Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 467 Qingfeng Sect! Something is wrong!

An incredible look suddenly appeared on Xuan Yun's face.

The mysterious peaks have long appeared in the sky above Qingfeng Temple, and believers can see them as long as they look religiously.

The majesty of those peaks is indescribable.

It’s just that no one can go up there. Some people even wanted to fly up in a helicopter. Unfortunately, there was still no way to enter the mountain peak. Instead, the helicopter was torn apart by a gust of wind.

Therefore, those of them from Qingfengguan have not thought about going to that mountain peak.

What does he see now?

This chain staircase seems to lead all the way to the mountain peak in the sky.

He seemed to remember that Senior Brother Guo asked the horse donor to specially order such a chain.

Wang Ye and Zhang Chu also saw the chain stairs and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Uncle Xuanyun, it seems that you can go up this chain staircase."

"Yes, it goes straight to the top. Should we go up and take a look?"

When Xuan Yun heard what the two said, he said, "Go up and have a look."

In fact, he was also very curious, so as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately climbed up the chain ladder.

When Wang Ye and Zhang Chu saw such a scene, they immediately followed without hesitation.

Xuanyun is almost ready to build a foundation, and Wang Ye and Zhang Chu have also broken their pulses, so climbing a ladder is still very simple.

Moreover, the three of them were very fast.

But after going up the stairs, they discovered that the stairs were higher than they expected, and they were surprisingly high.

After climbing for a long time, they found that they seemed to be only halfway there.

Fortunately for Xuanyun, Zhang Chu and Wang Ye even started to sweat.

After successfully breaking the pulse, this was the first time they did this. After all, the higher the altitude, the heavier the gravity blessing, and they had to withstand the wind. The higher the altitude, the stronger the wind.

After spending a lot of time, the three of them finally saw the end. It was an extremely spectacular mountain peak, with other peaks floating around it.

When they reached their position and looked down, they could see a very magical scene.

"That's a Taoist temple!"

"That's the Inner Flower Valley!"

"And that's a stone wall illusion. Oh my God, you can see it in three places that are not in the same space."

No wonder they were surprised.

The illusion of the stone wall is not in the Taoist temple, but in the stone wall carvings of the Taoist temple. The Inner Baihua Valley is obviously not in Qingfeng Mountain. It needs to be entered through the Outer Baihua Valley in Qingfeng Mountain. Tourists and believers have no way to enter. Only their inner disciples can enter.

Now these three places can be seen here at the same time. Would you say it is magical?

"Work harder, we're almost at the top." Xuan Yun said and climbed up faster. Not long after, he finally reached the edge of the mountain and climbed up the mountain.

There is a cliff above, and then there is a stone staircase going up. The stone staircase is very smooth, and even has a sense of simplicity and arrogance.

It seems that this simple mountain road cannot be made by mortal craftsmen.

Zhang Chu and Wang Ye came up and saw it, with the same disbelief on their faces.

Soon, Xuanyun also discovered another anomaly and said in surprise: "The spiritual energy here seems to be stronger!"

As he spoke, he immediately sat down cross-legged and began to use the cultivation techniques of "Tianshi Talismans".

If it is true, it is much richer than the spiritual energy below.

Zhang Chu and Wang Ye also sat down cross-legged to practice, running the "Qingfeng Qi Refining Art", and they also felt that the spiritual energy around them became stronger.

This is definitely a holy place for cultivation.

The three of them were even more curious, so they walked up the stone stairs, and soon saw a stone tablet.

The three of them were stunned when they saw the stone tablet.

I saw three words engraved on the stone tablet: Qingfeng Sect!

Qingfeng faction? Qingfengguan?

The three of them suddenly felt inexplicably excited and their hearts beat faster. They ran up faster and soon reached a huge platform on the mountain peak. Then, they saw a figure.

The moment they saw that figure, the three of them were dumbfounded again.

That red robe and that ugly look, aren't they the Zhong Kui enshrined in the Taoist temple?

Could it be that this is where gods live?

Zhong Kui opened his eyes and saw the Xuanyuns and the others coming up. He was also surprised because his statue was in Qingfeng Temple, so he naturally knew the Xuanyuns and the others.

For a moment, both parties looked at each other in confusion.

At this moment, Guo Lin's figure fell.

"I've seen you, Your Majesty." Zhong Kui immediately saluted.

"Senior Brother Guo."

"Uncle Guo!"

Xuanyun, Zhang Chu, and Wang Ye also hurriedly performed a ritual.

"Coming up?" Guo Lin looked at Xuanyun with a smile.

When he was connecting the iron chain stairs, he naturally saw Xuan Yun and the others below, so he didn't need to notify them anymore and just threw the stairs down.

Then just ask Xuanyun to inform Xuanyang and other inner disciples.

Inner disciples can come up here if they want to practice.

As for matters related to the Taoist temple, we can actually just let the outside disciples handle it.

"Senior brother, where is this?" Xuanyun finally couldn't help but asked curiously.

Guo Lin explained: "This is the inner gate of our Qingfeng Temple, also called Qingfeng Sect. It is a real sect of cultivating immortals. There are many buildings on it, and they are found on various mountain peaks. You can choose the one you like to live in in the future."

"In addition, there are the main hall, the martial arts training ground... and other buildings, which you can slowly get familiar with. As for the Taoist temple outside, it is actually the outer gate of our sect."

Xuanyun had actually speculated on such things before, but now that he heard this with his own ears, he was still shocked.

"Xuan Yun, inform all the inner disciples about this later." Guo Lin gave another instruction, and also let Xuanyun and the three of them familiarize themselves with everything about Shushan Sect.

Xuanyun naturally accepted the order and saluted.

After that, Guo Lin also left the Shushan Sect and returned to his room.

Xiao Deng is still practicing "Sword Controlling" and is becoming more and more proficient.

Guo Lin later taught Xiaodeng other spells.

At the same time, the outside world was in chaos after he flew his sword once.


Mr. Chu is under a lot of pressure these days, because no friend has yet analyzed what the unknown flying object is. We can only guess that it is the cause of Qingfeng Temple.

But at this time, news came back from outside that a few unlucky guys operating fighter planes discovered a man flying, attacked him with fighter planes, and were instantly eliminated.

This news was sent back by the lurkers at a huge cost, but this made the atmosphere above a bit wrong.

Because that fighter plane is the latest generation and is definitely leading the world.

Coupled with the previous incident in Myanmar, it seems that someone who just came up has another idea. .

This person's thoughts are definitely somewhat extreme and belong to the absolute control flow.

"Boss, I've asked you to go to a meeting!" A person hurriedly came in to report.

Mr. Chu did not hesitate when he heard this and hurried out. Soon he arrived at a multimedia conference room, where many people were already there.

It can also be seen that they have been having a meeting for a while, and there is even a photo and some videos on the multimedia screen.

There were crashed fighter planes, tanks that were cut open, the old Heavenly Master, the female Taoist priest, Taoist priest Xuan Yang, and Taoist priest Guo.

There is also the overall architecture of Qingfengguan.

A middle-aged man saw Mr. Chu coming in and said, "This information was collected by Xiao Chu. However, from now on, many things about Qingfeng Temple have been proven to be true."

"The unknown flying object we discovered a few days ago should be someone from Qingfeng Temple. They can fly freely into the sky."

"But this power is not in our hands. Now we can only train a small team with the help of spiritual energy and fine rice."

"This is far from enough. Moreover, Qingfeng Temple is also an opportunity for us."

Mr. Chu felt something wrong when he heard this.

What does it mean?

Does this person really think he can do anything to Qingfengguan?

He could imagine what the other party was thinking, and no matter what the other party did, it would make all the relationship he had established with Qingfeng Guan in vain.

The middle-aged man added: "We have no intention of annihilating Qingfengguan, but we must not let this power go unchecked. At least we must have such power in our hands."

"That's impossible. That Taoist priest Guo won't agree." Mr. Chu said quickly.

The middle-aged man said: "That's not the right method. From the information I checked, there are problems with the contracts for those peaks in Qingfengguan. If they don't meet the mountain forest usage laws, we can completely take back the mountains and forests."

"Also, they still need to rely on our power supply and water supply system. In addition, judging from their various propaganda, they need believers and cannot be independent from the world. They don't want roads to be cut off and believers unable to go. Therefore, it can talk!"

"???" Mr. Chu really doubted that this person didn't know anything at all and was thinking nonsense?

The middle-aged man continued: "So, I need everyone to fully cooperate with me, especially Xiao Chu. You know Qingfeng Temple best."

Mr. Chu looked at the other people in the conference room. His face was a little ugly and he said: "What if the Taoist priest of Qingfengguan wants to take action? If no one can stop him, who will go?"

He could tell that these people had already ventilated their breath before he came in, and seemed to agree with this proposal.

Perhaps because of his attitude, he was left alone in previous meetings.

The middle-aged man didn't pay attention to what Mr. Chu said: "I will go to Qingfeng Temple in person. If something happens to me, it will prove that what I said is right. At least my death can prove a lot of things."

"Madman." Mr. Chu was silent.

He knew something big was going to happen.

Besides, he always had a feeling that they would regret it eventually.

time flies.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye. These days, Xuan Yang, Xuan He and other inner disciples all knew about the iron chain ladder.

They even went up to the Qingfeng Sect above. After everyone went up, they discovered the richer spiritual energy.

But after a few days, Guo Lin gradually felt that something was wrong.

Because there are obviously fewer tourists and believers coming to Qingfeng Temple.

Moreover, today, there are almost no tourists or believers coming, only a few tourists from Youcheng.

This is wrong and impossible.

After all, the flow of Qingfeng Temple is already very large now. It is not only the only holy place in Taoism, but also the most famous tourist attraction. How can it be that there is no one around?

"Senior Brother Guo, it seems that there are no tourists today, and I don't know what happened." Xuan Yang asked with confusion on his face.

Guo Lin also wanted to know. He took out his phone and checked the news. He might know the reason.

But what surprised him was that there was nothing about Qingfengguan in the mobile news.

This is very wrong.

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