Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 427: 100,000 people beg the Immortal for rain!

Guo Lin looked at the scene in front of him in confusion.

Not only did the fortune teller kneel down as soon as he entered the hall, but the people who poured into the hall immediately followed him and knelt on the ground, and even kowtowed one by one.

"Please help me!"

"Exalted Immortal, save our people in *zhoucheng!"


Guo Lin looked even more confused when he saw this scene.

However, he is not stupid. This is probably the fortune teller who has attracted him and wants to develop a wave of followers for him.

After the fortune teller knelt down, he immediately shouted with true feelings: "Sir, please show mercy and save the suffering believers!"

However, Guo Lin could clearly see an acting skill in the fortune teller's face, which confirmed his idea.

Therefore, he also used Buddhist calligraphy to manifest the Holy Spirit out of thin air, and condensed a line of words: What happened? Such a mess?

After hearing the fortune teller's prayers, those who came in with the fortune teller were full of piety.

They had all heard about the Qingfeng Temple in *zhou City, where a deity appeared, so they came to pray for it devoutly.

At this moment, everyone was completely frightened when they saw the line of words condensed out of thin air, and kowtowed one after another:

"The Immortal has appeared. Let's pay my respects to the Immortal!"

"Greetings to the Immortal!"

"Greetings to the Immortal!"


Guo Lin also immediately sensed that a trace of merit and virtue was born and floated, which also proved that these people were pious.

This is the benefit of spreading faith in ancient times.

He simply combined the Buddhist calligraphy and made these believers bow their heads.

Now that the fortune teller has deceived so many people, if he can turn these people into believers, then his followers in this game world will cause a big explosion.

That represents countless wishes and merits.

When the fortune teller saw the line of floating words, he immediately told the reason: "Shangxian, these are the believers in *zhou city. Now the outside has completely turned into chaos. The ten countries outside the Song Dynasty are mutually exclusive. The people were in dire straits due to the invasion, and now there are still many refugees rushing into the Song Dynasty to become rioters and bandits. The key point is that these countries are still suffering from drought, and many places have no harvest, making the situation even more serious."

"Even if our Song Dynasty is better, we are still affected by drought. Drought has occurred in the *zhou area. Therefore, the residents of *zhou city want to pray to you, can you bring some rain to Hangzhou?"

Guo Lin also understood what was going on.

He is not surprised that there is a severe drought in the game world. First of all, outside the Song Dynasty, Nanzhao Kingdom has been suffering from drought for many years. It seems to be caused by the water monsters raised by the leader of the Moon Worship Sect.

You must know how terrifying this water monster is. It is the biggest boss beast in Xian 1 and can even devour gods.

As for other small countries such as Nantang and Beiliang, they are the places where Shushan Swordsman's plot activities take place. The Blood Demon is about to revive, so the land is thousands of miles away.

In this case, the devil's sect prospered and the crooked ways were designed to cause these things. Only in this way can they recruit members and practice evil arts.

The Emei Sect took advantage of this situation and took advantage of the situation. Although they were domineering, they did target the Demon Sect and eliminated many demons.

It is precisely because of this that before the Emei Sect opened its government, there were so many evil spirits to cause trouble.

However, no matter how troublesome these demon sects are, their impact on the Song Dynasty is still very small.

Because they did not dare to enter the Song Dynasty.

After all, outside the Song Dynasty, the only people they had to face were famous and decent sects like the Emei Sect, and even the Immortal World Cave Heaven Heavenly Court behind them would not take action.

In the Song Dynasty, there were not only the Shushan sect, which was the leader of the 108th Celestial Immortal Realm, but also other Dongtian Immortal Realms.

You must know that a transformed god from the Emei Sect is already a fool, and even the strongest one is no more than a true immortal.

There are already powerful enlightened people on the Shushan sect.

Although it is said that the Sword Master's enlightenment process makes people complain, he is indeed a strong person who has mastered the Tao and has a glimpse of the original power of the sword.

There is more than one sword master who has reached the key to enlightenment.

Which Xu Changqing is not dead yet? This person was one of the main forces who destroyed the Evil Sword Immortal. Because of the power of Nuwa's descendants, most of the generals in the God Realm would not be able to match him.

This is why even if the Demon Locking Tower is collapsed by Li Xiaoyao and the others, the demon world cannot invade on a large scale through the Well of Gods and Demons under the Demon Locking Tower and is blocked.

Generally speaking, those evil practices rampant in small countries did not dare to enter the Song Dynasty.

However, this drought did have an impact on the Song Dynasty. The climate damage did not affect one place, but would spread.

It has not rained in the area near Hangzhou City for a long time. In addition, other countries are experiencing severe droughts and refugees are pouring into various parts of the Song Dynasty, which makes people even more panic-stricken.

It is on this basis that so many people come up to pray for rain as soon as the fortune teller persuades them.

Now the fortune teller is worried about whether the immortal can bring rain.

After Guo Lin understood what was going on, he used Dharma calligraphy again, and once again condensed a line of words: Rainfall is determined by the sky and has a fixed amount, which cannot be modified!

In fact, in this situation, the rain-calling spell in "Tianshi Talisman" can play a role.

However, some things need to be foreshadowed, right?

Sure enough, as soon as this line came out, everyone panicked. If a severe drought really comes, don't they have to wait to die?

This also made those people kowtow even more crazily:

"Please have mercy on me!"

"Please have mercy on me!"


The fortune teller saw that the Immortal's intention seemed to be a joke, and deliberately asked loudly: "Isn't there anything I can do about it, Immortal?"

Guo Lin was very pleased to see that the fortune teller was so cooperative. He cast it again and a line of Buddhist calligraphy appeared: God has the virtue of good life. As long as there are enough believers to pray for blessings, rain prayer talismans will surely come down and let heaven rain!

When the fortune teller saw this word, he immediately understood it and shouted loudly again: "The immortal's instructions, believers understand!"

After saying that, he stood up and shouted to the people in the surrounding *zhou city: "Fellow believers, the Immortal has already given instructions. As long as the instructions are completed, rain will definitely fall."

These words made the people in *zhou city rise up one after another and surrounded the fortune teller with faces full of joy:

"Taoist Priest, what should we do?"

"Yes, Taoist Priest, what should we do?"

"Please ask the Taoist Priest to teach me!"

The fortune teller immediately went straight to the topic and said: "The immortal said that God has the virtue of good life. As long as there are enough believers to come to Qingfeng Temple to pray for blessings, they will surely become the gods and rain will fall."

After hearing this explanation, the people all understood and shouted one after another: "So that's it. Everyone, go back and call the people around you to come to Qingfeng Temple to pray for blessings."

"Yes, as long as everyone prays together, it will definitely reach heaven's heart, and it will rain."

After a while, the people in the *zhou city were seen fleeing away one after another.

In a blink of an eye, only Mingxian Suan was left in the hall.

Guo Lin also looked at the fortune teller at this time, and used Buddhist calligraphy again: "Have you absorbed a Qingling Pill?"

The ghost messenger Lei Yuanzai bribed several Qingling Pills before, two of which were given to Suan Mingxian, but the other party was too weak at first, so he suggested that the other party slowly absorb them.

This time the opponent obviously absorbed one of them, and his strength increased a lot.

However, because he had just absorbed the energy of the Qingling Pill, his foundation was still a little unstable.

"Yes, Immortal!" The fortune teller responded hurriedly and respectfully.

"Stay firm."

Guo Lin left another line of words, returned to the main body, and appeared in the corridor.

In reality, it is difficult for believers to develop. Even if Qingfeng Temple is really magical, and if everyone knows about the magic, it is far impossible for people today to be as pious as in ancient times.

In modern times, the same miracle exists. The modern social outlook has caused too many distracting thoughts and thoughts. Even when facing God, there will only be one person who is truly devout without distracting thoughts.

They may be afraid, but it is difficult to be truly religious.

Modern people may be surprised by the same Buddhist calligraphy, but instead of exclaiming, they will subconsciously pick up their mobile phones to take pictures.

But it is really different in the ancient times where the game world is set. When a book of Buddhist scriptures is read, everyone who sees it will bow before it, and it can generate pious vows.

That's the difference.

Now, under the deception of the fortune teller, he has created a crazy way to attract followers.

Rainfall is indeed a constant method since ancient times.

No wonder in so many TV movies, those who have achieved great success pray for rain at every turn.

"Tianshi Fufa" has the technique of calling for rain.

This rain-calling technique does not have a clear range of power, it is determined based on the strength of the person who performs it.

If the incarnation of Shenyuan casts it by itself, the scope of its power will definitely be limited.

If the main body is able to display the peak strength of the golden elixir, it will definitely be different. In addition, the main body has absorbed a trace of the original power of the fairy sword and the divine tree. This time the original power is displayed, the range of power will be greater. It should be able to be used by monks who surpass the realm of Yuanying. The rain-calling spell can cover a large city like *zhou city without any problem.

Moreover, although the rain-calling spell can be cast without a talisman, it is not a problem if you want to draw the rain-calling spell into a talisman.

Therefore, Guo Lin quickly retreated into seclusion and began to draw rain-calling talismans.

The city of *zhou in the game world soon fell into chaos.

As those who went up the mountain came back, a message spread in the streets: go to Qingfeng Temple to pray. As long as there are enough people, the Taoist temple's immortals will make it rain.

Many people call friends.

In these troubled times, it has not rained in *zhou city for a long time. During the busy period, the people were panicked. Now that they heard the news, many wanted to try it. After all, they would not suffer any loss if they went up the mountain.

Naturally, the prefect of *zhou knew about this chaos, which naturally aroused his nervousness. He immediately asked people to inquire about this immortal, and finally found out a piece of news.

This immortal seemed to have summoned Linjiabao's soul and freed the son of Linjiabao's housekeeper from his grievances.

The prefect naturally knew that the master of Linjiabao was a respectable knight and was related to the minister of the dynasty, and he had frequent contact with him.

Therefore, the prefect immediately went to Linjiabao to visit and asked about the Qingfeng Temple Immortal.

And this visit will bring huge waves to *zhou City.

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