Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 873: Could it be her, the legend says

Yun Jian came here not to dig for Pete, she came to watch Yun Yi's game.

What's more, Yun Jian didn't know that Pete would be here at first.

But Yun Jian himself didn't expect it, so he dug up Peter.

But I have to say that she was really worth it this time!

After all, Pete is an international thief, and it is also one of the best people in the world. Just like Pete, he can join the ancient mercenary regiment.

After all, the old guys have now been destroyed, and at this juncture, expanding the strength of the ancient killing mercenary regiment is a path that Yun Jian must take now.

"The game has begun!" Ning Lanlan said to Yun Jian with excitement.

Of course, the excitement in her words was not because the game was about to start, but because Xiao Zhiming was next to her.

Ning Lanlan was pulled by Yunjian to watch Yunyi's game. As Xiao Zhiming, Ning Lanlan's senior, naturally he would not go away.

Yun Jian could also feel Ning Lanlan's admiration for Xiao Zhiming, so she didn't say anything.

After Xiao Zhiming followed, Shan Zihao also followed.

For Xiao Zhiming, Yun Jian might not be annoying, but for Shan Zihao, Yun Jian did not like to see him.

However, since people came up cheekily, Yun Jian couldn't help it.

Pete stupidly stood still. He thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure out the relationship between Yunjian and the ancient mercenary regiment.

I have to say that Pete was a bit slow. After thinking about it for a long time, Pete suddenly remembered.

Yun Jian asked him to report to the ancient killing mercenary regiment, which meant to pull him into the ancient killing mercenary regiment.

However Yun Yun asked him to find the snake ...

The snake lizard is the head of the ancient killing mercenary regiment! What does Yun Jian mean when he asks him to find a snake lizard?

Pete held his forehead with both hands, he shook his head and couldn't stop thinking.

What is the relationship ...

Yun Jian can let him go to the ancient killing mercenary regiment, it means that her position in the ancient killing mercenary regiment is definitely not low, but if he can instruct the leader of the ancient killing mercenary regiment to work, it means that her identity is better than The snake lizard is even taller.

If Yun Jian's identity is higher than the snake lizard, then there is only one possibility ...

Then she is ...

Pete had just thought of it, and he covered his mouth suddenly, his eyes widening in horror.

Could it be that she is the one in the legend! !! !!

Just when Pete thought about it, several people, Yun Jian and Ning Lanlan, had already come to the game.

The game field has begun to cheer, the fierce meaning on that field is not lower than that of junior middle school.

Although there are more people in junior middle school than high school.

Yun Jian rushed up from the crowd, and at first glance she saw Yun Yi in the distance.

Yun Yi and Xu Hao Zhe, both of them are handsome, tall boys, so Yun Jian can see them both at a glance.

When Yun Jian came over, Xu Hao Zhe saw her first. Xu Hao Zhe was right next to Yun Yi. When she saw Yun Jian coming, Xu Hao Zhe also helped to grab a handful of Yun Yi who was still looking around.

Yun Yi followed the eyes directed by Xu Haozhe, and saw Yun Jian standing in the crowd and watching him.

Yun Yi turned around and smiled at Yun Jian.

"Brother, come on." Yun Jian shouted at Yun Yi with a mouthful.

In return, Yun Yi nodded heavily.

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