Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 208 I didn’t say that Daochang Guo could fly!

After getting on the bus, Chairman Wu wanted to ask Daozhang Guo how he knew that the boss had picked up the mobile phone.

He thought about many possibilities.

But these possibilities were all denied by him.

Because Daochang Guo was in Youcheng before and was not here in Fujian City at all.

Even if Youcheng asked their chamber of commerce to find the phone, even if they could find it, they wouldn't be able to immediately know who checked the phone.

But no matter how curious he was, he couldn't ask. It was very rude.

Therefore, he could only ask: "Daozhang Guo, what about us now?"

Guo Lin also said: "Go to Xinhua Community."

Chairman Wu still didn't know what this man was going to do in Xinhua Community, but he immediately ordered the driver to do it.

The driver immediately turned around and headed for Xinhua Community. Other vehicles brought by President Wu also followed suit and drove away.


Lin Bao led others to watch this scene.

"Lin Bao, when are we going to take action?" asked someone next to him.

"Now is not the time." Lin Bao shook his head: "People from the Fujian Chamber of Commerce are here, and there are too many people from the other side. We must find opportunities."

To be honest, the power behind them is very covetous of the Fujian Chamber of Commerce. After all, they have a lot of money and power.

Moreover, Wandering Gods are popular here in Fujian City, and hundreds of gods, large and small, are worshiped. .

It stands to reason that this is easy to control.

But on the contrary, they are very exclusive. Even the Wandering Gods are clan-based, regional-based, and business-guild-based.

Every time they believe in gods and go on a spiritual tour, they have their own dedicated person in charge.

For example, in a clan, there are clan elders who specialize in presiding over sacrifices. The wandering gods are responsible for the efforts of specially trained clan members, so there is no need for outside Xuanmen to participate, and they cannot participate.

To them, all Taoist priests and monks are lies, and their own inheritance is better than these.

In addition, the Fujian Chamber of Commerce has too much energy, and he does not want to cause trouble.

If the plan of the master and a few Huang Lao can succeed, then the Fujian Chamber of Commerce will be nothing.

However, if Qingfeng Guan can be solved, the plan should be able to go a step further. The Huang elders have already guessed that Qingfeng Guan really has a heritage.

Maybe the Taoist sect has a real inheritance in Qingfeng Temple, but the entire Taoist sect, even the Buddhist sect, has actually lost its inheritance.

This is why there has never been any supernatural power on either side.

It's just that Daozhang Guo is a bit evil, and he needs some support to deal with the other party. As long as he can deal with Daozhang Guo and other people in Qingfeng Temple, then they will have no problem controlling Qingfeng Temple.

Thinking about it, Lin Bao made a phone call and went out.

As soon as the phone call came through, a voice came from the other party: "Lin Bao, how are you handling things over there?"

"I've already lured the man from Qingfengguan to Fujian City. I need manpower." Lin Bao directly stated his request.

Many old factions in the Taoist sect will cultivate some special force, especially the one they inherited. They used to rely on the special force they cultivated to guide the common people, and finally set off huge waves, and finally almost overthrew a dynasty.

Moreover, even without this inheritance, among Taoist sects, many Taoist factions were landlords in ancient times, and they also had some lending businesses.

If you have a lending business, you will naturally have the power to collect debts.

It's just that in modern society, the law does not allow some Taoist things. On the contrary, Taoism has become purer, but the inherited things are...

Everyone who understands understands.

However, it doesn't matter if they do it secretly, right?

After all, doing big things requires money.

If you have money, you can naturally support many capable people.

"Okay, I will transfer some people from Fujian City to you." Another voice came from the other side.

Lin Bao immediately laughed when he heard this: "Then I'll trouble President Li. When the matter is resolved, Qingfengguan will have to trouble President Li later."

With President Li in the Taoist Association, many things will indeed be easier to handle.

"Let's settle the matter first." Chairman Li's voice came again, and then he hung up the phone.

Not long after, Guo Lin and President Wu arrived outside the Xinhua Community.

Xinhua Community is an old community.

The facilities are old and the functions are not perfect, but the greening of this community is very good. The tall banyan tree in the community alone is very eye-catching.

The car was blocked by a security guard when it was about to go in. However, as soon as Zheng Nan came forward, the security guard no longer dared to block it.

The car stopped in the community, and Guo Lin walked straight towards the banyan tree in the middle of the community.

President Wu was even more confused.

Could it be that Taoist Guo is coming to this community to find Taoist Xuanyun?

In the dark, Lin Bao had followed him a long time ago and appeared in an alley not far from Xinhua Community.

You can see that more people have gathered around him, all of them are strong and strong men.

"Is it possible that the old Taoist priest Xuanyun is really still inside?" Lin Bao said with a frown.

A person next to him immediately said: "It's impossible. Our people searched it all over the place and even went door to door to ask. There's no such thing at all."

Lin Bao nodded when he heard this. Indeed, he had looked for them all.

He really didn't expect that Xuan Yun would be so cunning, that even Mi Xiang couldn't deal with him and let him escape.

Guo Lin took people to the banyan tree.

You can see many old people dancing in the square under the banyan tree. These old people are very eye-catching.

To be honest, these old people are really weird. As soon as they get on the bus, their legs become weak, and they lose strength after standing up.

But when they danced in the square, they came alive. In weather like this, when the sun was still out, they were able to dance.

It would be impossible for a young person to have such physical strength.

"Xuan Yun, I'm here." Guo Lin shouted to the group of square dancing ladies.

This scene stunned President Wu and Zheng Nan.


Xuanyun is among these square dancing aunts?

They hurriedly tried their best to find the voice of Taoist Xuanyun, but except for the aunt, there was no sign of Taoist Xuanyun at all.

But at this moment, Taoist Master Xuanyun's voice sounded: "Brother, you are finally here, I am here."

Then, under the incredible gazes of President Wu and others, an aunt ran out.

The aunt ran forward and bowed respectfully to Guo Lin.

President Wu and Zheng Nan just looked at this person dumbfounded?

Taoist priest Xuanyun?

I saw the aunt took off the hood on her head, which turned out to be a wig, then ran to the side, took a bottle of mineral water, and poured it on her face. .

After a while, makeup was put on his face. Although his face was ugly, it was indeed Xuan Yun's appearance.


President Wu and Zheng Nan looked at this scene in surprise.

Taoist priest Xuanyun's makeup skills are also amazing.

Guo Lin also laughed. If it weren't for the evolution results, he would definitely not be able to find it by himself.

Therefore, ginger is still spicy when old.

Xuan Yun has been able to practice hard for decades and travel to various places without getting hurt. He is not only capable of driving a vest, but also has many abilities.

Zheng Nan asked anxiously: "Taoist Master Xuanyun, what happened?"

When Xuan Yun heard this, he cursed: "Are you asking me? You can smell the fragrance just after taking a shower. I don't know where the bastard came from, using this method to deal with an old man like me."

"Fortunately, I'm an old man who has practiced martial arts, so the fragrance didn't completely fascinate me, and I even rushed out."

"Okay, there's nothing to be angry about. I want to help you get revenge." Guo Lin said with a smile and went straight outside Xinhua Community to look for him.

This scene made President Wu and Zheng Nan look at each other even more.

Does Mr. Guo even know the murderer behind this?

Moreover, look at this posture, the other party is nearby?

This is incredible.

Even if the police handle the case, they can't be so fast, right?

The other party seems to have appeared and knows everything.

For a moment, President Wu and Zheng Nan felt that this Taoist Guo was really full of mystery.

When Guo Lin walked out of Xinhua Community, Lin Bao and others saw Xuan Yun behind him.

"Damn it, he's still in this community." Lin Bao frowned suddenly.

"Could it be that he wanted to insult us in this way?" A person next to him asked: "After all, we have been looking for so long and still haven't found anyone."

"..." Lin Bao glared at the man, not wanting to answer the question. Instead, he stared in the direction of Guo Lin: "Anyway, this Taoist Guo has been attracted. We will find a way to greet him later... um... why is he facing him? Are we here?"

Lin Bao was suddenly stunned.

The people around him were also stunned.

After they, Daochang Guo, came out of the community, he seemed to be walking towards them, keeping his eyes on this place.

Were they exposed?

At that moment, Lin Bao saw Taoist Guo looking towards him.

The two people's eyes just looked at each other.

"Oops..." Lin Bao's expression changed.

They were really exposed.

But how is it possible?

When the other party came to Fujian City, they had been hiding in secret and did not show up at all.

Besides, how does the other party know that people like him are in this alley?

Just kidding.

Guo Lin did see Lin Bao, just like in Evolution.

The same neighborhood.

In the evolution, the other party will also go to that alley to spy on him.

So, he understands everything.

"Damn it..." Lin Bao frowned and cursed angrily.

He knew the abilities of Taoist Guo. That kind of bluestone would break if he slapped it. Who dared to slap it, let alone people from the Fujian Chamber of Commerce.

There is no advantage at all in this case.

However, they were not in too much of a hurry. They were still separated by a street. The streets on both sides were 8 meters wide, and there was a railing in the middle. Cars coming and going had to go around the overpass a few hundred meters away.

Otherwise, if you run off the road, you will 100% be hit by a passing car.

That's even better!

Therefore, it is impossible for the other party to catch up with them.

at this time.

A person next to President Wu also noticed something strange about Guo Lin, and looked along and discovered Lin Bao and others.

He shouted hurriedly: "Those people?"

Obviously, President Wu also has capable people around him.

President Wu waved his hand directly when he saw this.

Most of the people around him had already rushed out.

How could Guo Lin let those people escape as they wished?

He rushed directly to the street at an extremely fast speed. Because of the lightness and force-relieving properties of the cloth shoes under his feet, coupled with his physical fitness, the speed was terrifyingly fast.

President Wu was instantly surpassed by him.

Each of these people looked at Guo Lin's back in shock.

Immediately afterwards, they stood there in shock with their eyes wide open.

What did they see? ?

The Taoist priest did not rush toward the overpass next to him, but rushed straight out of the street without stopping, ignoring the passing vehicles.

He suddenly jumped over the cars on the street and landed on the railing in the middle of the street like flying.

The drivers of the passing vehicles only felt a black shadow flying above their heads. Many were startled and stopped their cars.

The driver behind him could clearly see a figure flying up the street to the railing in the center of the street. He stood on tiptoe, jumped up again, and flew towards the other end of the street 8 meters away.


Is this a joke?


There was the sound of a vehicle collision.

The streets were in chaos for a while.

This scene even shocked President Wu and Zheng Nan behind him. Is this Taoist Guo still a human being?

He quickly ordered: "Take care of the scene, do a good job, and don't cause trouble to Daozhang Guo!"

"Okay, President!" Zheng Nan said immediately.

Almost at the same time, Guo Lin had landed firmly on the other side of the street and looked coldly at Lin Bao and the others.

"Fuck..." Lin Bao suddenly turned pale, and he and the people around him turned around and ran away in fear.

The forces behind them had investigated a lot of information about Daozhang Guo, but they did not tell them that Daozhang Guo could fly.

"Hmph!" How could Guo Lin let these people escape?

He quickly chased into the alley, and then saw a flying knife being summoned from the magic bag with a wave of his hand, and it floated directly around him under the sword control skill.

With another wave of his hand, the flying knife flew out quickly, so fast that no shadow could be seen.

Immediately afterwards, a series of miserable howls began to be heard.

The person running at the end only felt severe pain in his legs, and his hamstrings were broken. He could no longer use his strength and rolled forward directly, followed closely by the second, third...

The moment Lin Bao heard the sound, he hurriedly looked back to see what was going on. At that moment, he also felt severe pain in his legs. He couldn't use any strength at all and rolled out with the same scream. on the wall.

When he saw the scene behind him, there was no trace of blood on his face, and all the people he brought had rolled to the ground.

Moreover, what he saw was a flying knife flying and jumping next to Taoist Guo like an elf. With a wave of his hand, the flying knife disappeared instantly.

Lin Bao's eyes widened in shock!

This guy is not human at all.

Damn it!

The power behind them has no information at all, and they actually want to rob the other party of Qingfengguan.

Guo Lin looked at this scene coldly without any mercy. It was impossible for these people to reattach the hamstrings that he had destroyed.

In ancient times, there was a Taoist priest who went down the mountain with a sword to kill people, but he just went down the mountain to kill a few people.

Moreover, he believed that the Fujian Chamber of Commerce would handle the follow-up matters well.

In a moment, President Wu's people arrived with the sound of footsteps.

When they looked at the scene inside, they all looked at Guo Lin in awe.

There are many people on the other side, but how much time does it take? Did this Taoist priest get rid of all the people?

Being able to do that thing silently in the hotel, these people are definitely not simple, and it also shows that this Taoist priest is terrifying.

Guo Lin walked towards Lin Bao. Naturally, he wanted to take something from him.

It's not over yet.

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