Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 455 Respect the Taoist Priest! Fujian Chamber of Commerce for help!

Xuanyang and Xiaodeng quickly arrived outside the Mo family's residence. There were already people from the Mo family waiting outside respectfully: "Two Taoist priests, our family master has ordered that you must be treated respectfully." Welcome in."

"Let's go!" Xuan Yang smiled.

The senior brother asked him to show his fists, which was indeed very intimidating.

He also brought a small lamp into the Mo family's residence. Naturally, he also held a few talismans in his hands at any time, just in case.

Moller soon welcomed him out in person, and said respectfully in front of Xuanyang: "Two Taoist priests, welcome. Your arrival will make our Mo family shine."

Xuan Yang looked at Mo Le and didn't want to talk about it. He went straight to the point and said: "Mo family leader, our senior brother said that we appreciate your jade, so this time we are sent to give you a big gift."

"Ah, is it the old Heavenly Master?" Moller was even more shocked.

It turns out that these two people and the old Heavenly Master also came from the same place, and they were brothers.

That's right. If they didn't come from the same place, how could they all have such terrifying power?

Then, he asked with curiosity on his face: "Two Taoist priests, I wonder what the great gift you are talking about is?"

"How is the Kradu family?" Xuan Yang asked with a smile.

"Huh??" Moeller's eyes widened slightly.

You must know that originally, the four major warlord families in Myanmar were equally powerful, and no one could do anything about the other. It was not until the Peng family was destroyed and he occupied the Peng family's territory that his strength greatly increased, surpassing the remaining two families.

It is precisely because of this that the remaining two families have a tendency to unite to deal with him.

If these two Taoist priests can really help him destroy the Kradu family, then the remaining family will not be a threat to him at all.

Moreover, this means that he has the opportunity to destroy the last family, unify Myanmar, and finally become the king of Myanmar.

"Taoist Priest, what are your conditions?" Moller asked quickly.

He believed that the other Jedi would not help him destroy the Kradu family just because of the previous jade, and would definitely have other purposes.

Xuan Yang did not hide it: "We need special ferrosilicon, so after taking control of the Kradu family's ferrosilicon veins, you need to organize people to mine special ferrosilicon and hand over the special ferrosilicon to us regularly."

Moller secretly thought that this was indeed the case, and then he decisively agreed: "Don't worry, Taoist Priest, if I can control the power of Kradu, I will hand over special ferrosilicon to the Taoist Priests on a regular basis."

Are you kidding me? If it was just this request, I would have to agree to it anyway.

Although handing over the special ferrosilicon to the other party will result in less revenue for the Kradu family, it is nothing compared to the power of the Kradu family.

The most important point is whether this can establish a relationship with these Taoist priests.

If you can ask these Taoist priests to take action at the critical moment, that will be your real trump card.

Thinking about it, he said even more respectfully: "Two Taoist priests, I have prepared rich food for you."

"There's no need to eat. Let's prepare it immediately and send us to the Kradu family's territory!" Xuanyang didn't want to stay here longer and said directly.

Mohler didn't dare to refute, so he immediately issued orders and arrangements.

Soon a transport helicopter arrived and landed not far away.

Under the guidance of one person, Xuan Yang and Xiao Deng boarded the helicopter directly.

When the helicopter headed towards the direction of the Burmese Kradu family, Moller immediately returned to his command center and directly gave an order to his men: "Gather all the teams and move towards the Kradu family's territory at full speed."

He didn't hesitate at all, because he fully knew how terrifying the old Heavenly Master's power was. Now that these two Taoist priests dared to go to the Kradu family, they must be fully confident.

A picture was also played on the screen of the command center, which was the scene of the helicopter.

Likewise, in one place in the capital.

One person also hurriedly came to Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin to report: "Two leaders, the two Taoist priests from Qingfengguan have already arrived at the Mo family, and now the Mo family is sending them to a direction, where is the Keladu family. , so this time, Taoist Xuanyang and his companions may be targeting the Keladu family."

Mr. Chu, like Cheng Jianxin, arrived in front of a multimedia screen, and a video screen was also played on it. It was the transport helicopter arranged by Moller.

This was exclusively captured using the highest definition satellite.

The Taoist priests from Qingfengguan suddenly went to Myanmar again, and they were also curious about the purpose of these Taoist priests.


The plane passed through a mountain forest and plateau, and soon a city appeared in front of us. In the corner of the city, you could clearly see a strict military garrison.

As the transport helicopter that Xuanyang and the others were on approached, it was obvious that helicopters could be seen rising up and heading towards them.

The helicopter pilot was suddenly shocked: "Two Taoist priests, what should we do? These are combat helicopters with combat systems."

"No rush." ​​Xuan Yang said softly, and with a wave of his hand, several talismans flew out of the helicopter, and then he saw protective shields condensed in front of the transport helicopter.

At this moment, the helicopters of the Kradu family launched an attack, with flames flying and ferocious special bullets fired at the Mo family's helicopters.

The helicopter pilot almost closed his eyes in despair.

But something surprising happened to him.

All those bullets seemed to be resisted by a layer of energy that he couldn't see. Apart from sparks coming out of thin air, they did not harm their helicopter at all.

The driver subconsciously looked at the two Taoist priests behind him, and his heart suddenly became calm.

No wonder that old heavenly master was able to destroy the Peng family.

These two Taoist priests are also so terrifying.

Xuan Yang didn't know how long his amulet could withstand, so he immediately used his sword control skills. As he swung out his spiritual sword, he saw a sword light flying out quickly and heading straight for the helicopters.

In an instant, the combat helicopters of the Kradu family exploded one after another, turning into fireballs and falling to the ground.

This scene was seen by both Moller and Mr. Chu.

Although the picture was a bit snowy due to some kind of energy, the destroyed helicopters could be clearly seen on the screen in front of them.

"Apart from the old Heavenly Master, these two Taoist priests are obviously also very scary." Moller muttered to himself in the command center. .

On the other side, Mr. Chu also sighed with emotion: "Sure enough, none of the Taoist priests in Qingfeng Temple are simple."

But then, Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin were completely attracted by the video screen. A figure actually jumped down from the transport helicopter.

It's the female Taoist priest.

Such a height is truly terrifying.

If a normal person jumped down, his bones would probably be reduced to rubbish.

Soon, the picture was affected by energy again, and a snowflake shape appeared. However, as time passed, the snowflake shape disappeared, and when the picture returned again, it was seen that the female Taoist priest had fallen to the ground.

A terrifying pit had appeared around her.

It was when she hit the ground and came out with impact, but nothing happened to her.

This scene made both Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin's eyes slightly glazed over.

But obviously, for Xiaodeng, who has a body with Yuanying strength, this impact is not a problem at all.

After the small lamp fell to the ground, it immediately rushed towards the headquarters of the Nakradu family.

At this time, in the Kradu family base.

The head of the family, Kradu Wei, also received the news immediately and hurried to the command center: "Who attacked us? How many people did they mobilize?"

One person reported subconsciously: "Master, the other party only dispatched a transport helicopter and one person. She is coming towards us."

At this time, another person hurriedly shouted: "No...she has already rushed into our base."

When Kradu Wei heard this, he subconsciously looked at the surveillance screen. Although the screen was blurry and snowy, they could see that their soldiers were frantically attacking with their guns.

But their attacks seemed to be of no use. Instead, they were swept up by the impact of the figure a moment later, and fell to the ground one by one without making any sound.

"What the hell is going on?" Kradu Wei shouted angrily.

The person who made the report at the beginning said nervously: "Master, the Peng family was destroyed by that old Celestial Master before. Is this woman now the same existence as that old Celestial Master?"

These words made Kradu Wei shrink his neck and shook his head wildly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. How can there be so many such terrifying existences??"

But the next moment, he was completely dumbfounded. He saw the woman rushing into his armored unit. Although the woman's whole body was affected by energy and she couldn't see clearly what happened in her snowy state, wherever the woman passed, his The armored forces were all broken up and deformed.

What kind of force impact could cause such a horrific scene?

Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin, who had been paying attention to the situation, felt their whole bodies trembling when they looked at the satellite footage.

The scene in front of me seems to be more shocking than the Heavenly Master's action.

The female Taoist Priest of Qingfengguan is simply a superwoman, right?

This kind of power is now turned into a weapon of war, and unconventional weapons are simply ignored.

The more you understand Qingfeng Temple, the more you will understand the horror of Qingfeng Temple.

This female Taoist priest who has never shown up is so terrifying. The key is that they have no idea how many such terrifying existences there are in Qingfeng Temple who have not yet shown up.

In the Myanmar Mo family's residence, Mohler also saw this terrifying scene and swallowed subconsciously.

He was a little lucky, fortunately he knew the situation.

Xiao Deng penetrated the Kradu family's military garrison alone.

Kradu Wei was almost scared away. Ponda, the head of the Peng family, learned from his mistakes.

It's just a pity that Moller was a smart man and had been prepared long ago. Kradu Wei did not escape and died at the hands of the Mo family.

News of the demise of the Kradu family soon spread throughout Myanmar. After the Mo family occupied the territory of the Kradu family, they became completely dominant in Myanmar.

In a warehouse of the Kradu family, Moller said to Xuanyang as if he was claiming credit: "Taoist Master, what is in this warehouse is special ferrosilicon, which must exceed 10 tons."

"Well done, remember to mine this special ferrosilicon well in the future." Xuan Yang smiled, and the task assigned by his senior brother was completed.

Moller also hurriedly expressed his loyalty and said: "From now on, our Mo family will respect all Taoist priests and mine ferrosilicon ore well."

In the Shushan sect.

Because the main body was trapped in the Taoist Garden of the game, Guo Lin controlled the avatar of Shenyuan to move around in the Taoist temple, even placing his mobile phone in the hands of the avatar of Shenyuan.

Therefore, he quickly received the news from Xuan Yang, which also made him light up with joy.

In this way, when the special ferrosilicon is transported back, he can refine the ferrosilicon spirit and then refine the artifact.

However, it will take some time to transport more than 10 tons of stuff.

"Brother, what do you think of this charter?" Xuan Yun took out a Taoist temple notice and handed it to Guo Lin.

The announcement is about the spiritual energy polished rice. Since the Taoist temple is free to refine the spiritual energy rice in advance due to the spiritual energy flushing, it is natural to continue the announcement.

After that, the inner disciples of the Taoist temple can enjoy refined spiritual rice every day. If the outer disciples meet the standard, they can receive a portion of refined spiritual rice per day according to their contribution. There will be additional rewards for additional contributions.

There are many terms and conditions for this extra reward, which is a full page long, but you have to work hard to get the extra reward.

"That's it!" Guo Lin nodded, and then he also controlled the incarnation of Shen Yuan to fly up to Shushan Sect.

After the spiritual pulse reached level 3, the spiritual energy of Qingfengguan increased a lot, but the spiritual energy of Shushan Sect was still more, after all, it was 1.5 times that of the outside.

If the Shushan Sect can be upgraded, this multiplier will surely increase again.

It's just a pity that now that the Shushan Sect's upgrade conditions have been completed, including the pressure of Taoism and enough believers to provide willing merits, the only condition left is to fully activate the Demon Locking Tower.

But to completely activate the Demon Locking Tower, you need to imprison 5 demons and evil spirits to stimulate the demon-suppressing runes of the Demon Locking Tower, and then completely activate the Demon Locking Tower.

So far, there have only been three locked up in the Demon Locking Tower, with two more to go.

I don’t know when demons and evil spirits will come to my door.

When Guo Lin controlled the incarnation of Shen Yuan and sat down cross-legged to practice, Xuanyun quickly posted the announcement on the internal bulletin board of the Taoist temple.

This immediately caused a stir among the Qingfeng Guanmen. The inner disciples were okay, after all, they had cultivated energy, but the outer disciples were boiling with excitement.

They can only practice "Qingfeng Fist" by relying on the spiritual energy refined rice they occasionally get. The best way is to use merit points to exchange them at the Merit Hall.

It’s just that the quantity is limited, and the competition for redemption is also high.

Well now, you have the opportunity to get one every day.

"That's great, that's great." When Zhenchu ​​(Chapter 382) saw the announcement, even though he had practiced Taoism for a lifetime, he couldn't help but be excited.

He had previously received a spiritual energy rice reward from Taoist Guo, and he had redeemed it from his Merit Hall. As long as he had some more spiritual energy rice, he believed that he could cultivate energy in his Dantian.

Now he can receive one every day. He will definitely be able to cultivate energy in the past few days.

While the disciples of Qingfeng Temple were all excited, two Fujian luxury cars also drove into the foot of Qingfeng Mountain.

President Wu of the Fujian Chamber of Commerce stepped out of the car, and in the same car with him was the frowning Zhang Ershao (Chapter 247).

Judging from the appearance of Second Young Master Zhang, he was obviously in trouble.

"Xiao Zhang, since you're here, don't be so sad." President Wu patted Second Young Master Zhang on the shoulder and said, "When our chamber of commerce has finished discussing with Daoist Guo, I will discuss your matter with Daoist Guo and ask for Daochang Guo took action, after all, if there is any big problem in Fujian, it will not be good for our Fujian Chamber of Commerce."

"Thank you, Uncle Wu." Second Young Master Zhang hurriedly thanked him, but at the same time he looked troubled: "Hey, I thought it would be a good thing to be transferred to the police department, but who knew that this kind of thing happened as soon as I took office. I was completely helpless and could only I’m asking Daochang Guo.”

"However, Uncle Wu, it's really hard to believe that such a guy actually exists. If we can't deal with it as soon as possible, there will definitely be trouble in Fujian City."

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