Pete is an international thief. His level of stealing is not high. His flexible skills can be regarded as the top international presence.

It can be said that since his debut, he has only been stolen twice.

And both times because of Yunjian!

One was because of Yun Jian from the previous life, and the other was the theft of antiques from Zhejiang Province not long ago.

On both occasions, Yun Jian recovered the stolen goods. Pete promised his employer to guarantee that the goods could be stolen. His employer paid a deposit.

Because of these two times Yunjian made trouble, Pete not only failed to complete the task, he also lost ten times the liquidated damages of the employer!

Ten times the liquidated damages amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars!

So now for Peter, the scariest thing in his life is not meeting ghosts, but meeting Yunjian!

So as soon as he saw Yunjian, Pete wanted to slip away.

He never dreamed that he would meet Yunjian here, it felt even more terrifying than being caught by the teacher at the beginning of class!

"Are you doing bad things again?" Yun Jian narrowed her eyes, she looked at Pete, holding her chest with both hands, and the relaxed and indifferent gesture made her heart shrink.

"No! How can I, I dare me!" Pete spoke fluently in Chinese, but it is not difficult to see that Pete is a half-breed.

It is estimated that one of Pete's parents is a Z national.

"Aunt Grandma, let me go. I have the old and the young and I have to feed myself. I didn't do anything bad this time. You can do it. Don't hold me up or not?"

Pete was scared of Yun Jian's realm. He took a bite from his aunt and yelled at Yun Jian.

In fact, Yun Jian didn't come to Pete for trouble at all. She just saw Pete here, and there was some surprise in her heart, so she wanted to say hello.

As a result, she didn't expect that Pitt was avoiding herself like a plague, so Yun Jian was so upset that she called Pitt.

"Xiao Jian, is this?" At this moment, several people from Yun Yi followed Yun Jian and came here. They looked at the scene in surprise and were shocked.

"Old friend." Yun Jian said easily.

"My mother-in-law, auntie, I dare not be friends with you!" Pete was outspoken, he made an exaggerated move, the expression of fear of Yun Jian was exaggerated and funny.

Why are you so afraid of Yunjian? Is Yunjian not a river beast?

Not only Yun Yi and Xu Hao Zhe were shocked, Ning Lanlan, Xiao Zhiming, especially Shan Zihao could not be shocked anymore.

If Yunjian looks so scary and scary, then ...

The people present had just thought of this, but only saw President Zhang heading to Yunjian, and then President Zhang paused before speaking to Yunjian:

"This classmate, I don't know which school you are, but I can assure you that Mr. Pete is really not a bad guy.

"I am not only the principal of a foreign language middle school, but also the president of the Longmen Charity, and the president of the Huien Orphanage.

"Too many children in this world are suffering from despair and painful setbacks. They are orphans, helpless, and some can't even get enough food and clothing for three meals a day.

"We have adopted a large number of such children in the orphanage of Hui En. The children have no financial resources, and even food and clothing are a problem.

"However, in recent years, Mr. Pete has brought a large amount of charity to our orphanage every month to help the children grow up, and we and the children thank him very much!

"So he must not be a bad guy!"

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