Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 462 That magic card is Jiutian Xuannv! Xuan Yang is back!

When Guo Lin first heard that the magic card in front of him was called Mr. Ji, he still couldn't guess which magic card the other party was. He could actually create such a bar.

The key is to let the magic cards around you enter the bar and act as beauties.

That's what's most surprising.

If we want to summarize this bar specifically, this bar is equivalent to the Shushan School of Qingfengguan.

In the Qingfeng Temple, the divine tablets that were originally unable to escape from the idols were able to escape from the idols and enter the Shushan Sect because of the Shushan Sect.

It's just that this bar is obviously not as magical as a system like the Shushan Sect, it's just weakened to an unknown extent.

But such a paradoxical bar is really magical.

You must know that his incarnation of the divine essence has reached the strength equivalent to the golden elixir before he can initially break away from the statue.

But in front of me, Mr. Ji and the magic card who acted as the beauties in the bar did not reach this level of strength at all.

Especially that beauty, she can be weak, but in terms of strength, I'm afraid she is on par with the child-protecting soul boy he created as a god.

Now that he saw Qionghua Tower, he was not surprised to see those bodyguards turned into puppets, with their whole bodies made of lines and planes.

The grandmaster of thread and surface.

In a place like Fujian Province, it is definitely the top divine residence.

Her temples are spread all over the country, and no deity in Taoism can compare with her.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the other party was able to create such a magical bar.

In order to confirm, he even scanned the lines constructed on the puppets with his spiritual thoughts, and he indeed felt the special power of merit on them.

The threads and surfaces that make up the armor are not permanent objects, they are treasures.

Don’t there often appear statements about merit and treasure in some novels about gods? It is a magic weapon refined by obtaining the merits of heaven and earth.

Although there is no such statement in Taoist legends, there is also talk of merit treasures. Naturally, these merit treasures are not what those novels about gods say, but they are also nourished by the wishes and virtues generated by people's worship.

And there is another kind of object that is used as an object of worship to the immortal gods. The object that appears for the first time can also enrich the merits of the wish, and over time, it can become a magic weapon containing the power of merits.

Apart from anything else, in places like Fujian Province, many people have chosen to use thread-based sacrificial supplies since ancient times, and a small square red paper will be specially affixed to the thread-faced surface during sacrifices.

In a place like Fujian Province, noodles are eaten everywhere, and there is no one who has not eaten noodles.

Moreover, the line and surface here do not refer to just one kind of surface, but all line-shaped surfaces are included in it, and they all evolved from the original one.

As for who is the founder of thread and surface? That's the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady.

According to legend, it was Jiutian Xuannv who taught the thread-surface method in this place in Fujian Province, and it spread throughout Fujian Province.

Of course, there are also various Jiutian Xuannv temples in Fujian Province.

As for why Jiutian Xuannv appeared in Fujian Province to teach, it has to do with a legend.

There are actually many legends about Jiutian Xuannv, including the legend that she was the master of the Yellow Emperor, and that she was a female general who died in battle and became an immortal in the Song Dynasty. There is also the Supreme Nine Heavens Xuannv, who has nine incarnations, and those nine incarnations are all They are the well-known great gods of Xuanmen.

Of course, there is another legend that Jiutian Xuannv and Huangdi are husband and wife, and they also practiced dual cultivation with Huangdi. Jiutian Xuannv's original surname was Gongsun, so she changed her surname to Ji.

Because in that legend, the Yellow Emperor's surname was Ji.

Many people regard this legend as the most unlikely, but judging from the fact that the other party is called Mr. Ji, this is the real legend.

And, this is indeed the most likely.

If in the era of divine cards, a human emperor unified the human race, then a Nine Heavens Xuannv would come out to marry the other party and lead the human race to believe in the divine cards, that would be entirely possible.

As for why Jiutian Xuannv appears in a place like Minshen, there is another story.

That is, Jiutian Xuannv has a companion sister, Jiutian Sunu.

Didn't the Yellow Emperor like to practice dual cultivation? There is also a story about the three thousand women of Ye Yu ascending to the throne?

It was rumored that the Yellow Emperor was not only the human emperor, but also a role model for human men. He wanted to take all the sisters. Then something happened, and the Nine Heavens Xuannv left him without a trace.

Maybe it was at that time that I came to the land of Fujian Province.

Guo Lin never expected that he would encounter such a magic card this time when he came to Fujian City.

In terms of status, Zhong Kui, Nanhua Lao Xian and the others are like little shrimps compared to Jiutian Xuannv.

However, no matter how high the Jiutian Xuannv's status among the divine cards is, and no matter how outstanding she is, she has just recovered and doesn't have much power.

The ability to create such a magical bar probably has something to do with the threads and surfaces that carry the power of merit.

If he hadn't refined the Qingfeng Temple to cause that thunder tribulation, the other party's true spirit might have dissipated and ceased to exist forever.

"It seems that you have guessed my identity." Jiutian Xuannv was not too surprised because her features were so obvious.

"Nine Heavenly Mysteries." Guo Lin said.

Jiutian Xuannv said again: "But who you are, or which venerable you are, I can't guess at all."

Guo Lin shook his head and said, "Xuan Nu, there is no need to worry, just treat me as a transparent little person."

Jiutian Xuannv smiled and said: "Your Excellency, although my Qionghua Building will also receive some divine cards, the food is simple, so don't be offended."

Guo Lin was surprised when he heard this: "Are there many magic cards coming here?"

"Not much." Jiutian Xuannu shook her head first, then raised her head and said, "However, if there is such a big crack, there will always be one or two divine cards nearby that can sense the origin of Da Luotian and wake up."

"I see." Guo Lin naturally understood this truth. After following Jiutian Xuannv into Qionghua Tower, he found that there were tables arranged inside, which looked more like an inn than a temple.

Moreover, there is a god card with a horse head and human body eating threads there.

"Who is this? Ma Mian?" Guo Lin asked curiously.

"Lord Ma!" Jiutian Xuannv explained: "He seems to be quite famous in this human city."

"Ah???" Guo Lin naturally knew that there were many legends about Lord Ma in Fujian City, but why is Lord Ma like this? Don't lie to him.

Rumor has it that Lord Ma is obviously human, with three eyes on his forehead.

At this moment, he saw the horse-headed god card also raised its head, and an eye did open on its forehead.


Guo Lin sighed and did not hesitate. After all, many of those fairy tales were wrong. Only these magic cards knew what was really going on.

However, looking at Lord Ma, Guo Lin thought of one thing. In the future, if the sect's station needs any divine cards, isn't this already ready?

Keep it here.

It's really not possible to take Jiutian Xuannv away as well.

After Lord Ma finished eating the noodles, he looked up and saw Guo Lin, and nodded to him kindly.

Jiutian Xuannv invited Guo Lin to sit down, and a moment later, a portion of noodles was delivered to the table.

Seeing this, he curiously asked: "Xuannu, why is there a bar outside and not a noodle shop?"

Jiutian Xuannv said: "It's just a coincidence. Because of the special reasons in this passage, if the outer door is a restaurant, it is a restaurant, and if it is a supermarket, it is a supermarket. Anyway, times are different, and we have to adapt to the new era. A bar is a bar. Anyway, in this area of ​​Fujian Province, I don’t need to worry.”

"That's right." Guo Lin thought of the other party's identity, and then tasted the noodles made by this magic brand. I have to say that it was really more delicious than the large noodles and noodles outside.

Guo Lin didn't stay in Qionghualou for long. After eating the noodles, he came out and appeared in the bar again.

Looking at the dynamic and noisy bar, he found it very interesting. .

Perhaps many legends in the past were true, such as fishermen accidentally entering the Dragon Palace.

What if the Dragon Palace had a similar situation to this bar?

There were many such legends in ancient times.

That legendary era should be very interesting, right?

Guo Lin left the bar and soon returned to the hotel arranged by Second Young Master Zhang. Zong Bin and Zong Wan were still looking at Wu Fei.

To his surprise, Wu Fei's hands were also broken.

Zong Bin explained: "His hands were dishonest, which angered Junior Sister Zong Wan."

Guo Lin looked at Wu Fei in astonishment. Is this person confused about his situation, or is there something wrong with his brain and he likes to seek abuse?

It's fine now, my legs are broken and my hands are broken.

"Get ready and take this guy back to Youcheng tomorrow." Guo Lin also ordered.

Zong Bin and Zong Wan nodded.

The next day, the three of them took the car arranged by President Wu and returned to Youcheng.

President Wu is also traveling with us because the sanatorium in Qingfengguan is about to open. .

When the car returned to the foot of Qingfengguan Mountain, I saw a sign standing in front of the intersection of the sanatorium.

After President Wu sent Guo Lin and the others to the mountain gate, he hurried to the nursing home.

Guo Lin took Zong Bin and Zong Wan to the teleportation formation.

This scene naturally attracted the attention of tourists and believers from all around.

In particular, Zong Bin also carried a miserable figure, which was even more eye-catching.

But what's more eye-catching is that after Guo Lin teleported away, Zong Bin teleported with Wu Fei, whose legs and hands were broken.

When the two figures disappeared from the teleportation array, the tourists and believers around them realized that the teleportation array could also transport people.

This made the surroundings noisy.

A believer immediately pulled a tourist for an experiment, and then saw the believer teleporting away with the tourist.

Seeing this scene, a tourist immediately shouted: "Whoever wants to use the teleportation array to go up the mountain, take me for a ride, I am willing to pay 200 yuan!"

Then, another tourist grabbed the business and said, "I'm willing to pay 500 yuan."

They thought they couldn't use the teleportation array because they were not believers. Who knew there was such a way?

After Guo Lin and the others arrived at Qingfeng Temple, he took Wu Fei from Zong Bin's hand and took Wu Fei to Shushan Sect.

When Wu Fei saw this scene, his eyes widened. He had read the legend of Qingfeng Temple and knew that there were some floating mountains on the Taoist temple.

But he really didn't see any mountains just now. Suddenly, the scene changed before his eyes, and mountains appeared, as if he was in another dimension.

He was suddenly scared. Is there no way he can go back?

Not long after, Guo Lin brought him to the Demon Locking Tower and placed him on the teleportation array, trying to see if he could be locked in.

"Where is this?" Wu Fei was a little panicked. When he shouted, a light enveloped him, and then he disappeared and was locked into the teleportation array.

[Congratulations, the Demon Locking Tower imprisoned evil spirits +1, and the process of fully activating the Demon Locking Tower is 4/5. 】

In the Demon Locking Tower, Wu Fei was locked inside and was dumbfounded when he saw the scene around him.

This is where?

After a moment, two figures appeared beside him, looking at him curiously.

"Another guy comes in!"

"This guy is a little weird!"

As the two figures spoke, another figure appeared.

"The guy from Happy Buddha is here."

"Ignore him and let's go to the other side."

Huanxi Buddha came to Wu Fei's side and said with compassion on his face: "Young man, what happened to you? Were you interrupted by that Taoist Master Guo?"

Wu Fei's face was filled with tears when he heard it: "Yes, that Daoist Guo is a villain."

"Yes, villain." He was so happy that he put his hand on his shoulder.

Wu Fei felt that he had finally found someone to complain about, but for a moment he felt something was wrong. This person's hand had reached into his clothes.

"Ah, pervert, bastard, get out of here!" Wu Fei's panicked shouts immediately rang out.

Guo Lin didn't know this. He had controlled the incarnation of Shenyuan and returned to the Taoist temple, only to find that Xuan Yang and Xiao Deng had returned.

This made him look happy.

In other words, special ferrosilicon is coming.

The artifact can be refined.

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