Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 938: My bet, it's dollars

Seeing Yun Jian walking to the bet station, the two brothers Ge Xuan hesitated, and followed up.

At this point the bet station was already full.

In addition to watching racing games, ordinary people will choose to bet here.

Everyone loves this exciting bet.

But the people who stand here are always men.

Generally women do not place bets, so the people who stand on the bets are all men.

As soon as Yun Jian came over, it became a noticeable existence.

Because just looking at Yun Jian's appearance, you can see that she is not young.

The people present could see at a glance that Yunjian was a minor.

"Hey, younger sister, do you come to place a bet too? Do not go home early and run here to place a bet. This is what adults do. Go and go while playing!" Here came one of the big men who was waiting in line to wave and waved at Yun Jian.

The big man was probably idle and bored, and when he saw Yun Jian coming this way, he became ridiculous.

Just to let the people around me look, the underage little sister even ran here to make a bet.

Upon hearing the voice of the big man, everyone around him turned his attention to Yunjian.

Even the manager of the betting station couldn't help but stand up and persuaded him when he saw Yunjian: "Little sister, you are watching the race station over there, you have gone the wrong place."

Upon hearing the words of the manager, a group of people around him looked back.

If this little sister is in the wrong place, it's better to say.

But if such a young little sister really ran here to place a bet, that would be terrible.

The people around me had just thought of this, and Yunjian had already come to the betting station.

The people who had just taken their eyes off could not help but look at Yun Jian, and at this time all of them were surprised.

Could this underage little sister really bet?

However, at the time when everyone present thought so, Yun Jian twitched her red lips, and she evoked an arc gently.

"Bet." Yun Jian said, she took out a bank card from her pants pocket, and then gently placed it on the betting table.

As soon as Yun Jian said that he wanted to place a bet, these people around him couldn't care less about Yun Jian's interruption.

What's wrong with this world?

Even the younger sister came here to bet?

However, just when the people present thought of it, Yun Jian's voice sounded again.

"Ten ten million, the red Ferrari sports car over there." Said, Yun Jian pointed to the faraway Ferrari that was ready to race.

Ge Xuan is already waiting in the preparation field. The next round will be the match between him and that Guangge.

However, when Yun Jian pours out the words 'ten million', the people around him take a hard breath.

Ten million? Ten million!

Oh my god, did they hear me right?

The people who are queuing around to place a bet are either the small bosses of a certain company, then the wealthy children at home.

Or maybe some foreman who came for entertainment, but actually had little money in his pocket.

Of course, the bets are not big or small, but the highest bet record here has only appeared in the millions.

At least the group of people standing in front of them will only place bets of hundreds of thousands at most, and tens of hundreds, hundreds of thousands at most.

Originally Yun Jian, the underage girl, ran here to place a bet, and the people present felt novel enough.

But what did she say, ten million?

Are you kidding me?

However, when the people present thought so, Yun Jian's voice sounded again: "Oh, yes, my dollar is the equivalent of 60 million yuan."

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