Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 498 The believers are going! What to do now?


Qin Hong, Lu Feng, Zhao Moxin and other Youcheng believers also knew the location of Qingfeng Temple.

They didn't know about the Wana Union District, but they found useful information, that is, going to Myanmar*, and then going to the Wana Union District through Myanmar* is the fastest route.

Therefore, they planned to go to Wana Union District to take a look.

They are all devout believers of Qingfeng Temple, and have long been accustomed to going to Qingfeng Temple to offer incense and pray for blessings, and occasionally exchange some things at the Merit Hall.

The higher the piety, the more it feels like there is sustenance in the heart.

Now that Qingfengguan is gone, they always feel empty.

Therefore, after hearing the news about Qingfeng Temple, if they don't go and take a look, they may become obsessed with it.

It's just that they don't know the situation in the Wana Union District at all. Moreover, they heard that Myanmar is still very chaotic, and they don't dare to go there by themselves.

So, they thought of a way, which was to ask bodyguards to go with them.

Qin Hong and Lu Feng have a lot of money, and they also bear the cost of hiring bodyguards. They are all on the same path, and they will not care about this.

There are still many bodyguard companies in the country.

Although they usually don't need bodyguards, there are still ways to hire bodyguards. They quickly found a bodyguard company, then filled in the information online and placed an order to recruit a team of short-term bodyguards.

But what surprised them was that just a moment after they placed the order, the bodyguard company accepted it immediately, which surprised the two of them.

After all, they have heard that this requires an audit. The bodyguard company will only accept the order if it passes the audit. After all, they are not security guards. Many bodyguards have lost their lives because of their employers' stupidity and problems.

Still, it’s always a good thing to get an order so quickly.

This bodyguard company has a very good reputation.

Almost as soon as Qin Hong and the others found bodyguards, Cheng Jianxin arrived at Mr. Chu's office in Beijing and said: "It has been arranged. There are three batches in total, one of which is the Qingfengguan believers from Youcheng. They My relationship with Taoist Guo is better than that of other believers."

"Now that we have followed your instructions, Mr. Chu, our security guards pretended to be security guards and got in with them. It's perfect. Mr. Chu, you have a way to prevent me from thinking of this trick."

Mr. Chu added: "Anyway, we need to safely send them to Wana Union District, and then keep a low profile and stay there in the name of establishing a bodyguard company, so that we can have a pair of eyes there and know the latest happenings." After all, people from the beautiful country are now there."

"Don't worry, Mr. Chu, I will make arrangements." Cheng Jianxin nodded.

Qin Hong and Lu Feng prepared some luggage and set off after the hired bodyguards arrived.

They had to admit that the bodyguards they hired this time were very professional. They had handled all the itinerary since their departure.

All the way from the border city to the Myanmar plane.

They bought it themselves and found that there were no flights to Myanmar. However, this bodyguard company was able to borrow a private jet, which was really amazing.

Soon, the plane landed somewhere in Myanmar. Qin Hong heard Wang Yu, the person in charge of the bodyguard, say: "It will land in Myanmar soon. Please follow us when the time comes. It is not peaceful here in Myanmar. Everyone in China should have heard and read relevant news."

People like Qin Hong naturally knew that what Wang Yu said was true, so they hired bodyguards to come here.

The group of people quickly left the airport and entered Myanmar. What surprised Qin Hong and the others was that these bodyguards had already prepared a bus to go to the Wana Union Area.

The key is that when the bus passed through the Myanmar area, Qin Hong and others were surprised to find that Myanmar seemed different from what they thought.

It is said on the Internet that Myanmar is very chaotic, and there are even robberies on the streets. Moreover, the folk customs are not good.

But they saw that there was no robbery happening on the street.

On the contrary, it was very peaceful. The key was that there were many people wearing Taoist robes. The key was that the number was very large.

This is not right.

Do people here in Myanmar believe it?

Are you kidding me?

How many people here have been deceived?

Just when they were confused, they saw an unbelievable scene played on an open-air video.

I saw a woman wearing Taoist robes appear in the video. This woman broke into a building directly. She waved her hand, and a long sword appeared. Then I saw many people in the building died in front of her. Under the long sword.

Qin Hong and the others immediately recognized him. Isn't that Taoist Priest Xuan He from Qingfeng Temple?

Although this female Taoist priest has been in Qingfeng Temple and rarely shows up, they recognize her.

Now this person is actually killing people here?

Crucially, they also saw that as the video of Taoist Master Xuan He appeared, the people wearing Taoist robes on the street started cheering.

They shouted for Taoist Master Xuanhe.

The key thing is that there are news letters on the screen and a line of notes in Chinese, which they can understand.

"Taoist Master Xuanhe once again destroyed a fraud gang. We in Myanmar are also against fraud. For this reason, we will once again issue the Special Contribution Award to Taoist Xuanhe..."

"???" Qin Hong.

"???" Lu Feng.

"????"other people.

The Burmese government is against fraud and feels that something is wrong with the painting style. Have they come to the wrong place?

Moreover, Taoist Master Xuanhe gave out awards after such a killing spree?

Why does the key Myanmar* support it?

Something is wrong.

Something is definitely wrong.

It is completely different from the Myanmar they know.

But now, they also understand why those people wear Taoist robes. They are all fans of Taoist Master Xuan He.

The bodyguards were equally surprised when they saw the news.

They were sent as fake bodyguards from above, so they naturally knew what all this meant.

Representative Burma* has also been completely under the influence of Qingfengguan.

After the car left Burma, it took a lot of time for Qin Hong and his party to enter the Wana Union Area.

They were even more surprised when they entered here, because in their eyes this was a foreign country, and it would be difficult for them to live here because they didn't understand the language.

But when they entered the place, they were surprised to find that this was not the case. Chinese was used in many places.

They can even hear people on the street speaking Chinese.

Qin Hong was surprised and couldn't help but ask someone to stop the car. He went down and found a passerby: "Sorry, excuse me, are you Han? I just heard you speak Chinese."

The man glanced at the people on the bus and said, "Han Chinese, it's okay to say you're Han, but who are you?"

Qin Hong quickly took out his mobile phone and played a video to the man: "We want to go to this place. Do you know where it is?"

"Isn't this Qingfeng City? This video has spread throughout the Wana Union District." The man smiled and explained: "Now everyone knows that there is an extra sacred tree in Qingfeng City, and there are two phoenixes living there. Up there, I’ll go there to take a look when I have time.”

"Qingfeng City?" Qin Hong was even more surprised now.

So awesome?

When Qingfengguan came out, a city was built here?

This made others look forward to it even more. They hurriedly set off and spent a lot of time. When they arrived in Qingfeng City, it was already the next day.

Entering Qingfeng City, they were surprised to see people wearing yellow Bagua armbands all over the streets, heading to one place with Taoist books in hand.

This attracted the attention of these believers.

"What are they doing? Let's go take a look." Lu Feng suggested.

Qin Hong and others naturally agreed and followed.

They followed these people to an official office building in Wana Union District, and saw an incredible banner: "Qingfeng City Daomen Qingfeng Temple believers' first examination examination office!"

"Why is the official holding an exam? Is it the same as the exam?" Lu Feng was completely surprised.

People like Qin Hong didn't expect that they would have to take an exam to become a believer in Qingfeng Temple?

The bodyguards were even more frightened.

This also shows that the Wana United District is also completely under the influence of Qingfengguan.

Such a Taoist temple is really terrifying.

"Guys, we should find a place to stay first, and then make plans. After all, you are not leaving right away!" Wang Yu, the head of the bodyguard, also reminded.

In fact, he also wanted to report everything he saw.

Qin Hong nodded after hearing this prompt. They were indeed a little tired and quickly found a hotel to stay in Qingfeng City.

After Wang Yu and the others settled down, they also began to report back to the country.

In the capital, Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin looked very unhappy because they received a report that something strange happened in Fujian City.

There was an inexplicable case of a black snake biting people over there. At first, snake catching experts were dispatched, but in the end they discovered that it was no ordinary snake at all.

At this moment, Wang Yu's report came back.

After hearing the latest situation over there, the two of them were immediately surprised.

In the short time since they came back, Myanmar* and Wana United District were already under the influence of Qingfengguan. How could they still achieve this?

Of course they know what this means.

The two took out the map and checked the area of ​​these two places, and they couldn't help but be shocked.

This can also be seen how reserved Daochang Guo is in the country. The other party has done nothing, so they should feel lucky.

Soon, Cheng Jianxin's cell phone rang again. After hearing the report from inside, his face became even more ugly: "The situation over there is more serious. Those warriors who have developed their abilities have caught a few snakes, but in the end Those snakes turned into black energy and dissipated, and no reason can be found at all.”

Mr. Chu frowned.

This is obviously not a routine event.

In the past, when they encountered this kind of thing, they could directly seek help from Daozhang Guo. What should they do now?

At the same time, in Fujian City, several figures had gathered around the internal area of ​​a foreign company where the plaster country logo was located.

These people were full of joy.

"It turned out to be exactly what Master Boyan Guyi speculated. The words of that old monk from Youcheng will make me successful."

"Yes, sculptures can create consciousness, which is basically a revival. Not only in Youcheng, but also in Fujian City, extraordinary events have happened here, so it is okay."

"It's so simple. It's not worth it for those two gentlemen to die in Youcheng."

"Fortunately, we now know the reason and have successfully revived Yamata-sama's consciousness."

"Now we have been informed by the people of the Divine Sect to send all the statues of Amaterasu. It will definitely be possible."

"Haha, when the time comes, we will also have two supreme gods leading us. We don't need the Qingfeng Temple at all."

As he spoke, he became more and more proud, confident, proud, and arrogant.

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