Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 356 Didn’t this come to your door?

"Senior brother, this incident in Gecun has become quite big and has been on the news." Xuan Yun said with a sigh on his face.

After listening to Xuanyun's description, Guo Lin also took out his mobile phone to check the Internet and read the news. It was really a big fuss.

Several news videos have more than 300,000 likes.

I don’t know how many people have seen this news.

After reading it, Guo Lin felt it was a bit nonsense.

The cause of the incident was an old peasant woman in Ge Village.

The old peasant woman discovered that there was a rat in her house, so she wanted to use rat poison to deal with the rat, but who would have known that she accidentally knocked the rat poison into the rice vat. .

Here he was puzzled.

Who would get rat poison next to a rice vat? Keep it far away so you don't accidentally get rat poison into the rice vat.

What he didn't expect even more was what the old peasant woman did with the jar of rice.

Generally speaking, if the rat poison has entered the rice vat, the rice in this vat must not be used anymore. Throwing it away directly is the best choice.

It turned out that the old peasant woman did not do this. She washed the rice and then cooked it for her family to eat.

My family didn’t even know it, but they ate them all.

As you can imagine, the whole family was admitted to the hospital. The old peasant woman had a bad appetite, so she ate a little, but she was fine and was discharged from the hospital.

My son, grandson, and granddaughter have some root causes of illness.

The most important thing was that her husband died from the food.

This is already a lot of nonsense, who knows there will be even more nonsense later.

The old peasant woman was still reluctant to throw away the jar of rice, so she fed the rice directly to the chickens, but all the chickens died.

This is a typical loss outweighs the gain.

But what’s even more outrageous is yet to come. After this old peasant woman’s husband dies, isn’t there going to be a funeral banquet?

Now the dead chicken coop must not be thrown away, and it soon worked?

The old peasant woman cooked the chicken and fed it to the whole village. Now all the people in the village except the village chief and a few people were admitted to the hospital.

Guo Lin felt like he was reading some outrageous story and couldn't believe it was true.

An old man’s story of killing a village?

Xuanyun said again: "Brother, the people in Ge Village are confused now. Fortunately, the chickens ate rat poison and were cooked again. The impact was not great and no one died."

"But this incident made everyone in the village feel evil. After all, the old peasant woman is usually a very smart person and would not be so stupid."

"More importantly, the doctor's preliminary examination showed that the old peasant woman had no mental problems or Alzheimer's disease. The village chief suspected that it was a feng shui problem or something bad in her head, so she asked us to have Qingfeng Guan."

"You can go take a look." Guo Lin thought for a while and said.

It's not surprising that the other village chief found the Taoist temple. After all, it's normal for the villagers to have doubts in this regard.

Moreover, if we don’t go and take a look at the village near Qingfengguan, if there is any big problem in the future, it may affect Qingfengguan.

The most important thing is that if an old lady who was originally very shrewd becomes like this, if there is no disease, then it may be caused by something.

After all, a magic card has already appeared in Tianyun Temple.

If that's the case, maybe it's something delivered to your door.

After all, the Shushan Sect Demon Locking Tower still needs to imprison 5 evil spirits to stimulate the power of the rules above to suppress the demons.

Only by activating the Demon Locking Tower can the Shushan Sect be upgraded again.

The more Guo Lin thought about it, the more he felt that some special magic card had revived in Youcheng.

After all, there are many statues enshrined by Chengdao and Buddha, as well as various gods in folklore.

If this is really the cause of some magic card, it is also caused by the thunder he used to build his foundation, and he cannot just sit idly by.

"Then I'll inform the village chief of Nage Village." Xuan Yun said and immediately left the reception room.

A moment later, a middle-aged man came in. As soon as the man saw him, he immediately bent towards Guo Lin and said, "Dao Zhang Guo, you must help our village."

"Believers don't have to be like this. I don't know the reason yet." Guo Lin also said quickly.

If it's a reason like a magic card, he can solve it. If it's not, it's just the old peasant woman's subjective reason, such as revenge on society, or murder, etc., he can't do anything.

Guo Lin also took Xuanyun out of the Taoist temple and followed the village chief of Nage Village to Ge Village.

Along the way, he also learned the name of the head of Ge Village, Ge Dahong. According to his own introduction, he was also an antique enthusiast.

He was originally going to attend the funeral banquet. Fortunately, a friend wanted to sell him an antique porcelain bowl, so he went back to look at the things and was spared the trouble.

Because he plays antiques, he also believes in some things like ancient science and Feng Shui, so he came to Qingfeng Guan for help.

Not long after, Guo Lin and Xuanyun followed Ge Dahong to Ge Village.

As soon as they entered the village, they could see that the faces of the entire village were clouded. After all, except for their good luck, their family members had all been admitted to the hospital.

In particular, many people eat with their families, including their sons and daughters. This kind of thing has a great impact on the children.

Naturally, these people also saw Guo Lin and Xuan Yun coming, and started talking one after another.

"Did the village chief invite Daoist Guo here? Is it really a Feng Shui issue?"

"It must be. I didn't agree with digging the road before, but now it's ruining the feng shui, right?"

"But that road leads to Qingfeng Temple. Isn't that a good thing?"

"It's also possible that something bad has influenced her. After all, Aunt Hui is not such a person originally."

"Daozhang Guo is a master of Taoism and will definitely be able to find the problem."


Guo Lin entered the village with a slight surprise on his face, because he did feel the aura of the divine card.

After he broke through the golden elixir, his strength became stronger and his spiritual thoughts became stronger. The situation in the village could be sensed with just one thought.

Moreover, the exploration of Jin Dan's strength will not be discovered by beings weaker than himself.

The key point is that the aura of this divine card seems to be somewhat similar to the one from Tianyun Temple before, both of which have an uncomfortable aura.

In other words, what happened in this village was basically caused by some kind of magic card.

He was about to head northeast of the village.

The magic card is there, and the old peasant woman's home must be there.

Village chief Ge Dahong hurriedly said: "Taoist priest, you are going in the wrong direction, we should go this way!"

Guo Lin was confused. This direction was not where the magic card was. However, he followed the opponent forward and soon arrived in front of a small foreign-style building.

Nowadays, rural areas are not like before. Anyone who has a little bit of money and cannot afford to buy a house in the city will choose to build a small western-style house on the village homestead.

This is true in almost every household.

As soon as Ge Dahong arrived downstairs, he shouted: "Ge Dagen, I have invited Daoist Guo here, why don't you come out to entertain me?"

After a moment, a strong man hurried out. When he saw Guo Lin, he knelt down and said, "Daozhang's really Daozhang Guo. You must save my mother."

His eyes were filled with prayers, because he knew that Taoist Guo was an expert at Qingfeng Temple.

Others don't believe in Taoist Guo's magic. He lives near Qingfeng Temple. How could they not?

They are fully aware of the changes in Qingfeng Mountain, and what is happening in the neighboring villages is known to everyone around them.

Daochang Guo met Bai Shi from a neighboring village, and the deceased actually entrusted Daochang Guo to send a message to his son.

Many people can testify to this.

Moreover, he knew what kind of person his mother was. She had always been sensible and smart, and kept the house in order. It was impossible for him to do such petty and stupid things and cause such a big trouble. Although because of his old age, he could not He was detained, but the impact was really too great, and it was so undeserved.

Now that Daochang Guo is here, he will definitely be able to help him.

"Well, let's take a look first!" Guo Lin also nodded and walked into the small foreign building.

We can also tell something from Ge Dagen's attitude. After all, Aunt Na Hui's mistake led to the death of her husband and left the root of the disease in her son, grandson and granddaughter. The son should hate her.

But the son is not even angry, only worried, which means that Aunt Hui is indeed trusted by his son and is definitely not someone who would do such a thing.

It seems that it is really the influence of that divine card.

What makes him wonder is why the magic card is not in Ge Dagen's home.

"Daozhang Guo, come in quickly and take a look at my mother!" Ge Dagen led Guo Lin into the small building, the look of prayer on his face getting stronger.

Afterwards, Guo Lin also saw the old peasant woman, but she was lying on the bed and seemed to be in a coma.

Ge Dagen explained: "Daozhang Guo, my mother fell into a coma before you came. Please save my mother."

Guo Lin stepped forward and checked with his spiritual mind, and found that the old lady, like Liu Fang's sister before, also had a problem with her spirit. She was affected and fell into a coma.

He also felt a trace of the power of the magic card from the old peasant woman. Sure enough, the old peasant woman's previous confusing behavior was influenced by the magic card.

Moreover, the magic card is not here. It seems that the Ge Dagen family has been plotted. It should be the family where the magic card is.

I just don’t know if the other party is targeting the Ge Dagen family, or if there is another reason.

This is a bit interesting.

"Xuan Yun, take a look at the old man, and then prescribe some medicine and give her a health-preserving pill."

"Okay, senior brother."

Xuan Yun understood that the health and fitness elixir was the most important thing.

He also stepped forward to check on the old peasant woman.

Guo Lin called Ge Dagen outside, pointed to a building and asked, "Whose home is there? The third building."

Naturally, he asked about the location of the divine card.

In other words, the initiator is there.

Ge Dagen looked at the house and immediately replied: "Daozhang Guo, that's the village chief's home. What's wrong?"

Ge Dahong’s family?

"Interesting." Guo Lin couldn't help but smile.

He was invited by Ge Dahong, who looked worried about the villagers. Who knew that this matter might have something to do with him.

Under normal circumstances, if the other party does this, it is absolutely impossible to invite him down by yourself, unless the other party has some purpose or calculation.

I just don’t know if this purpose and calculation is between him and Qingfengguan.

East of Gecun.

At this time, Ge Dahong had also returned to his home and entered a collection room.

You can see that there are many antiques displayed on the shelves. Although they are not valuable antiques, there are indeed many collections.

Because he really likes collecting, and it was precisely because of this hobby that he bought a Buddha statue dug up by a villager, which gave him this adventure.

He walked straight towards an unknown Buddha statue, but the Buddha statue was a little dark.

If there are Buddhist people here, they will definitely recognize this as Qitanna.

This is a double-faced Buddha.

Although it is said that Qitana can eliminate ignorance and ignorance and make people smarter, there are also legends that Qitana also symbolizes ignorance and ignorance.

All disasters caused by ignorance and ignorance will be turned into the power of Qitanna.

Even Qitana can influence the degree of stupidity of others and amplify their ignorance.

Therefore, Qitana is often ranked as one of the top ten evil Buddhas.

"Don't worry, Buddha, I understand your needs." Ge Dahong bowed to the Buddha statue and continued: "You have foreshadowed the Qingfeng Temple in the north several times, and I invited the Taoist priests from Qingfeng Temple."

He now basically understands the magic of the Buddha, and what happens in the village can provide power to the Buddha statue.

Because this Buddha cured his grandson's stupidity, his grandson no longer had saliva or snot in his mouth and smiled stupidly.

When my grandson fell into the pond, it was because so many people in the village gathered around to watch and refused to save him that he fell into a fever.

After what happened in the village, he also felt several times that Buddha indicated the direction to the north, where was Qingfeng Temple.

He guessed that what the Buddha statue needed must be Taoist priests from Qingfeng Temple. Presumably those practicing Taoist priests should be able to increase the power of the Buddha statue.

Thinking about it, he also walked out, not noticing at all that the Buddha statue was trembling slightly, and two cracks appeared on its chest.

Ge Dahong had already walked out of the treasure room, called his wife outside and said: "Cook a good meal for noon. I asked the Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple to come down the mountain. I will entertain him well at noon."

After giving the instructions, he also went out to Ge Dagen's house. When he invited Taoist Guo and the two of them to his house, the Buddha would definitely be very happy.

He also met Guo Lin soon. When they met, he said respectfully: "Taoist Master Guo, you worked hard to come down from the mountain to help our villagers. I asked my family to cook and I want to entertain you well!"

"Then it's troublesome for the faithful." How could Guo Lin refuse? Didn't he send it to his door again?

Ge Dahong didn't know this, and he was happy when Guo Lin agreed. He thought he would waste a lot of words.

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