Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 924: Please let go, Beiguang company

Seeing Crenton's move, everyone present was stunned stupidly in place.

Just now, I wanted to talk to Cullenton by speaking English, so that the people present were astonished to be convinced that Ji Shasha was stupid.

Who is Cullenton? The middle-aged man who was dressed up as a businessman just now, and a man of good fortune, and Zhang Shaofeng have already introduced enough details.

Even if you don't know Cullenton's identity, you can probably hear it.

The top machinist in country M has also made headlines in international newspapers and has been hailed as the most outstanding machinist title in the world!

From the point of appearing in the headlines of international newspapers, Cullenton is definitely not a petty person.

After all, people who can make headlines in international newspapers are no ordinary people anymore!

However, the people present could not even dream of it. Zhang Shaofeng yelled at Cromton like that just now, but what about Cromton?

In order to be Yun Jian's apprentice, Cullenton used such a kind tone to greet Zhang Shaofeng?

Zhang Shaofeng was scared several times by this act of Cullenton, and finally Cullenton helped him.

Zhang Shaofeng did not even think that his master's influence was so great. He just heard what he said, but instead of running over to slap himself, he even asked him to teach him how to worship Yunjian as a teacher?

Dangdang top international mechanics also want to worship Yunjian as a teacher?

Zhang Shaofeng instantly felt that he had a very big face. When he stood firm, he also stretched out his hand as a mysterious dummy and put a fist to his mouth, "Kee" softly.

It looks like a big brother.

After it was over, Zhang Shaofeng lifted his toes and patted Cronton's shoulder, which is half a head longer than him, and then taught with great vigor:

"You don't know how hard I used to worship the teacher! I gave all my housekeeping skills! Otherwise, my master won't accept it!

"Do you want to learn? If you want to learn, I will ..."

"Zhang Shaofeng, just blow it off! You can't beat you!" Just when Zhang Shaofeng was proud of her boast, Chen Xinyi walked over and jumped up to the top of Zhang Shaofeng's head and smashed it. .

"Woohoo!" Zhang Shaofeng snarled at the headshot of Chen Xinyi.

"He talked nonsense, don't listen to him!" Chen Xinyi smiled and reached out and twisted a handful of flesh on Zhang Shaofeng's arm and said to Currenton.

When Cromton saw Chen Xinyi treating Zhang Shaofeng so rudely, he looked dumbfounded and froze before Cromton reacted.

"Your Z nations are so heroic!" Currenton swallowed the word "rude" back into his stomach.

Currenton smiled at Chen Xinyi before turning her head back to Yun Jian: "S, you accept me! I'm very good! I will help you run errands!"

Speaking of which, Cromton also showed a cute smile.

You said that you are an old man, only half stepped into the coffin, and you still want to sell people like this, this is not strange enough to scare people to death! People around couldn't help but defamate.

Yun Jian chuckled her lips. When she just wanted to say something, there was a sound of a sports car stopping again after drifting outside the door.

Because Uncle Doorman had just stopped Currenton from coming in, and Uncle Doorman chased all the way himself, no one was at the door.

Now I heard someone dragging in from outside the door, and everyone present was stunned.

Who's here again?

As soon as Yun Jian turned his head to the doorway, he saw a caliper head and a formal suit, but at this moment some downcast middle-aged man ran into the house here.

After the middle-aged man ran here, he looked around and finally locked his target on Chen Zhenchuan.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, he ran, and the whole person knelt before Chen Zhenchuan:

"I beg you to let go of our model company in Beiguang! I beg you! I don't know if it will cause such serious consequences to your daughter, those people have already got retribution! Come on! "

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