Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 933: I went out and was surrounded

Qin Yirou said habitually came over and reached for the **** bag on Yun Jian's hand.

Generally, what clothes did Yun Jian buy? Qin Yirou took the big bag that Yun Jian returned after shopping.

Sometimes I touch the fabric, is it good or not?

Parents have had a hard time as a kid, especially Qin Yirou.

Even if the family is rich now, and bought things like clothes back, Qin Yirou still wants to reach out and feel the quality of the clothes, to see how long it can be worn, feel the clothes, and see if the clothes will hit the ball. .

So when she saw Yun Jian coming back with a **** bag, Qin Yirou habitually thought that Yun Jian bought clothes, and she also wanted to reach out and take the big bag on Yun Jian's hand, and then put Pour out the clothes inside.

If it was Chang Yunjian, I would definitely stretch this bag towards Qin Yirou.

But this bag doesn't contain normal clothes, so how can she hand it over to Qin Yirou?

If Qin Yirou saw the contents of the bag, how would she explain it?

"Oh, mom, I just promised Ge Xuan to play together. I put things upstairs first!" Then, Yun Jian ran upstairs at the same speed with a **** bag.

"This child, run so fast, mother is not a plague!" Qin Yirou smiled comfortably. From her expression, Qin Yirou did not doubt.

After a while, Yunjian came downstairs, but at this time Yunjian had no **** bag on his hand.

Qin Yirou naturally had no doubt.

"Mom, I'm out." Yun Jian said, and she left here.

"Well, you have to worry about going out at night!" Qin Yirou shouted from behind.

The cold wind at night, as soon as Yun Jian walked out of the house, he felt a cold wind hit.

Yun Jian folded his clothes, and it didn't look too cold.

Longmen City, Yuanbaoshan.

Yuanbaoshan is a racing circuit near the cliff of Longmen City. There are many racing circuits in Longmen City. Yuanbaoshan is not necessarily the best.

But Yuanbaoshan is definitely the steepest mountain.

The reason why countless racers choose Yuanbaoshan to race cars is because the race cars in Yuanbaoshan are steep and exciting.

Yuanbao Mountain is not as full as the name is Yuanbao Mountain, but it is undoubtedly one of the steepest mountains in Longmen City.

What does the car play? It's not just exciting these words.

It is half past seven in the evening, but the steep cliffs of Yuanbaoshan are illuminated by bright lights.

The field of racers is just beginning.

Ge Xuan is still standing still, checking with his two friends whether his car is fully equipped.

This Maserati was just rebuilt by Cronton. Today, Ge Xuan came here to try to see if this Maserati is good.

"Xuan, wait for us!" One of Ge Xuan's two friends looked at Ge Xuan and said.

Ge Xuan went home this time with three friends, one of whom was Shen Jie who was entered into the hospital by Yun Jian, and the other two were pretty good.

"Um." Ge Xuan nodded, then put on his helmet.

He had just put on his helmet, and a group of people who looked at him like Ge Xuan surrounded him.

Standing on the forefront of this little bastard's face with a scar, it seemed to add a lot of cruelty.

"You are?" Ge Xuan frowned and asked.

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