Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 298 Three spells! Mix into Qingfengguan!

After Guo Lin received this reward, he immediately returned to the Taoist temple and entered the alchemy room.

He wanted to see what this most useless spell was.

Since they are all spells, is there any point in saying that they are useless?

Even "Bingzi Dharma Book" has its pretentious effect of pretending to be gods and ghosts.

Thinking about it, an idea entered the game, and Guo Lin also saw a jade slip placed on the table in Daoyuan. Moreover, this jade slip seemed plain and simple compared to the ones he had gotten before.

When I picked it up and looked at it, I saw the note information above:

[This is a special jade slip, which contains three useless spells:

1. Fire technique. 2. Traces of wood and stone. 3. Sound insulation!

After using it, you can get the specific information of the three spells. Do you want to use it? 】

After seeing the note information, Guo Lin finally knew what this third collection of most useless spells meant.

It turns out there are three spells.

He directly chose to use it, and then he saw dots of starlight appear on the jade slip and penetrate into his mind.

At the same time, the specific information of the three spells also appeared in his mind.

Moreover, he finally knew that these three spells were called the most useless spells.

No wonder it comes from a side door.

For example, this fire spell can summon a flame on your finger when casting the spell. If you do this in a backward rural area, the ignorant villagers will definitely regard it as a god.

In the novel, when Zhou Qingyun went down the mountain, he encountered a Taoist priest who knew how to use fire to trick people. Then he waved his hand and a fire python appeared, which scared the Taoist priest to his knees.

When Guo Lin saw this flame technique, he finally understood what it meant to be useless.

"Bing Zi Dharma Book" can still be pretentious, why is this? A flame comes out of your finger and you light a cigarette without using a lighter?

By the way, it can be used to perform magic tricks and trick little girls.

This is truly a useless spell.

Fortunately, the shadow of wood and stone gave him some comfort. This is a spell similar to the magic of shadow of wood and stone. In the novel, Shen Ruolan taught her sister this spell.

To put it simply, you need to stand next to a wood or stone, cover the wood or stone with your breath, and after casting the spell, your body will blend into the wood or stone.

It does not melt, but blends its color into the environment like a chameleon. This spell is completely integrated into it, and it is even completely invisible from the outside. It is not comparable to a chameleon.

This spell is more like the ninjutsu in a certain ninja anime. The ninja in it can't hide himself on the wall with a piece of cloth, so that no one can see it at all.

But this wood and stone shadow is even better, no tools are needed at all.

This is definitely a spell for escaping. The disadvantage is that people who are too powerful or have special spells can see it.

As for the last sound insulation technique, it has appeared in many Xianxia movies and TV series.

For example, when two masters are having a conversation, if they wave their hands, other people will not be able to hear them.

Naturally, this soundproofing technique can be used both inside and outside.

In a noisy place, you can cast this spell and prevent outside sounds from coming in at all.

In the novel, Yang Jin just casts this spell to isolate all sounds from outside, so that the second child can concentrate on growing up, no longer hear, and is not shaken.

To put it simply, compared to the fire spell, the latter two spells are definitely more effective.

However, in the world of Shushan Swordsman, compared with the overall level of spells, these three spells are indeed very useless.

But in an era when reality is helpless, this spell will definitely shock people.

After Guo Lin obtained the three spells, he started practicing them directly in the Game Garden.

No matter what, now that you've got it, you can't let it sit idle no matter how useless it is.

Moreover, these three spells are indeed useless spells, and they are not too difficult to learn. He learned all three spells in almost half a day.

In Daoyuan.

Guo Lin, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly stood up, with three sticks of incense appearing in his hand, and walked towards the main hall of Daoyuan.

Then, he raised his hand, raised one finger, and saw a flame emerging from his finger.

He stretched out his flaming fingers towards the three sticks of incense, and saw that the three sticks of incense were also lit in an instant.

This is the flame technique.

Guo Lin took three sticks of incense and prayed for a while, then placed the incense on the incense burner.

After that, he was seen walking out of the main hall, then walked to a wall and leaned against it.

The next moment, something surprising happened. His figure began to become homogeneous with the wall, and the colors became closer and closer.

Finally, his figure disappeared, and his whole person completely turned into the color of the wall, and blended into it perfectly.

Looking over it, it seems as if there is only one wall there and no one at all.

This is the trace of wood and stone.

Although it is a useless spell in Shushan Swordsman, it is also a very powerful deception.

Naturally, if someone stabbed Guo Lin with a knife, he would still be heartbroken.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Lin took out a mobile phone, turned on the music on the phone, and turned it to the loudest volume.

As the music played, he waved his hand, causing a wave of waves to appear around him, forming an oval-shaped shield that enveloped him inside.

At that moment, the music playing on the mobile phone could not be transmitted in. This is sound isolation.

Then, he walked out of the soundproof cover and put the mobile phone playing the sound into the soundproof cover. The music played by the mobile phone could not be heard again.

This sound insulation technique should be very useful sometimes.

Guo Lin familiarized himself with three more spells before exiting the game. At this moment, he discovered that there was movement in the information about the sect's location in his mind.

There was another inner disciple added to the attribute list of the sect members, and it was Xuan He.

Apparently, Xuan Yang had already completed the initiation ceremony for Chu Yan.

Now the disciple initiation ceremony does not require his personal participation. Xuan Yang can completely handle the initiation of Xuan Zi.

In the future, when disciples of a lower level are introduced, Xuan Yang does not need to personally participate.

Taoist sects also have their own hierarchical system for accepting disciples, especially in those Taoist holy places with thousands of disciples. It is impossible for Taoist sects to have senior Taoist priests or heavenly masters or elders preside over every time they accept a disciple.

it's out of the question.

However, when Guo Lin looked at the messages from his disciples, he thought of something.

That is, Qingfeng Temple already has spiritual energy, but there are still too few things that inner disciples can cultivate. In addition to the "Basic Qi Refining Method of Nine Heavens Xuan Jing", there are only such talismans as the Peace Talisman, the Inner Marriage Talisman, and the "Bing Dharma Calligraphy" by "Qingfeng Shuzi".

He currently has no plans to teach the more advanced "Sword Controlling Technique", "Ten Thousand Sword Techniques", "Bad Luck Talisman", and "Tianshi Talismans".

Without systematic assistance, it would be difficult for those disciples to practice these things.

Now I see that these three useless spells can be engraved on the stone cliffs of the Stone Wall Illusion Land for the inner disciples to practice.

These three spells are not difficult to practice, and they will definitely be regarded as very powerful spells in reality. They can also supplement the practiceable spells of Qingfengguan, so they won’t seem too embarrassing!

Guo Lin thought about it, and communicated with the stone cliff of the stone wall illusion mirror with a thought, and then burned three useless spells on the stone cliff.

Shiya needs inner disciples and piety 5 to inspire.

Even if a devout 5 believer happened to get in, he wouldn't be afraid of being imitated.

Even though he knows that there is a inheritance of Qingfengguan here, he can only stare!

Moreover, he has already improved the settings on the Shiya side.

In addition to recording "Qingfeng Fist", other skills are also divided into levels.

In addition to the catalogs that can be viewed, such as the calming charms, you need to cultivate energy to activate them!

Otherwise, there will be no energy and no way to practice these things. If you watch too much, you will not be able to practice and will suffer from chaos.

In Qingfeng Temple, Xuan Yang had also walked towards Chu Yanhe and said: "From today on, you are Xuan He. I hope you practice well!"

"Yes, senior brother." Xuan He also nodded, and his name for Xuan Yang also changed.

Next to them, Wang Yang and Lin Ze'an looked at it with envy on their faces!

You must know that they have been here a long time ago. It stands to reason that Zong Bin and Zong Wan should be here after them. Who knows that another Xuan He has arrived.

Xuan Yang looked at Xuan He and said, "Xuan He, you have been coming to Qingfeng Temple for some time, and you should also know some of the magic of Qingfeng Temple."

Xuan He nodded: "I know that the quiet room and the blessing room are both magical, and there is also the "Qing Jing Sutra" from Qingfeng Temple!"

Xuan Yang added: "These are indeed extraordinary, but the real strength of our Qingfeng Temple is our cultivation."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of talisman paper and started writing on it. After a moment, he saw the words "Qingfengguan" condensed in front of Xuan He, like a holographic virtual image?

Xuanyun smiled when he saw this. This was the "Qingfeng Calligraphy" spell, and he had just learned it.

When people like Lin Ze'an and Wang Yang saw this, their eyes were filled with heat. They had no way to learn these spells now.

They haven't even cultivated the energy that the Taoist priest mentioned.

Xuan He looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyes became more colorful!

She knew that Daoist Guo had the ability to be an immortal, and no one knew what he was doing in the * country better than her.

Can I learn spells by entering Qingfeng Temple?

If she could learn Daozhang Guo's strength, would she be able to use her sword to punish those who committed crimes like Daozhang Guo when encountering injustice?

Thinking of this, there was an unspeakable light in her eyes.

Xuan Yang also said to the others at this time: "While the tourists haven't arrived yet, everyone prays in front of the Stone Wall Fantasy Land to open the Stone Wall Fantasy Land."

There is already "Qingfeng Fist" on Shiya in the Shibi Fantasy Realm. It is much faster for Xuan He to learn it than for them to read the instructions themselves.

After hearing what Xuanyang said, Xuanyun also brought the inner and outer disciples of Qingfeng Temple to the stone wall illusion!

Xuan Yang also led Xuan He over.

at the same time.

Two people suddenly walked in outside the Taoist temple.

Both of them wore Taoist symbols on their bodies, held Taoist temples on their arms, and wore Taoist robes for practicing outside.

Dressed like this, one is either a Taoist layman or a Taoist monk.

The two entered the Taoist temple and carefully looked around. After all, their people came to the Taoist temple but never returned. They can't be contacted now. There is no news, and even the sign is missing.

Thinking about it, they also took out their mobile phones and looked at the picture of the brand. They had to remember it, otherwise they wouldn't be able to recognize it when they saw it.

This time, in addition to inquiring about the companions and brands, they also wanted to find out the details of Qingfengguan.

They suffered such a big loss at Qingfeng Temple, but they didn't even know the details of Qingfeng Temple. They only guessed that Qingfeng Temple should have the real Taoist skills.

Moreover, in order not to expose their identities, they even faked the identities of two Taoist priests who were practicing asceticism and traveling. The Taoist Association could find out the information.

Therefore, as long as they are not exposed, the people in Qingfengguan will not be suspicious.

They can definitely stay at Qingfengguan and investigate slowly!

The two of them thought about it and continued walking towards Qingfeng Temple. Once inside, they saw the people from Qingfeng Temple sitting cross-legged together, preparing to pray.

Seeing this, the two looked at each other and hurried over.

One of them said: "Dear Taoist priests, I am a poor Taoist, Ping Yuan, and my junior brother Ping He. I passed by Qingfeng Temple during my travels. I am here to worship you. I hope to pray with all the Taoist priests."

Paying homage upon seeing the ceremony is also the etiquette that traveling Taoist priests must follow when visiting other Taoist temples.

This means that when traveling to other Taoist temples, if you encounter a ritual to pray for blessings, you should follow them to visit and pray.

Since they are pretending to be Taoist priests who practice asceticism and travel, they naturally have no flaws in what they do.

Xuan Yang glanced at the two of them, but did not refuse. After all, the senior brother did not stipulate that other believers should sense the illusion of the stone wall, just like Qin Hong's donors had experienced the illusion of the stone wall.

Therefore, Xuan Yang also told the two of them: "You two can pray together, but be prepared and don't be too surprised later!"

Ping Yuan and He He looked at each other in shock when they heard this. What surprises could there be in this blessing?

Xuan Yang didn't say any more and started leading people to pray.

Seeing this, Pingyuan and Pinghe also began to pray, but as they prayed, their expressions gradually became incredible.

They clearly saw a fog in front of them. On the other side of the fog, there was a towering peak.

The mountain peaks seemed to be connected to the sky.

The two of them were instantly shocked.

This is what the old Taoist priest said, don't be too surprised?

Is it an illusion?

Just when the two were surprised, an even more shocking scene appeared. They discovered that figures appeared at the bottom of the mountain.

Is there anyone in the hallucinated mountain?


It’s those people from Qingfengguan.

Pingyuan and Pinghe came to their senses in shock at the same time and saw an incredible scene.

The people at Qingfengguan were no longer visible in front of them. No, there was only a female Taoist priest left.

Chu Yanhe was also surprised at this time, because she also saw Senior Brother Xuanyang and others entering the mountain through the fog.

Can I still enter this mountain?

Almost as soon as this thought came to her mind, she felt a suction force appear on her body, and then her body disappeared in place.

When Ping Yuan and Ping He saw this scene, their eyes widened in shock.

Oh my God!

There is such a thing.

The hearts of the two of them were beating wildly, and they felt as if they had discovered the secret of Qingfeng Temple.

There is such a magical thing in Qingfengguan!

As long as they figure out this secret, they will definitely be able to help Yi Lao and the others to deal with Qingfengguan.

Thinking about it, the two clenched their fists excitedly. They didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

You have to stay there for the night and then go in there and take a look.

It seems like praying can get you there.

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