Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 161 The five Taoist arts, the spiritual cure of medicine!

In the video, a huge old elm tree was seen flying in the sky. This scene really shocked everyone.

The blogger of this video also deliberately post-processed the transport helicopter, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

It was as if a giant tree was soaring in the daytime.

Yesterday's tree removal was so shocking that it was photographed by many people and then posted online. This shocking scene naturally became a hot search topic.

A lot of people watched this type of video early in the morning.

Of course, the original video was not that exaggerated. Although the tree was large and shocking, everyone could see that it was an old elm tree that was withering and about to die.

What is even more fascinating is the story behind the old elm tree.

Someone posted the story of the old elm tree and Lao Wang on the Internet.

Everyone who saw it knew that this tree had used its bark and fruits to help those families survive the disaster years.

Therefore, old people like Lao Wang are now desperate to save trees.

This kind of bond is really touching, and it seems to add some different colors to this dying old elm tree.

A tree with a story is always given some special meaning.

This is why scenic spots that focus on ancient trees will go to great lengths to make up all kinds of stories. There is even a scenic spot that invested in a TV series specifically for the trees.

It's just a pity that the screenwriter we found is too low, and the plot is too bloody. It was rushed to my grandma's house, which not only did not help the publicity, but also reduced the number of tourists.

Anyway, screenwriters and directors make money while investing in scenic spots loses money.

The stories of old people such as Lao Yushu and Lao Wang are very touching. In addition, the Qingfengguan Taoist priest was so moved by the old man's behavior that he issued two Qingfengguan Taoist plaques and asked the rich to spend huge sums of money to move the trees, which is even more attractive.

This also made the Taoist sign of Qingfengguan talk about again, making this topic the hottest topic of the day.

Obviously, someone was behind this.


Sun Xian and Chen Li were in a multimedia office, watching the news video played on the multimedia screen with happy faces.

Chen Li said with a smile on his face: "Sun County, I didn't expect that the crisis of this old elm tree would turn into an opportunity. Our guidance and operation attracted many people's attention to this matter, and many people expressed their intention to come to Youcheng to see this tree."

Sun County also smiled and nodded.

He was cooperating with the rich man Li Chao throughout the whole process. He saw it with his own eyes and knew how shocking it was to see the old elm tree flying into the sky.

Therefore, their guidance has been effective.

Not only can it attract tourists, but the content they guide contains the word Youcheng, which also greatly increases Youcheng's popularity.

Guo Lin didn't pay attention to things on the Internet today. The old elm tree was almost dead, and its branches and leaves were too sparse. Now it was difficult to save it using real-life methods. He could only rely on plug-in methods, which was spiritual spring water.

Therefore, he will now lead people to bring water from the spiritual spring to water the old elm tree.

He also quickly led people to the old elm tree. From a distance, he could still see the light remaining in the old elm tree, but the light was already very weak.

Obviously the merits are almost finished refining.

Due to the digging of tree pits and the accumulation of soil, the weeds and wildflowers in the surrounding area were also shoveled away.

However, Li Chao also arranged for a piece of green grass to be laid on it, so it would not appear too abrupt.

But when Guo Lin led people to the old elm tree, in addition to Guo Lin, the faces of other believers including Xie Qingyang and Lin Ze'an showed incredulity.

No wonder they were like this, after all, they all saw what this old elm tree looked like yesterday.

Although it is large in size, it is basically withered and dead. Moss has grown on the trunk and the branches and leaves are very sparse.

But what do they see now?

The old elm tree in front of me is obviously lush and leafy. Wherever there is any moss on the trunk, it is already thick bark with a natural luster.

Even the whole tree was covered with scurrying elm trees, looking like it was full of fruits.

It's incredible.

If this old elm tree was already a dying old man when it was transported here yesterday, it is now a strong and energetic man.

This is a visible difference.

But how could an elm tree undergo such an astonishing change in just one night?

"The mountain god must have done it!" Lin Ze'an thought of something subconsciously and murmured softly.

Wang Rang and other believers still heard his words, and they were all surprised to think of the female mountain goddess carved by Taoist Guo.

This... seems to be the only explanation.

After all, this is Qingfeng Temple, so this kind of thing is definitely possible.

Otherwise, why would this old elm tree change like this overnight?

Only Guo Lin probably knows why. It must be because of merit.

Taoism pays attention to merit, and there are even legends about becoming immortals by virtue of saving the world.

In Taoism, in addition to becoming an immortal through practice, you can also become an immortal through merit.

Especially in the "Tai Shang Inspiration Chapter", there is a chapter about the practice of merit. Those who practice meritorious deeds will be blessed by the gods. The stars of good fortune will shine high and the stars of disaster will stay away. Merits will be sent from heaven to benefit themselves.

It's just that the theory of merit is vague and empty. Except for the Taoist master who became an immortal through merit in Taoist legends, no one seems to be able to explain clearly what merit is, let alone use it for one's own use.

Just like this old elm tree, it has merit because it helped Lao Wang and others survive the calamity, but this merit cannot be seen or touched.

It was also at Qingfeng Temple that it was detected by the game system and refined with the help of the system.

Now the old elm tree has obtained the benefits of this merit and has undergone such changes overnight.

Therefore, the blessings and fortunes that Taoists talk about are not nonsense. The laws of nature are clear. It is better to do more good deeds and less evil!

Almost as Guo Lin was thinking about it, the game system prompt suddenly sounded:

[The merits of the elm tree from the seven sage plants in the sect's resident area have been refined. The elm tree has gained its own benefits, and the increased elm money has a special effect! 】

Guo Lin looked at the old elm tree again, and the glimmer of light on it had completely disappeared.

This shows that the merits contained in it have been completely refined.

He also immediately looked at the information about the Tree of Seven Sages at the sect's station, wanting to know the benefits obtained by this elm tree and the special effects it prompted:

Seven Sages (3/7):

Special·Huangshan pine (mature)

Special effects: spectacular +2, ornamental +2, camera-worthy +2!

Requirements: A special hundred-year-old Huangshan pine meets the spirit.

Special Ginkgo (Spring!)

Special effect: Inspire trees to chirp! Pleasant listening +2, physical and mental relaxation +2!

Requirement: The special thousand-year-old ginkgo tree meets the spirit!

Special elm tree (in spring)

Special effects: 1. Ordinary Yuqian: clear away heat and detoxify +2, diuretic and reduce swelling +2, strengthen the spleen and stomach +2! 2. Special Yuqian (probability of appearing, emitting spiritual light invisible to ordinary people): spiritual healing of the spleen and stomach +2! 】

As expected, the elm tree is the same as the ginkgo tree and Huangshan pine that have been washed by spiritual energy. It has a special prefix in front of it and is no longer an ordinary plant.

Moreover, the elm money it grows also has special effects, which are divided into normal and special effects.

Clearing heat and detoxifying, diluting water and reducing swelling, and strengthening the spleen and stomach are the original effects of elm money. Now the elm money grown from the elm tree has +2 in these effects, which is definitely much stronger than the ordinary one.

The most important thing is the special effect: the property of healing the spleen and stomach +2.

Spiritual healing has been recorded in Taoism, and it is a part of traditional Chinese medicine that belongs to the five Taoist arts of "mountain, medicine, fortune, fortune, and divination".

The medical part of Taoism is divided into:

1. Pathological treatment, which is similar to what is often called traditional Chinese medicine.

2. Acupuncture treatment, which is also similar in type.

3. Prescription treatment is to use various elixir formulas for treatment. Some of the therapeutic elixirs in the alchemy secret records in Taoist temples fall into this category.



6. Spiritual healing, using inspiration and spiritual thoughts to control special energy healing!

There have always been many Taoists practicing and studying these five arts of traditional Chinese medicine, which is why it is said that a powerful Taoist is also a powerful doctor.

However, these Taoists can generally only learn and research the first two. From the third prescription, few Taoists can do it.

As of now, almost no one can sit down, and it is even impossible to gather the required vintage medicinal materials, let alone a spiritual cure.

As the name suggests, special energy treatment is controlled by inspiration and spiritual thoughts. Presumably none of the current Taoist priests can cultivate energy, let alone treat it.

In fact, this expression is a bit like the saying of internal strength healing in martial arts stories.

It's just that when Taoists cultivate immortality, the energy they cultivate is more advanced, and coupled with special spiritual healing methods, the effect will definitely be more terrifying.

I just didn't expect that after refining the merits of the elm tree, among the benefits obtained, special elm money would grow and have special spiritual healing effects.

In other words, this elm money contains special energy. You can just take it directly, which is much more convenient than spiritual healing for Taoists.

Lingzhi spleen and stomach +2, which means that this special energy only has an effect on the spleen and stomach.

Ordinary Yuqian has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, which is equivalent to an upgraded version of this effect.

Then, Guo Lin immediately looked at the top of the old elm tree, because this special kind of elm money emits spiritual light that is invisible to ordinary people.

Sure enough, he saw that there were sparse special lights flickering between the branches with lush leaves and strings of elm coins, like dots of starlight.

This should be special elm money, but the quantity is not large.

Judging from the gazes of Xie Qingyang and others, they really couldn't see it, otherwise they would all be staring at the elm tree in shock, but there was nothing abnormal.

Although this old elm tree has undergone special changes due to the refining of merit, it will remain standing for a long time, and the spiritual spring water is somewhat beneficial to it.

Xie Qingyang nodded and immediately took action.

They don't need to dig a canal of any standard or size. A small canal is enough, and it's not a big project.

Qingfeng Mountain Trail.

A group of old people walked up the mountain, it was Lao Wang and these people.

Lao Wang walked at the front and said without forgetting: "When we go up, no matter whether the old elm tree can be saved in the end, we all have to thank Daoist Guo!"

"Everyone knows the condition of the tree. Even if it couldn't be saved, Daochang Guo still put in the effort and went down. Everyone also knows how much money the rich man spent on it."

These old people also nodded one after another.

They were filled with indignation that the county wanted to push away the old elm tree, but this had nothing to do with Daochang Guo of Qingfengguan, who was doing his best.

After all, the tree-moving formation was shocking to them.

I heard that the rent of the transport helicopter was enough to pay the bride price for their grandson.

The rich man was able to spend so much money because of Daochang Guo.

So, what else can they say to the Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple?

Lao Wang and his party quickly arrived at Qingfeng Temple and headed straight towards the transplantation location of the old elm tree. It didn't take long for them to see the huge old elm tree.

"It's right there!" Lao Wang also pointed to other old people who had not come up the mountain before.

A group of old people quickly arrived in front of the old elm tree, but when they saw the old elm tree with lush branches and leaves, they were all stunned.

Is this the same tree?

"Old Wang, am I right?" an old man asked.

" could it be like this?" Another old man was also shocked.

" amazing..." Lao Wang's body was shaking a little.

Although he believed that Daochang Guo could definitely save the old elm tree, he did not expect such an amazing thing to happen.

Overnight, this tree changed from a state of dead branches to such a lush one?

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a fairy, right?

Lao Wang said subconsciously: "It must be all thanks to Daozhang Guo. Everyone says he is a master of Taoism."

These words put a look of awe on the faces of those old people.

This time, they saw the miraculous transformation of the old elm tree with their own eyes, and one can imagine the shock in their hearts.

From a distance, they saw Guo Lin, who was drawing a channel route for Lin Ze'an and other believers so that they could dig the channel.

Lao Wang immediately led his people to greet Guo Lin respectfully: "Taoist Master Guo, are you digging a canal? We can help."

Other old people also spoke out one after another, with respectful faces:

"Yes, Daozhang Guo, if you have anything to ask me!"

"Daozhang Guo, we can help!"


Even believers like Lin Ze'an could hear the awe and respect in the voices of these old men, and they could probably understand the reason.

The changes in the old elm tree overnight were so shocking and shocking.

Guo Lin did not refuse the help of these old people. Digging ditches was not a heavy job. When there were more people, it could be easily done by taking turns for a while.

On the contrary, it gives these elderly people a sense of psychological satisfaction.

Therefore, it didn't take long for the ditch to be dug and the water from the spiritual spring to be diverted.

At this time, a group of tourists arrived in front of the elm tree:

"Really? Didn't the video say that this tree is about to wither? Doesn't it look like it's withered somewhere?"

"The video I watched also said that the tree was dying, and they made up a story about it. It's obviously very lush now!"

"You also said you made it up. I didn't expect that people would make up tragic stories for themselves to gain sympathy, and trees would also make up stories for themselves. This is the way of the world."

"Otherwise, how can we attract people to come? But unfortunately, no matter how you make it up, the elm tree is really not as shocking as the ginkgo and Huangshan pine at a glance!"


The words of these tourists were heard by people like Lao Wang and Lin Ze'an, and they could only sigh with emotion, these ignorant people.

The story is not made up, it’s just that the reality is too fantasy.

These people will never know what mysteries this old elm tree has experienced.

They ignored these tourists and continued to work, and soon the canal was dug.

After digging the ditch, Lao Wang and the others gathered around the old elm tree to look at it, and even chatted with each other about the past with the old elm tree.

Seeing this, Guo Lin also planned to take people back to the Taoist temple, but he saw Xuanyun running over in a hurry. He came to him with an ugly face and gasped for breath: "Senior brother..."

Seeing this, Guo Lin asked doubtfully: "Xuan Yun, how is the treatment for Donor Li's daughter?"

Xuan Yun's face was ugly and he said: "Senior brother, how can I cure her disease? She has gastric cancer, or it is almost in the late stage. I am not a god!"

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