Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 262 Is this a divine connection? It’s really a blessing from the mountain god!

Brother Yuan looked at his phone in confusion, wondering why something suddenly went wrong.

This is the latest mobile phone he bought for shooting videos.

Guo Lin was still chanting the sacred ritual: "The golden furnace is full of incense and mist, and the auspicious aura and auspicious light fill the universe..."

At the same time, Xie Qingyang and Xuanyun had arrived in front of the believers. Zong Bin and Zong Wan, who were accompanying them, also carried a basket full of incense and distributed incense to the believers.

The sacred ritual was very long, and only after the believers lit the incense and placed the three tributes for sacrifice could Guo Lin finish the recitation.

Believers also began to worship the mountain god.

Usually, by this point, the mind wandering is almost over.

It's just that today, in addition to moving the gods, there is also the moving of the spirits. After the spirit shifting, the spirituality of the old mountain statues is transferred to the new mountain statues. This is the end, and the old mountain statues can be disposed of.

Guo Lin was about to continue the statue-moving ceremony when he suddenly raised his head and looked at the mountain god statue in disbelief.

He suddenly felt something was wrong.

It was strange that something was wrong.

It seemed that some energy suddenly appeared in the old statue, but when he really went to sense it, he found that there seemed to be no abnormality in the old statue.

Guo Lin was a little confused. He was sure that he didn't feel wrong just now.

He has now successfully established the foundation, his perception is very keen, and it is impossible for him to feel wrong.

At this moment, the devout believers behind him suddenly let out a series of exclamations.

"How is this going?"

"Look at this fragrance..."

"Mine is like that too!"


Guo Lin subconsciously turned his head and looked at an incredible scene.

I saw that the smoke from the incense lit in the hands of those devout believers did not dissipate, but miraculously remained on the incense, and slowly gathered into a ball.

The scene was as if a dark cloud suddenly shrouded the stick of incense in their hands, and the area of ​​the dark cloud was even getting bigger and bigger.

This scene really shocked Guo Lin.

Xie Qingyang and Xuanyun looked at him subconsciously, which made him a little depressed.

He didn't do anything.

At this moment, the smoke clusters on the incense sticks of the believers slowly began to rise, as if they were peeling off cocoons.

The smoke was flying towards a place, and the target turned out to be where the old mountain god statue was, and then it quickly got into the old mountain god statue.

This scene made the incense-holding believers all widen their eyes, and the piety on their faces could not be concealed, and they hurriedly kowtowed in unison.

Such a scene can only be explained by the appearance of the mountain god.

The Mountain Goddess really does exist. How honored they are to be able to participate in such a moment.

Xie Qingyang, Xuanyun, Zong Bin and Zong Wan also hurriedly kowtowed, their faces full of piety.

Only Guo Lin was dumbfounded.

He didn't do anything.

In other words, the induction was not wrong just now?

This is amazing.

That shouldn't be the case. He was the one who took the mountain temple to the Taoist temple and checked it inside and out many times. There was nothing abnormal at all.

Now looking at the incense drifting towards the old mountain god sculpture, and getting into it, it is obvious that there is something very abnormal.


That's a bit ridiculous.

In the distance, Brother Yuan was still studying his mobile phone. He suddenly looked up and saw what happened in front of the mountain temple, and he was instantly horrified.


The assistant next to him was completely frightened and said blankly: "Brother Yuan, this... this is the reason why Qingfeng Temple wants to close the mountain. Is there really a mountain god? The Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple said that it would be bad luck to come up privately without being invited. of."

Brother Yuan's expression changed, but he still gritted his teeth and urged his assistant: "Give me your phone quickly, mine is broken. Even if you are unlucky, you must take a picture of this scene, otherwise we won't Is it just a waste of time to come here?”

The assistant was trembling, obviously scared, and took out the phone after a while.

Brother Yuan hurriedly took the phone, turned on the camera function and took pictures of everything that happened in the mountain temple.

But when the camera was turned on, he couldn't believe it. His assistant's cell phone was also covered in snowflakes.

It seems that it was not that the phone was broken just now, but that there was some energy affecting the shooting function of the phone.

Is it really that terrible?

Guo Lin kept staring at the mountain statue, and he felt that special power appearing again, which was very strange.

He quickly mobilized the mental method of "Tianshi Talisman" again and used his mental power to sense it.

This time, he actually sensed something.

A very wonderful feeling came.

That seems to be a strange existence.

Is that a sign of weakness?

To please?

Are you kidding me? Is it because of the game system?

After all, the game system has been revamped for the second time, and the mountain god sculpture is in the Taoist temple.


That feeling of sexual intercourse!

If the cause appears...

Gan! ~

Guo Lin suddenly couldn't control his whole body and trembled, and backed away in shock.

Just now... was he the legendary divine friend of the Taoist sect?

That feeling was obviously a moment, but it seemed like a long time passed on the spiritual level.

When Guo Lin came to his senses again, he saw the smoke from the incense in the hands of the believers rushing towards the old mountain god sculpture faster.

Kaka! ~

A series of shattering sounds also sounded at this time.

It was seen that the old statue was even more broken, until the entire sculpture was covered with dense cracks. Suddenly, the whole sculpture collapsed.

At the same time, I saw that there was a cloud of smoke inside the sculpture. It was obviously the smoke that had drifted in just now, but now it had gathered into a ball, which was very frightening.

As the old statue shattered, the smoke quickly penetrated into the new sculpture.

What's even more amazing is that none of the broken pieces of the old sculpture fell on the platform, leaving the entire altar clean.

The believers, including Xie Qingyang, looked at this scene in surprise.

They all sighed: Taoist priest's spirit transfer is really amazing.

But Guo Lin knew that he had done nothing.

Suddenly, a familiar feeling came over me.

"This is..." Guo Lin suddenly looked surprised.

It seems that there is spiritual energy rushing around, just like the spiritual energy washing out before, but the scope is very small.

Immediately afterwards, that special feeling disappeared.

Guo Lin frowned and hurried forward to the new sculpture. The feeling really disappeared. Even if he felt the mountain god sculpture again, he still wouldn't feel it.

"What's going on?"

It seems to have completely disappeared.

But that shouldn't be the case.

At this moment, exclamations suddenly sounded, and the believers were heard exclaiming.

"Look at that bamboo, it's growing rapidly!"

"And the orchids too!"

"It's incredible, just like the flowers and plants growing suddenly on Qingfeng Temple."


Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, and even remembered the crazy growth of plants in Qingfeng Temple overnight.

Nowadays, on the mountain trail of Qingfeng Mountain, the plants inside the Qingfeng Monument and the plants outside are still clearly distinguishable.

It was rumored at that time that the mountain god had blessed the entire Qingfeng Temple.

Now that I have seen this scene with my own eyes, I can finally confirm this statement. The mountain god really has such a blessing ability.

So shocking.

They also kowtowed more devoutly.

"No...there is no way such a thing can happen!" Brother Yuan's exclamation sounded nearby, and he even rolled down from his hiding place and howled miserably.

What did he see?

The bamboo is actually growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was like a dream.

The people at the foot of the mountain will never believe this situation, right?

This is the reason why Qingfeng Temple wants to close the mountain. It is so shocking.

"It's over..." Brother Yuan suddenly realized something. The young Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple seemed to have said that if you are not a devout believer, you will be in trouble if you collide with the gods.

What about them?

Brother Yuan and his assistant were immediately frightened and ran away in a panic.

It's a pity that their voices just now were hidden from Guo Lin, who had already established a foundation. He really didn't expect that someone actually sneaked up and stayed to peek in the dark.

Therefore, he also took out two bad luck charms from the magic bag and activated them directly.

Xie Qingyang and Xuanyun looked subconsciously and saw two black energy chasing outside quickly.

The two of them probably guessed something. Someone must have sneaked up and offended their senior brother.

Brother Yuan and his assistant ran wildly. After leaving the Taoist temple, he felt a chill in his body, as if something had penetrated his body.

Brother Yuan had no idea that there was already a small group of black energy between his eyebrows.

After leaving Qingfeng Temple, he immediately took out his mobile phone and started operating it.

Although there were snowflakes when I took the picture with my mobile phone just now, the scene in front of me was still captured.

Therefore, he can still attract attention, and he can make headlines.

He went on the short video platform, looked at today's news, and found that the popularity of Qingfengguan Fengshan had increased instead of falling.

Moreover, someone has already posted on the Internet why Qingfeng Temple was closed.

In particular, the mountain god transference ceremony has been hotly discussed.

Everyone is very curious about the status of the Qingfengguan Mountain God Transferring Ceremony, which is worthy of Qingfengguan’s closure of the mountain.

Seeing this, Brother Yuan immediately started editing: "Shocked, Qingfengguan's mind shift is so terrifying! 》

"You may not believe it. When I was taking pictures, my phone was affected by some special force and turned into the shape of snowflakes. And, guess what I saw? I actually saw the smoke from the incense going towards the mountain god. The gods gathered there, and, more importantly, the plants around the mountain temple grew rapidly after that..."

Brother Yuan posted exactly what he saw online without any falsehood, especially the sudden snowflake-like video was also posted online.

Brother Yuan has some fans, because he usually posts videos at a fixed time, and he previously announced that he would go to Qingfeng Mountain to enjoy the serve fans. Therefore, as soon as his video was released, it attracted a lot of likes and comments from fans. .

In addition, with this kind of popularity, many people are curious about the mountain god ceremony at Qingfengguan Mountain. As time goes by, his video has become popular in a short period of time.

"Fuck, I thought this ceremony was ordinary when I watched the video, but the sudden snowflake shape made me feel that things are not simple."

"This snowflake came so unexpectedly. If it wasn't electronic interference, it must have been affected by some force."

"Brother Yuan, is this description true or false?"

"It's fake, isn't it? Didn't you say that you were unlucky to attend the Qingfeng Viewing Party without being invited? Brother Yuan can still post a video, so he's not unlucky!"


At this time, Brother Yuan had already run all the way down the mountain and soon arrived not far from the mountain gate.

When he got here, he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed like nothing happened.

Just when this thought came together, he suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and then he became weightless and was about to roll down.

He had no idea how his kick would miss the mark, so he subconsciously grabbed his assistant.

The assistant subconsciously dodged it, allowing him to miss it.

"???" Brother Yuan was confused. This guy is not a human being. Will he die if he is helped?

Then, he rolled straight down, going round and round, bumping again and again.

The assistant knew immediately that something was going to happen.

This is the boss.

He hurriedly chased after him, but he was too hasty and stepped on the pebbles on the edge of the steps, and suddenly his whole body rolled down.

He didn't even understand how he came up short like that.

"It will be bad luck if you collide with the mountain god!"

This was the only thing that came to his mind. Otherwise, how could he explain it?

The two finally rolled together, hit the mountain gate, and fainted.

This scene shocked both Zhang and Chu who were looking at the mountain gate, and the tourists around them were also attracted. Why did the two people roll down the mountain in good condition?

Someone has already called 120 in a hurry.


Brother Yuan’s video quickly went viral. Because of the attention Qingfeng Guan closed the mountain, many people felt that Qingfeng Guan’s mountain god ceremony was mysterious.

Therefore, as soon as Brother Yuan’s video comes out, no matter whether it is true or false, it becomes the best talking point. Naturally, it will be discussed. The more people follow it, the more popular the topic will be.

In a commercial building, in an office with a view by the window, Huang Yi frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

Because of the pressure from his younger brother Huang Bin, he had to transfer a sum of money from the company to the other party.

Although he also took the opportunity to prove that his younger brother was unreliable, after all, no one would believe that a person who was so superstitious and actually gave such a large amount of money to a Taoist temple could manage the company well.

However, when this money goes out, they also lack advertising funds for Tiancheng Technology's new products. Their new products are high-tech sweeping products. Without enough advertising, future sales will definitely be average.

Therefore, he had been putting off his request for his younger brother before, but who knew that the other party had been forcing him, and now he had to think of ways to advertise.

The secretary hurried in at this time: "Boss, there is news about Qingfeng Temple on the Internet. They seem to have closed the mountain and held a mountain god ceremony, which is very popular!"

"Show me." Huang Yi frowned, took the video and took a look. It was the video sent by Brother Yuan. The key was that in the video, he also saw the figure of his brother, kneeling and worshiping there.

This annoyed him even more, this idiot.

He watched other videos of this hot news topic and understood what the whole thing was about.

But he was even more angry.

Why can someone who promotes superstition become so popular? How good would it be to give them this heat?

Suddenly, Huang Yi saw the latest news. It turned out to be the appearance of "Into Science". They sent a video:

"Please look at the world from a scientific perspective and refuse to use superstitious propaganda to gain traffic. This is very wrong. We are reversing the direction of history and cannot be unscrupulous in gaining attention on the Internet! 》

When Huang Yi saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Now was the opportunity. He had given Huang Bin money before, but he still had some backup options. He could step on Qingfengguan hard and gain popularity and traffic for himself.

This is the best advertising.

After some time, Brother Yuan and his assistant woke up in Youcheng Hospital.

"Brother Yuan, we suddenly fell down, it seems we are really unlucky."

"How is that possible? It's a coincidence!"

Brother Yuan said stubbornly, and then quickly took out his mobile phone to see what happened to the video he posted, but found that his account had been blocked, and a permanently banned video popped up.

"How could this happen?" Brother Yuan was dumbfounded.

The assistant immediately said: "We are taking action from the side of science. Therefore, we are regarded as a typical example of relying on superstitious propaganda and reversing the course of history."

"Ah!" Brother Yuan's face suddenly turned extremely ugly. He approached science like shit. Everything he said was true.

Now he believed that he was definitely out of luck.


In front of the mountain temple, Guo Lin walked up to the mountain god sculpture and kept sensing the situation inside, but everything was extremely calm and there was no response.

This made him stare at the mountain god statue with great annoyance. This emotion was very strange, and it was the first time he had such an emotion.

Just when he was feeling annoyed, he suddenly looked at the mountain god sculpture subconsciously and hurried forward.

Is this a response?

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