Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 192 I never expected it!

The quarrel between passers-by was none of Guo Lin's business.

But now people are at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain and traveling to Qingfeng Mountain, which will affect Qingfeng Temple. Even if it has nothing to do with Qingfeng Temple, interested people will forcefully go to Qingfeng Temple for the sake of traffic.

Because Qingfengguan has been very popular on the Internet recently, if you have the opportunity to take advantage of it, people on the Internet will not let it go.

Sometimes we are so speechless in the Internet age.

When Guo Lin brought Xuan Yun closer, he saw two waves of people tearing at each other. Men and women started to fight at the same time. The scene was ugly.

There was a crying child nearby.

The onlookers were already taking pictures with their mobile phones, and they all looked at the excitement:

"This is a war caused by naughty children!"

"Bear children and bear parents..."


"When you encounter someone who doesn't like it, the excuse of 'it's just a child' is useless!"

"Fortunately, this child's parents are surrounded by many colleagues, otherwise the whole family would be fucked today."


From the words of the tourists around them, Guo Lin and the others probably knew what was going on.

It's the naughty kid causing trouble again.

It was probably just a naughty kid with a water gun who was messing with people everywhere. Many tourists were already annoyed and talked to the other adults.

Similarly, this adult also said: The child is ignorant, so don’t argue with the child. He has never thought of educating the child and telling him that this is wrong.

So, this naughty kid used a water gun to seduce a woman again.

This woman had a bad temper. She didn't care whether it was a child or not. She just slapped her back. Then the mother defended the child and pushed the woman. As a result, the woman's husband became even more angry and refused to tolerate it. He directly slapped the child's mother. One front tooth was knocked out.

After that, people traveling on both sides started fighting.

Guo Lin just wanted to say, what is this?

Nowadays, the problem of naughty children in society is getting more and more serious.

Recently, the noisy behavior of children on the high-speed train caused the situation to escalate and was criticized by the official daily.

There was a naughty hotpot restaurant far away, which killed me, my parents, and my family.

Many parents complain about why society is becoming more and more disgusted with children. Some parents even say that today's society has no tolerance for children.

In fact, it’s not that society hates children seriously. We just hate unreasonable and naughty children who need to be taught a lesson. We don’t hate those well-behaved children.

Some children can throw their younger brothers into the well, while others know how to help their 88-year-old grandfather peel shrimps.

Some children can play with fire in the elevator and cause a fire, and some children know better than to throw garbage anywhere.

Some children can confidently take candies from vendors without paying, while others know how to give water to the sanitation aunt.

Therefore, today's bear parents don't pay attention to their children's problems at all. They think that if the children are still young, why should they care about them?

"The Taoist cultivation place cannot allow them to fight like this." Chu Xuan frowned and walked towards the two parties who were fighting.

He directly grabbed a strong man and said: "Good believer, fighting will not solve the problem...ah..."

Before he could finish his words, the parent responded and punched him.

Chu Xuan immediately covered his eyes and backed away, with a dark circle in his eye socket.

Guo Lin was stunned.

Is it stupid to just try to break up the fight?

Both sides are angry, don't you know it's easy to cause accidental injury?

However, Chu Xuan was the only one to break up the fight, and with what he said, it seemed that Dao's heart was very good.

"Little Taoist Priest, I'm sorry." The burly man seemed to realize that he hit the wrong person. He actually turned around to apologize to Chu Xuan, and then turned back to join the fight.

Chu Xuan was stunned by all this.

What's going on?

Guo Lin also knew that he couldn't let these people continue to make trouble.

The police didn't know when they would arrive.

Thinking about it, he also walked closer to both parties.

His appearance also attracted people around him, and they all pointed their phones at him.

"It's Taoist Guo!"

"Daochang Guo is here!"

"If something like this happened in his Qingfeng Temple, I don't know how he would deal with it!"


Guo Lin is indeed the focus here in Qingfeng Mountain.

He didn't do anything. Instead, he sat down cross-legged.

This scene attracted everyone's curiosity.

Including those Taoist Academy students.

Chu Xuan, Huang Bin, Qingwan and others all looked over.

Tourists are just as curious.

Guo Lin activated the energy in his Dantian and chanted the "Qing Jing Sutra".

As he chanted the "Qing Jing Sutra", it was as if some special energy was spreading around. Under the sound of chanting, the noisy voices of the tourists suddenly became quiet.

Even the two parties who were fighting were stunned and stopped.

They only felt that their anger was disappearing quickly, and their mood became calm, even a little distracted.

Even the crying child's crying gradually subsided.

Suddenly, the noisy environment became quiet.

Except for Xuan Yun, even Qian Song and the Taoist Academy students looked at this scene with shock on their faces.

"Daozhang Guo is so awesome!"

"A single chanting of sutras resolved the anger of both parties!"

“This is the Qingjing Sutra, it’s so amazing!”

"Why doesn't my reciting the Jing Jing Sutra have such a terrifying effect?"

These students from the Taoist Academy spoke one after another. You must know that most of them applied to Qingfeng Temple because of this "Qingjing Sutra".

But even if they learned the Jing Jing Sutra, they still couldn't achieve such an effect by chanting it.

This Daochang Guo is so awesome.

At this moment, a police car sounded, and a group of police officers got out of the car. As soon as the leader got out of the car, he started asking: "Who called the police? What happened..."

Seeing this, Guo Lin also stood up and walked towards Qingfeng Mountain. The tourists around him didn't look away from him at all, watching him go up the mountain.

Xuanyun also followed closely behind with people from the Taoist Academy.

Along the way, the students from the Taoist Academy kept looking at Guo Lin, with a hint of awe in their eyes.

Almost halfway up the mountain, I heard a humming sound in the forest, and a hoarse voice came from:

"Daozhang Guo..."

"Daozhang Guo..."

"Daozhang Guo..."


This caused all the people from the Taoist Academy to look curiously towards the forest, and saw a huge wild boar jumping out of the forest, with several little guys flapping their wings above.

"They are auspicious treasures. They can really talk! If there are such auspicious treasures, I will buy them no matter how much I spend." Huang Bin shouted out in surprise.

"They are spiritual things, don't insult them with your yellow and white thoughts!" Chu Xuan said lightly. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Huang Bin's behavior of always talking about money.

Everyone looked at Ono and Shouyi who appeared in surprise. Only Qingwan looked at this scene in surprise and murmured to herself: "It's really such a picture..."

No one could hear her murmur.

Xiaoye obviously discovered Guo Lin, so he ran over from the forest. It was originally patrolling in the mountains as ordered.

It hummed at Guo Lin and called to the two of them, and unexpectedly arrived in front of him, then knelt on the ground with a pair of front hooves and its head lowered.

The meaning is obvious, come and ride me.

Guo Lin smiled, did not refuse, and rode directly on Xiaoye's back.

All I can say is that this pig really makes him look good.

When welcoming people up the mountain, this mountain guarding beast suddenly ran out to carry him up the mountain. There is also a very shocking story in Taoist legends.

Indeed, seeing Guo Lin riding on the back of Xiaoye, a wild boar, and being carried up the mountain, the students of the Taoist Academy were even more in awe, and at the same time, they also had envy on their faces.

Since they entered Taoist College, they have seen many Taoist priests and Celestial Masters invited by the college to give lectures, and they have also had opportunities to study at famous Taoist temples organized by the college, but they have never seen anyone as powerful as Taoist Master Guo.

The key is this is a mount.

In Taoist legends, many Taoist masters have mounts.

For example, Zhang Tianshi's mount is the black tiger.

Guo Daozhang's wild boar mount, by comparing the pictures, is no worse than Zhang Tianshi's black tiger in the Taoist book, right?

After all, the wild boars and tigers in the forest don’t want to be messed with!


The group of people arrived in front of Qingfeng Temple.

The scene of Guo Lin riding a pig naturally attracted the attention of tourists in front of the Taoist temple.

Many tourists do some research before coming and naturally know that there is a huge and very smart wild boar in Qingfeng Temple.

There is even a video of Taoist Guo riding a wild boar upside down on the Internet.

It's just that they didn't see the wild boar when they came to Qingfeng Temple, which was a pity. After all, they had never seen such a big wild boar in their lives. .

But he didn't expect the surprise to come too suddenly. Daochang Guo suddenly appeared riding the wild boar.

This also caused those tourists to take out their mobile phones and take videos of Guo Lin and Ono.

Sure enough, he looked at the students from Qian Songhe Tao Academy, pointed to the location of the spiritual spring water and said: "The spiritual spring water, with a pious heart, can help you relieve the fatigue of going up the mountain."

The Lingquan Tank has changed from the beginning because the Lingquan water reservoir donated by Ma Tao has been built so that it can supply more tourists.

Qian Song and the students from the Taoist Academy were also curious and looked in the direction of the spiritual spring water.

They will choose to apply to Qingfeng Temple, so they naturally know many things about Qingfeng Temple, including this spiritual spring jar.

Guo Lin also wanted to see what would happen if these people drank the spiritual spring water, and whether everyone would get the effect.

What surprised Guo Lin was that the first person to try the spiritual spring water was the beautiful female student.

He actually paid attention to this Qingwan along the way.

It's not because she is beautiful or has a good figure or has a good temperament.

Mainly because she found that this person seemed to be out of tune with other Taoist Academy students.

Unlike other people who would speak or chat with the people around her, she didn't. She just looked on with her whisk in hand.

Qingwan walked to the spiritual spring water, picked up a bamboo ladle and filled a ladle of spiritual spring water and drank it.

After one gulp, her eyes lit up and she felt the magic of the spiritual spring water.

Then, she looked at the content of the stone tablet, and was even more surprised, and murmured: "It's really so magical, no wonder I am forced to apply for Qingfeng Temple..."

Guo Lin kept looking at Qingwan, and he could tell from her appearance that drinking the spiritual spring water was effective.

This means that she has a pious heart.

Then this entrance door is the real female crown.

What made him a little confused was that this person seemed too surprised by the spiritual spring water.

When other people saw someone coming up, they also went over to fetch water.

Guo Lin also looked at these people, and saw that these people drank the spiritual spring water one after another, but everyone seemed to be surprised by the effect of the spiritual spring water and sighed.

Everyone seems to be religious.

Guo Lin was a little surprised. This shouldn't be possible. After all, it was different from the rumors. It was rumored that there were many people in the Taoist Academy who thought they could make a lot of money by bidding to become Taoist priests.

It is impossible for any true Taoist priest in a Taoist sect to be 100% pious, let alone a group of academy students.

Guo Lin didn't dwell too much on this. He could pretend to drink spiritual spring water, burn incense and pray for blessings, but he couldn't fake it no matter what he did.

Therefore, after those people drank the spiritual spring water, Guo Lin also took them into the Taoist temple.

Xie Qingyang just happened to guide the three tourists to finish offering incense. When he saw him coming back, he also stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Senior brother!"

Naturally, he saw the people from Taoist Academy, and he felt a little happy. After all, the handymen were here, and he and Xuanyun no longer had to work hard every day.

The Taoist Academy students naturally saw Xie Qingyang, and they couldn't help but look sideways. After all, Taoist Master Xuan Yang defeated the black boxing champion with one punch not long ago. .

"Xuan Yang, take everyone from the Taoist Academy to burn incense one by one!" Guo Lin also ordered Xie Qingyang.

"Okay, senior brother!" Xie Qingyang nodded, and after agreeing, he also said to the students of Tao Academy: "Everyone, please follow me."

Chu Xuan and others also followed respectfully, but they did not wonder why they had to take turns to offer incense one by one. After all, the inheritance of each Taoist temple in the Taoist sect was somewhat different.

"Taoist Master Xuanyang, I'll be the first to offer incense!" Huang Bin said to Xie Qingyang first after receiving the incense candle.

"Yeah!" Xie Qingyang also nodded.

Huang Bin immediately went to the main hall to light incense candles, and then held incense and placed incense buttons on the futon.

The posture is very standard, even good-looking.

This surprised Guo Lin. This posture was absolutely standard, but Huang Bin shouldn't be doing it right.

After Huang Bin bowed the gift, he prayed and said: "The Great God of the Three Pure Ones is above. If believers can enter the Qingfeng Temple to practice, they will spend huge sums of money to build the Temple of the Three Pure Ones for the Great God!"

"???" Xie Qingyang!

"???"Xuan Yun!

The two of them were a little confused. What happened to this man?

"This bastard is not worthy of practicing Taoism!" Chu Xuan whispered softly.

The other Taoist Academy students were also a little disdainful. This person bribed Qingfeng Guan openly.

He also spent huge sums of money to build the Sanqing Temple.

Does the other party know how much it costs to build such a temple?

No, what does this person think of Qingfeng Temple?

How could a master like Daozhang Guo and such a mysterious place allow you to succeed in this way?

"..." Guo Lindu sighed, as expected, how could such a person have a pious heart.

But at this moment, a wish prompt appeared:

[Congratulations on gaining 6 points of will power! 】

"???" Guo Lin looked at this wish and suddenly froze.

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