yun Yi today.

"Here, the classmates get off the bus in order. Don't worry when you get off. Walk slowly one by one. Don't push or crowd." When the destination was reached, the female teacher who managed the order just said again.

The big bus takes students directly to the gate of the foreign language middle school.

Looking at the large plaque standing in front of the school of foreign language middle school, everyone realized that they had come to the gate of foreign language middle school.

Directly in front of it, four large stone carvings are engraved on the large floor plaque: Foreign Language Middle School.

"Classmates follow me, there is no need to line up." The female teacher who manages the order is standing under the car, and she is arranging in order.

Only three students in the Yunjian class participated in today's foreign language competition. In addition to Yunjian himself, the other two students were girls.

And the two girls are good to each other, and they usually do not greet or socialize with Yun Jian.

So after Yun Jian got out of the car, he stood alone.

The people around were walking together, and students of this age rarely went alone alone.

Some students even think that they are walking alone, and it is shameful, as if they have no friends.

However, this situation will never happen to Yun Jian.

Yun Jian's own temperament is very good, even if she stands silently in place, people around her will be attracted to her.

At this moment, Yun Jian was inserting her hands into the trousers pocket, and she stood idly in place, and the thumbs of both hands also hung on the side of the trousers pocket.

At this moment, the early morning sun was slightly rising, and it was shining obliquely down Yunyun's side.

No matter from which point of view, Yunjian at this moment is like a beauty bathed in the sun, but Yunjian at this moment has a touch of strangeness, which also makes people present blink unconsciously.

After the female teacher counted the number, she led everyone into the foreign language middle school and ran directly to the venue of the competition-the middle school of the foreign language middle school.

Yun Jian followed the procession of everyone.

Until coming to the field of competition, the talents were a bit surprised by the lineup in front of them.

The people standing in front can be regarded as crowds.

After all, all the students who have a good level of oral English in junior and middle schools in Longmen City have gathered here.

Of course, this is only for junior high school students, as for the venue of high school students, it is another.

Yun Jian plans to wait for himself to finish the game, then go to the high school venue to see if he can find Yun Yi.

When Yun Jian first thought about it, a surprised female voice came from her left: "Hey, are you, did you come to the competition?"

On hearing that, Yun Jian's eyelids jumped slightly, and she turned to look.

However, I just saw Ning Lanlan, a girl who borrowed salt, while I was grilling on the edge of the Ni Longjiang River last weekend.

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