Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 14 Physical fitness becomes stronger! Look at the water in this water tank!

In the afternoon, the air is slightly noisy.

After Guo Lin finished eating the spiritual energy rice, he practiced the nameless Taoist sect's internal martial arts in the courtyard left by the old Taoist priest.

As he practiced, the traces of energy produced by eating the Reiki refined rice appeared again.

He tried to guide the energy to flow to the Dantian, but failed every time.

He didn't stop practicing until that trace of energy no longer appeared.

The energy produced by eating Reiki polished rice is always limited.

Then, he thought of something, an idea entered the game novice's residence, and continued to try to practice boxing.

But after a dozen times in a row, his brows furrowed tightly.

There was no reaction.

There are obviously restrictions inside.

Guo Lin sighed, quit the game, and then took out his phone to check the merit money.

So far, Qingfengguan’s merit money has reached nearly 20,000 yuan.

He had also asked before. To simply repair the main body of Qingfeng Temple, it would probably cost more than 500,000 yuan. There was a huge difference. The key was that this did not include labor, because Qingfeng Temple was on the top of the mountain, and labor costs were more expensive.

If other facilities need to be repaired, roads and the like will need to be repaired even more.

Therefore, some temples are really powerful. Every few years, they have money to renovate them, build roads and plant precious green plants.

Then, he took out his mobile phone and started playing "Casual Shushan". For two full hours, he got a lot of things in the game, but did not trigger the system and gained nothing. Then he put away his mobile phone and walked out of the Taoist temple.

There are several rows of vegetable plots next to the Taoist temple, which were opened by old Taoist priests. Many vegetables are planted and require frequent watering.

Watering vegetables is also very particular, usually after 4 pm. However, the breeze is high in the mountain and it is shady in the afternoon, so you can water it in the afternoon.

Guo Lin walked to a pool and could see water flowing down from a sink. It was the water overflowing from the Lingquan tank.

According to the remark information of the spiritual spring vat, the transformed spiritual spring water in Taoist temples is not only good for people to drink, but also good for watering plants.

Now this pool of water also contains spiritual spring water.

Guo Lin took two buckets and filled them with water. When he carried them to the vegetable field, he was stunned for a moment. The buckets were lighter than usual.

He tried walking with his arms straight, carrying the bucket.

This is also a way to exercise arm strength and can often be seen in many old movies.

He was asked by the old Taoist priest to practice arm strength in this way very early on, starting with a small bucket, and now a big bucket filled with water.

It is impossible for ordinary people to fill a bucket with water to this extent. Even if they can barely lift the bucket and straighten their arms, it is considered amazing if they can hold on for 5 seconds.

But he got used to it, easily.

This was also the reason why when he was in college, the so-called president of the Taekwondo club wanted to cause trouble for him and he pushed him down and rubbed him on the playground.

But today, he felt that the bucket filled with water was lighter, and it was much easier to hold the water straight out.

He immediately understood that it was not that the bucket was lighter, but that his strength was stronger.

It must be because of the refined spiritual energy rice. Although the traces of energy generated by eating the refined spiritual energy rice and practicing the inner martial arts of the Wuming Taoist sect cannot be guided into the Dantian, it does not disappear, but is integrated into his body and increases his physique.

Guo Lin straightened his arms to carry the bucket and quickly walked to the vegetable field. As expected, his body became more flexible.

This made him beam with joy.

Just like this, if you continue to eat spiritual energy refined rice and practice the Wuming Dao sect's internal martial arts, the improvement of your physical fitness will be terrifying.

When he arrived at the vegetable field, Guo Lin started watering it carefully. After watering two buckets of water, he continued to the pool to get water again.

After watering the vegetable field more than ten times in a row, I was about to go back to the Taoist temple, but I heard the sound of warblers and swallows coming from the road below.

After a while, I saw a group of beautifully dressed women walking up.

These women all have one thing in common, that is, they are all very good at makeup, and they all look good. Moreover, they also love beauty. They all use tissues to wipe off their sweat, as if they are afraid that sweat will stain their makeup.

"Hey, there is a Taoist brother here, you can ask him." A woman said when she saw Guo Lin.

Another woman also immediately shouted to Guo Linhui: "Brother, Taoist priest, is this Qingfeng Temple up here?"

"Well, it's Qingfeng Temple." Guo Lin was a little surprised.

Are all these women here for Qingfeng Temple?

When did his Qingfeng Temple become so famous?

The girl immediately asked: "Is the spiritual spring jar up there? I saw a spiritual spring jar posted on an acquaintance's WeChat account. I thought it was amazing, so I immediately made an appointment to come and have a look."

"It's up there." Guo Lin nodded, knowing what was going on.

It should be Qin Hong or Zhao Moxin who took the photo of Lingquan Tank and posted it on WeChat Moments, which attracted these women.

Indeed, in Youcheng City, Zhao Moxin used WeChat to reply to Moments.

After posting about the wonders of Qingfeng Temple and Lingquan Tank on the mountain, many people commented. She responded one by one and introduced Qingfeng Temple enthusiastically.

It can be said that the same is true for people like Qin Hong.

Modern people live a good life and like to travel. Once something surprising happens, it is easy to attract attention and want to join in the fun.

This is also the reason why countless Internet celebrities have sprung up all over the country.

Guo Lin's eyes lit up when he looked at these women.

Moments is also a solution.

Then, he turned his attention to these women.

What kind of woman can be well-dressed, put on exquisite makeup, have no financial pressure, be pretty, and have a lot of free time, so she can form a group to go hiking in the mountains and enjoy the scenery after looking at her friends circle?

There are only two situations, one is that their conditions are relatively favorable, and the other is that they are supported by men. As for the identity of the man who supports them, I don't know.

But these are not important.

A beautiful, well-dressed, and fashionable woman, no matter which of the above two categories she belongs to, will definitely have a wide circle of friends, especially among her male compatriots.

They are the kind of people who attract bees and butterflies, and will naturally attract men's attention, even if they have boyfriends or even husbands.

After all, the current hoe has a very special function, and countless people want to use this hoe from time to time.

Therefore, if this group of women can all post on WeChat Moments, I am afraid they will attract a lot of people to Qingfeng Temple.

When those people who are attracted post it on WeChat Moments, it will be a virtuous circle, and Qingfengguan can arouse considerable popularity and influence.

At this moment, the group of women had already swarmed up. When they arrived in front of the Lingquan Tank, they took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures of the Lingquan Tank.

Photographing the Lingquan vat alone.

Co-shots, selfies, all kinds of shots.

They didn't seem to want to drink some water first.

Guo Lin came up and saw this scene and shook his head.

For some women, it doesn’t matter whether the place they go is fun or not, or whether the food is delicious or not. The most important thing is to let their circle of friends see their chic and comfortable itinerary and their photos after beautifying themselves.

Finally, some women remembered: "This slate says that the water in this tank is so magical!"

At this time, a group of women also picked up bamboo ladles to fetch water, put it in their mouths and tasted it.

After a while, they all complained:

"How can it be as magical as you say?"

"It's just ordinary spring water."

"What the slate says is too exaggerated."


Guo Lin heard their chirping and shook his head helplessly, which was expected.

Regardless of whether they were born well or raised by men, to be honest, their lives are better than those of ordinary women. There is no pressure and they can relax and play around every day. How can they be pious in a place like this? ?

"Hey, look at the water in the water tank, it's rising so slowly." A woman suddenly pointed at the Lingquan tank and said with a look of disbelief on her face.

The other women looked over and were shocked.

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