Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 163 Everyone is impressed! Test results!

Li Chao was overjoyed when he heard his daughter's murmur: "Nini, do you really feel comfortable?"

"Well, it's warm, it doesn't hurt anymore!" The little girl nodded firmly.

Not only Li Chao, but also his family members were all happy.

Nini has been suffering from the disease for so long, and this is the first time she feels comfortable. Otherwise, even if she is controlled by medication, she would still have a dull pain.

It's just that she has always been strong and sensible, and she never cries or makes trouble.

Seeing this, Guo Lin also knew that the special elm money spirit was effective in curing the spleen and stomach, and he also told Li Chao: "Donor Li, now you can take your wife down the mountain to find a place to recuperate. When you use up the elm money in your hand, your love will return to you." If it’s not completely cured, you can come back up the mountain again.”

"Thank you, Taoist Master Guo, thank you, Taoist Master Guo!" Li Chao thanked him one after another. With the Taoist Master's instructions, he hurriedly ordered the strong men he brought to lift his daughter down the mountain.

Now everything is still about my daughter.

As for the rest, we’ll talk about it later.

The Taoist priest's treatment was effective, so it would be too urgent to bring my daughter here to express gratitude after she recovers.

Moreover, this kind of kindness cannot be repaid in a short time.

After Li Chao left with his daughter, Guo Lin also looked at the rich people: "Dear donors and good believers, since you have arrived at Qingfeng Temple, let's go burn incense together and then disperse!"

This can be regarded as an eviction order. After all, a group of rich people gathered in Qingfengguan all day long, and he himself was not comfortable.

When the wealthy people heard his words, they did not dare to hesitate. They bowed and followed him into the Taoist temple one by one.

After a series of events, the shock and awe in the eyes of these rich people have been deeply reflected on their faces.

Really, they had been to many temples and Taoist temples, but the Taoist Guo in front of them could definitely be considered an expert. In other words, he could not be described as an expert at all.

He may be a more powerful being!

Entering the Taoist temple, Guo Lin also asked Xie Qingyang to take the rich people to offer incense!

This time, the rich people looked pious and respectful.

[Congratulations to you for getting 2 points of willpower! 】

[Congratulations on gaining 2 points of willpower! 】

[Congratulations on gaining 2 points of willpower! 】

As the rich men went up to burn incense, Guo Lin's mind was filled with reminders of wish power, and each one of them actually had 2 points of wish power.

It can be seen from this that how much impact have these rich people received one after another?

These rich people offered incense once, and Guo Lin gained another 22 points of wish power.

However, when these rich people wiped out their merits, Guo Lin also knew why those temples and Taoist temples were so supportive of the rich.

"...The account income is 50,000..., and the balance is:..."

"...The account income is 50,000, and the balance is:..."

These rich people still get 50,000 each by scanning the QR code.

Different from the previous ones who wanted to get Taoist cards from Qingfeng Temple, this time they scanned the QR code and offered the merit with piety.

The 2 points of willing contribution says it all.

Therefore, Guo Lin also ordered again: "Xuan Yang, bring these donors to pray together."

"Okay, senior brother!" Xie Qingyang nodded and invited those rich people again.

Those rich people were still respectful, and when they heard the prayers, they felt something different in their hearts.

After all, they had offered incense before.

Only this time, Taoist Master Guo specially ordered to take them to pray.

After praying once, these rich people also provided 11 more points of wish.

"Brother, do you want to take all the donors to the quiet room for baptism?" Xie Qingyang asked after taking these rich people to pray once.

Every time the senior brother specially orders someone to pray, there must be a quiet room baptism package.

Therefore, you should take the initiative to ask about this kind of thing, rather than waiting for your senior brother's instructions.

Guo Lin nodded: "Well, since all the donors pray sincerely, they naturally have the right to enjoy the blessings of the quiet room!"

Xie Qingyang made a ceremony and invited those rich people: "All donors, come with me to the quiet room to enjoy the blessings."

These wealthy people immediately responded with curiosity on their faces.

This was not their first time here, but it was their first time encountering an invitation to a quiet room for baptism.

Moreover, it is not difficult to tell from Taoist Master Guo’s words that this quiet room blessing requires pious prayers to enjoy, and it will definitely not work without pious prayers.

When they came here before, they only had Master Qinglin in mind. They really didn't care about Qingfeng Temple and didn't have much piety.

But after experiencing a series of things, they couldn't help but respect Qingfeng Temple in their hearts, and they prayed with piety just now.

Can Daochang Guo even know this?

These rich men looked at Guo Lin, and the awe on their faces deepened.

Daochang Guo seems to be able to see through everything about them, even whether they are pious or not, which is really scary.

Soon, these rich people were also taken to the quiet room, along with Lin Ze'an and other live-in believers.

Because they were asked to dig ditches, they had not enjoyed the quiet room baptism today.

After that, Guo Lin's reminder of wishing power sounded again in his mind.

After the baptism in the quiet room, these rich people once again provided him with 33 points of wish power.

People like Xie Qingyang, Xuanyun and Lin Ze'an also provided him with 63 points of wish power.

This also brought the total willingness of the sect's resident to 1537.

At such a speed, relying solely on the borrowing believers such as Xie Qingyang and Lin Ze'an, plus the willingness provided by the believers attracted by the popularity of Qingfeng Guan, it should not take 4 days for the sect's station to be upgraded to level 4.

The premise is that those highly devout stay-at-home believers like Wang did not leave midway.

But after those rich people came out of the quiet room, the look in their eyes was no longer one of awe, but one of humility.

Feeling the magical baptism of the quiet room, they were shocked again. The awe was no longer expressed on their faces, but deep in their hearts.

They couldn't believe it. The old Taoist priest was just chanting sutras, but they could have such incredible enjoyment. Repeatedly, their bodies would be washed away.

They could now clearly feel the physical comfort and the radiance on each other's faces.

"Daozhang Guo, if you're intruding, let's leave first." Before leaving, a rich man respectfully bowed in front of Guo Lin.

The same goes for other wealthy people.

In their eyes, doing this is a must and a sign of respect and courtesy for the Taoist priest.

This scene was really surprising to Lin Ze'an and the others. These rich people were also impressed by Daochang Guo in a short period of time.

The rich people breathed a sigh of relief after leaving Qingfengguan.

There was no way they could help it. Looking at Taoist Guo now, they couldn't control the awe in their hearts. Instead, they were naturally under tremendous pressure.

"Do you think the elm money from the elm tree can really cure gastric cancer?" A rich man couldn't help but asked curiously.

"That Li Chao's daughter seems to be really showing signs of improvement." Another rich man couldn't help but said: "I think we can send someone to pay more attention to the little girl's follow-up situation."

"Yeah!" Another rich man nodded: "In addition, we can also test the elm money of the elm tree!"

"This is a good idea, but how do we test it? We can't pick it directly, right? Or send someone to steal it? Who knows if this will offend Taoist Guo?"

"It's better not to do this, Zhou Lun has learned from the past!"

"Look what this is?" The rich man who made the suggestion suddenly took out two strings of elm coins.

This surprised the other rich people.

"Where did you get this elm money?"

"Would it be taboo for you to take this thing?"

"That's it, that Taoist priest Guo's method!"

The rich man immediately said: "One string was caught by Taoist Guo Qingyu. He put it on the altar. It fell when they were carrying it. The other string fell to the ground. I picked it up when I saw it. Maybe , we can test this thing and see why it can cure cancer!"

Another rich man immediately said: "Perhaps the effect of treating gastric cancer is not just due to the elm coins. Daozhang Guo asked Li Chao's family to pray 9 times. On the 9th time, a string of elm coins fell down and was caught by Daozhang Guo. Daozhang Guo just I only took a few pieces from the bunch and threw the others aside, perhaps because of the blessing of mysterious power."

These words made the rich men nod their heads, as they had seen this with their own eyes.

The rich man said: "But what's wrong with testing it? We won't lose anything. The result can actually prove whether it is really effective with the blessing of mysterious power."

This statement has been approved by other rich people, so why not test it?

Therefore, a group of wealthy people also met and went down the mountain. While sending people to pay attention to the condition of Li Chao's daughter, they also went to Mingshi, found a laboratory that researched plants, and gave the elm money to the other party for testing to see if it could cure gastric cancer. ingredients.

"Yu Qian, cure cancer?" A person in charge of the laboratory was stunned, wondering if these people were joking with him.

Can Yuqian treat gastric cancer?

Is that so? Then the price of elm trees in China is not so high?

But these people paid money to the laboratory, so he didn't bother to say anything more, so he said with a smile: "Guys, we will carefully test whether this elm money has the effect of treating gastric cancer, and you will know the effect tomorrow."

These rich people left after receiving the reply. Then one of them received a call reporting: "Mr. Sun, that Mr. Li took his daughter to the hospital for a check-up."

This report also made these rich people look at each other.

In this case, the results can be a good comparison.


County hospital.

Li Chao has already brought his family and daughter outside the testing department.

The hospital opened a back door and sent a doctor to serve Li Chao. He also promised that the results would be available tomorrow.

This kind of testing usually takes one week for ordinary people, and two weeks in special circumstances.

But there was no other way. Someone had money and donated a piece of equipment.

In this society, sometimes money can really solve most problems.

Li Chao's wife was still a little worried: "Husband, do you think the elm money given by Daochang Guo is really effective?"

"Looking at Nini, it must be effective." Li Chao said with certainty. He didn't know when he had so much confidence in Taoist Guo, but that was it.

The reason why he came here for testing was because he hoped to use exact data to prove his confidence and reassure his family.

Time passes and night falls.

Qingfeng Temple is very quiet in the dark night, and occasionally the chatter of a few auspicious treasures can be heard:

"Pig...pig...where is the pig..."


"Lulu!" The wild boar roared suddenly.

However, Guo Lin left the Taoist temple under the cover of darkness and went straight to where the old elm tree was.

In the dark night, you can see sparse spots of light on the old elm trees from a distance.

In the black, the aura of those special elm coins is even more dazzling.

Guo Lin went directly to the old elm tree. With the help of his light +1 cloth shoes and his physical fitness after breaking his pulse, he jumped to the branches of the old elm tree, and then took out a piece of silver in a conspicuous place. Needle.

With the movement of his palm, the silver needles flew towards the shimmering elm coins.

After a while, you can see those special elm coins appearing in his hands one after another, and being put into the magic bag by him, until no light spots can be seen on the old elm tree.

This kind of special elm money will be picked and put into the magic bag as soon as it grows up.

The characteristics of the magic bag will not let this special elm coin rot and can be preserved for a long time.

I just don’t know how often this special elm money will grow under normal circumstances. After all, it is a special situation that it grows overnight because the game system helps refine merit.

Normally, it needs to grow slowly, and there must be enough time.

And this needs to be verified slowly over time, and it cannot be clear in a moment.

Thinking about it, Guo Lin also jumped off the old elm tree and returned to Qingfeng Temple.

The next day soon came.

As soon as Guo Lin got there, he received reminders of prayers and quiet room baptisms from people like Xie Qingyang and Lin Ze'an.

After they completed both wishing processes, the sect's station gained another 126 wishing points, and the total wishing power reached 1,663.

In Youcheng, the last Zhongmin Hotel, Li Chao also fed his daughter a piece of elm money given by Daochang Guo around noon, and then received a call from Youcheng County Hospital.

It's my daughter's test report that came out.

This speed is very fast. I'm afraid those doctors have been testing it all night, right?

Therefore, for people like them, sometimes they are not stingy with money for things that can be solved with money.

Li Chao and his family arrived at the hospital immediately.

The doctor at the hospital had been waiting for a long time. As soon as he saw the test report, he handed it to Li Chao: "Mr. Li, this is your daughter's test report."

Li Chao received the report and couldn't understand it at all. He could only ask the doctor: "Doctor, how is my daughter's condition?"

The doctor frowned and said: "Mr. Li, your daughter's condition is quite serious. If possible, we should arrange treatment as soon as possible. However, this kind of treatment is not available in our hospital. We still need to find a good tertiary A hospital."

Li Chao took his daughter's previous test report and handed it to the hospital and said: "Doctor, this is my daughter's previous test report. Please help me take a look at the before and after conditions."

The doctor nodded, took the test report and started to read it. But when he saw the test report, his expression changed: "No, it's far from that serious. Mr. Li, there must be something wrong with this test report. You My daughter’s condition is not that serious.”

"The results of my personal test can confirm this. Let me see what hospital would make such a mistake? You can definitely sue them."

"The First Central Hospital of Fujian Province... uh... Mr. Li, how about I test your daughter again? Maybe there is something wrong with the equipment of our hospital."

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