Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 902: I do n’t believe she has it.

"Yeah, yeah! Let's go play together!" Ji Shasha added another sentence at this time.

When Ling Yichen listened, he turned around and asked Yun Jian and Zhang Shaofeng: "Can you go?"

In fact, when Ling Yichen looked at Yun Jian and Zhang Shaofeng, he seemed to be asking for help.

He didn't actually want to go out with Ji Sasha, but Ji Sasha said in that tone, as if he didn't go as if he didn't dare to go.

Ling Yichen admits that he is a face-saving person, so he will rush to this point and Ling Yichen will definitely go.

He is a man, who is he afraid of?

Isn't it just an ex-girlfriend? He didn't dump it yet!

"I feel free." Feeling Ling Yichen's look for help, Yun Jian continued to peel off the prawns, and answered while eating.

Her hands were full of greasy shrimp oil, but Yun Jian didn't care.

"Master, I'll go." Zhang Shaofeng quickly returned.

"The ancestors go, I'll go!" Zhang Jian followed Zhang Shaofeng's words.

"Well." Just the moment Zhang Shaofeng and Zhang Jian had finished speaking, Ji Shasha couldn't help laughing.

Ji Shasha laughed. She also covered her face with her hands, blocking her face as if to hide her ugliness.

"Master? Shizu? Are you still worshipping?" Ji Shasha turned to smile at Yun Jian.

In addition to comparing girls and girls, if the two become friends with each other, they also like various combinations.

For example, I know a guy and I like to find someone for my friends.

Of course, in 1999, this kind of thing is far less than now, but it is undeniable that this kind of thing still exists.

Therefore, in addition to comparing with Jian Jian at the first glance, Ji Shasha wants to make friends with Yun Jian.

Because in this way, in the eyes of others, she is a beautiful woman, and her friends are also beautiful. This concept has taken root in the hearts of young girls like Ji Shasha.

"No? This is my master!" Zhang Shaofeng also ignored Ji Sasha's feeling of contempt for their worship, instead he was very content to introduce Yun Sa to Ji Sasha.

"Of course! Who can be more powerful than my ancestor in this world!" Zhang Jian also added this sentence.

After listening to the words of Zhang Shaofeng and Zhang Jian, Ji Shasha was a bit scornful in her heart, but she looked very admired.

Of course, Ji Shasha only took Yun Jian as Zhang's apprentice, and Zhang Jian as an apprentice as a joke.

The students in the school also often like to worship, or ‘you recognize my grandfather, I ’m your grandma’.

Of course, there is also a relationship between apprenticeship and apprenticeship, but only two big boys, one worships a girl as a teacher, and the other calls her a patriarch. This is rare.

But most of the people here just feel that the ‘Master’ and ‘Master’ are definitely just a title.

People like this relationship of worship and apprenticeship should be just to narrow their relationship with each other, as if they are very friendly with each other.

That's it.

How can there be any real ability to give to his apprentices or apprentices? What can Yun Jian teach Zhang Shaofeng and Zhang Jian? This is simply impossible!

Anyway, she Ji Shasha, I don't believe Yun Jian can have any real skills to teach Zhang Shaofeng and Zhang Jian.

Young people generally eat faster, so Yunjian's table is quickly finished.

Of course, the other tables did not eat so fast, especially those adults led by Chen Zhenchuan.

In addition to eating, they have a more important thing, which is to chat about business.

Even after dinner, they will talk for at least two or three hours before leaving.

Of course, there are also people who leave after eating.

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