Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 877: Yun Yi came back and was almost arrested

However, when Yi Yi said these words, his dishonest hand was still attached to Yunjian's abundance.

The other hand was attached to one of her buttocks, and Yun Jian couldn't stop the shyness of any action.

But strangely, this new and completely different feeling not only did not make Yun Jian disgusted, but on the contrary she still expected something from him.

Yun Jian was completely shocked by her thoughts, then she shook her head, bit her lips slightly, and left her thoughts behind her.

"Small note, are you back? Why don't you know if the door is closed? What to do if a wild dog comes in?" Yun Yi's voice came from the door.

Although it is a villa, it is surrounded by rich people.

But there are many wild dogs and domestic dogs nearby.

Some time ago, because the owner of a villa near the villa forgot to close the door, a wild dog ran into his house. As a result, after the wild dog ran into his door, the owner of the villa saw it when he came home. This wild dog.

But the dog chased after being chased by the villa owner, biting the villa owner.

Later, the villa owner went to the hospital to get rabies vaccine.

In the end, it was learned that the wild dog died shortly after.

The reason was because the wild dog had rabies.

Rabies, this is a very scary virus.

As long as it is bitten by a dog and not treated in time, and that dog happens to be a dog with rabies, the bite will become infected with rabies.

Of course, people who go to the hospital for rabies vaccine before the onset of rabies are generally fine.

But if it happens, let alone a rabies vaccine can be rescued, so far no one in the world has been rescued.

And some people can't resist, and some of them died after being bitten and attacked by rabies vaccine.

And people with rabies usually die within a few months.

The owner of the villa mentioned earlier drove the dog away but was bitten. He went to get rabies vaccine immediately, but the result was inadequate prevention, and he was eventually infected with rabies.

He died within a month.

This incident caused a storm in Longmen City, and anyone who heard the news was terrified.

So recently, it's popular to close the door after going home.

So when Yun Yi came back to see that the door wasn't closed, he said.

Suddenly heard Yun Yi's voice, and at this moment Syi's hands were still attached to his two unspeakable places. Yun Jian's face was stained with blood red, and the rosy people couldn't bear to let go.

Si Yi looked at Yun Jian, with an addictive light between his eyes, making it impossible to ignore his existence.

"Small note? Aren't you home?" By this time, Yun Yi had said from the gate and walked in.

Si Yi also let go of her for the first time.

This is almost a very exciting game to play, it is almost, it will be seen by Yun Yi.

Yun Jian's eyes were rosy and disgusting.

At this time, Yun Yi had already entered the gate. He watched Si Yi and Yun Jian standing on the steps without doubt.

"Small note, why not talk? The door has to be closed in time. Now there are a lot of stray dogs, and rabies is also in high incidence ..." Yun Yi said.

"Well." Where can Yun Yun take care of this at the moment, but she still nodded, afraid to see Yun Yi with a rosy face.

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