Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 958: Jungle King, don't go dangerous

At the moment before the tiger rushed to Yun Jian, many tourists shouted around:

"Oh, this girl is finished."

"She died by herself. Who can blame it?"

"Even if it dies, this kind of person who dies himself deserves it!"

But when Yunjian killed the tiger with his backhand, the voices of the surrounding tourists stopped instantly.

Ning Lanlan was stupid.

Shan Zihao froze.

Wan Siyao, who was very unfriendly to Yun Jian just now, is standing still.

Han Yichen, Tang Qixuan and Xiao Zhiming were also completely stupid on the spot.

At the moment the blood splattered, everyone present saw the smile on Yun Jian's lips.

That smile was like death from Hell.

It's as if she is the king in the jungle, the **** of heaven that rules the animals!

At this moment, everyone present couldn't believe their eyes.

After all, Yun Jian is so handsome. At first glance, it looks like a junior high school girl.

However, no one thought that Yun Jian jumped out of the tiger's nest, and he threatened to save people.

Confronting the tiger, she could kill the tiger with one stroke!

This is how fast hand speed can do! The people present were frightened.

However, the most frightening person at this moment is Shan Zihao.

What did Yun Jian say to him at the beginning?

If he dares to entangle her again, she will make him a woman!

Where a normal girl would say such things, so Shan Hao didn't take Yun Jian's words seriously.

And the main thing is that Yun Jian took a butterfly knife before him and swept across him.

But at that time, Shan Hao didn't take it seriously.

Even Shan Zihao still thinks that the butterfly knife that Yun Jian played in his hand is just a toy knife.

But now?

Just now Yun Jian stabbed the tiger's heart with this butterfly knife, and that tiger was stabbed to death by Yun Jian!

If this knife is fake, how could there be such a sharp blade!

When Shan Zihao remembered it, he felt like he was shaking.

"Ah, she, she, she ..." Wan Siyao, who was snoring at Yun Jian just now, saw Yun Jian's move, and she said three ‘she’ in succession.

Wan Siyao was trembling with fear, even the bone marrow that followed him shuddered.

However, at this moment, Yun Jian was already holding the butterfly knife and rushed to the other side.

"Little girl, dangerous, go back!" A staff member in Jukeng saw Yun Jian rushing over there, exclaiming in exclaim.

The staff had just been working with their companions to try to catch the tiger that was attacking.

He saw Yunjian running to this side, because the staff standing under the giant pit did not see Yunjian's move to kill the tiger just now, so he simply thought that Yunjian was coming over the eyes, and there was not much roaring voice polite.

But as soon as this group of staff frowned and glanced at Yun Jian, they saw a figure flashing.

Several staff members were facing several tigers, and they were holding electric shock sticks for catching tigers.

Several tigers have already bitten a few of the guys who just turned in from the back of the mountain, and one of them knew that his life would soon die.

Because his bite had hanged out of his intestines, it looked **** and silent.

A few staff members did not dare to do it for a long time. The few in front of them were tigers after all!

But when several staff members returned to the gods, they saw Yun Jian rushing towards the tigers while holding a butterfly knife.

"Little girl, don't go, dangerous!" One of the staff members shouted at the sight.

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