Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 510 Let Qingfeng City become a fairy city! The cattle batch is booming!

Guo Lin was silent for a while.

The information suddenly triggered by the fragments of the Bagua Evolution Disk made him somewhat unexpected.

Once here in the Wana Union District, as the magic of Qingfeng Temple gradually spreads, sooner or later people from other countries will pay attention.

It came faster than he expected.

Therefore, he will have to consider these things later.

In terms of human sentiment, he is Han Chinese and grew up in China, so he should be biased towards his own ethnic group.

Unfortunately, the special social attributes of the country made it impossible for him to get the freedom he wanted.

No matter how kind the other party behaves, the other party still subconsciously wants to put a collar around Qingfengguan's neck.

That's why he is here now.

As for other countries, rationally he must be repulsive, just like the plaster side, without any hesitation, he will kill them when they need to be killed.

As for this beautiful country, it was a place he hated during college.

Even now this idea has not changed.

One thing is undeniable, and that is where the capital structure is concerned, it will be easier for him to thrive if he is willing.

Those capitals will get sick and be afraid of death, right?

Getting those capitals is the same as getting their upper echelons.

Capital is always easier to deal with than faith.

What a pity, what a pity!

Naturally, he and the people in this place are not from the same ethnic group, so they cannot go together.

However, he also thought of something.

No matter how much you hate or reject a person, as long as the other person is useful, sometimes there is no need to kill him with a stick.

Sometimes, to get others to have a good relationship with you, to make others respect you, and to raise your status, you don't have to be humble or communicate with them in a friendly manner.

Just like when he was at home, even if he had made concessions to benefit the other party, there was no way to satisfy his greed.

The best way is to let the other party have one or more competitors so that they don't dare to offend you. They are afraid of offending you and letting others get the benefits alone, causing their own situation to be unhappy.

Only in this way can you always be aloof, and when they compete with each other, they can only respect you more and more.

Isn’t there a domestic company that is almost a monopoly that treats its suppliers like this?

Therefore, this theory is not only applicable to people, but also to companies, and even to governments.

The most important thing is that within the scope of Qingfeng Temple, there are special attributes such as clear clouds and mist, refreshing spiritual energy... which will affect the degree of piety.

In addition, the Qingfeng Temple area has long had the property of making people temporarily pious.

It would be fun if Qingfeng City could become the base of Qingfeng Guan Sect.

If the other party sends students over, piety will be generated over time.

The longer you stay, the higher your piety will be.

Moreover, since the other party is here for the school, it doesn't take a second thought to know what kind of families the first few batches of students they can send to study abroad will be.

If these people stay for a long time, they will become more pious and become loyal believers of Qingfeng Temple.

I just want to think about how to make Qingfeng City the location of the Qingfeng Guan sect.

"It would be much more interesting if this were the case." Guo Lin thought for a while, hung up the task he had just taken on the mobile game, and then gave Zheng Kai a call and said, "Bring the person here!"

Can people from beautiful countries practice martial arts?

Zheng Kai smiled when he put down his phone.

He was also worried that Taoist Guo would be unhappy if he took Matthew up the mountain privately.

Now it seems that Daochang Guo already knows, and he doesn't seem angry.

"Mr. Matthew, let's go!" Zheng Kai also said to Matthew, and then led him to the living room.

Matthew had little experience. When he entered the living room for the first time, he was even more horrified by this kind of spatial technology.

The one who was more horrified was naturally the young man.

He saw with his own eyes the joint commander saluting the young man respectfully.

You don't need to think about it to know this person's identity. His age is really shocking.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a terrifying aura covering himself.

The breath made him feel cold and almost suffocated.

He did not hesitate. In just a moment, he would be oppressed to death by this aura.

He only saw the young man's faint smile.

At that moment, the aura disappeared, but his body was soaked with sweat.

He understood that this must have something to do with that young man, who was trying to intimidate him.

"Daozhang Guo, this is Matthew. He has brought important news!" Zheng Kai did not forget to introduce Matthew.

Guo Lin also looked directly at Matthew: "Mr. Matthew, please tell me your news!"

Matthew didn't care about anything else at this time. After experiencing the oppressive feeling just now, he hurriedly said: "Sir, our beautiful country has no ill intentions towards the Wana United District, but there are always some people who are too arrogant. And they also brought five warships. The other side looked down on this place and thought they could fight terrorism on the spot."

"According to the speed of the warship, the opponent will enter the waters of the Wana Joint Area in almost seven days."

"Haha, it's very interesting!" Guo Lin smiled. He didn't care about the battleship. Instead, he asked: "Mr. Matthew, what is your request for reporting this kind of information?"

Matthew immediately said: "Sir, many of our gentlemen are well-intentioned towards the Wana Union District. They hope that our children can have the opportunity to attend classes in the Wana Union District. After all, seeking knowledge is what we do." hopefully."

When Zheng Kai heard this, he understood the other party's purpose. It was for Qingfengguan's martial arts.

This made him look at Daozhang Guo. In fact, he was worried about the battleship, but judging from Daochang Guo's appearance, he was not worried about the battleship.

Guo Lin also looked at Zheng Kai and said: "The school reform is completed, let's add a measure to study abroad. We accept students from other places to study abroad, but they must pass our assessment."

Since he had thought this through clearly, he did not refuse, but everything had to be done in his mind.

"Thank you sir." Matthew looked overjoyed.

In this case, he has completed his mission. When the news about Wana Union District spreads, I believe the children of those big shots will want to send their children to study.

Then there are many things that Mr. Misri can do.

He got the credit for this.

At this time, Guo Lin explained to Matthew again: "Mr. Matthew, please go outside and wait first. I have something important to explain here."

Matthew didn't dare to hesitate and walked out in a hurry.

He now knows how terrifying the other party is, how just a breath can make him feel the presence of death.

After Matthew went out, Zheng Kai asked doubtfully: "Taoist Master, do you really want to accept international students from other places?"

He knew the Taoist priest's purpose, but he still couldn't help but ask.

"Well!" Guo Lin nodded and said, "When their students come, they are no longer necessarily their students!"

Zheng Kai still didn't understand, but he had something important to do today. He hurriedly said: "Taoist Master, Qingfeng City is now completely under the influence of Qingfeng Guan, so I want Qingfeng City and Qingfeng Guan to sign a The agreement allows Qingfeng City to be completely connected with the Taoist temple, just like the *Tigang in the West, Qingfeng City is the *Tigang of the Taoism."

Guo Lin was surprised when he heard Zheng Kai's words.

Because it's such a coincidence.

After all, he is thinking about this issue and how to turn international students into his believers.

Now Zheng Kai directly gave such a proposal.

The other party was like a roundworm in his stomach.

"Taoist Master, how do you feel?" Zheng Kai immediately asked respectfully.

Although he is absolutely loyal to Qingfengguan and the Taoist priest, he definitely has selfish motives.

After all, Taiping Road finally shines, and there is a place like Wana Union District, but now that even the beautiful country has noticed it, it seems that they are somewhat powerless.

Therefore, he thought of this method. In this case, Qingfengguan and Guo Daozhang would be more interested.

That's right, I simply wanted to make Daozhang Guo more interested.

"Then do it your way!" Guo Lin had an idea and naturally responded.

"Thank you, Taoist Master." Seeing that Guo Lin agreed, Zheng Kai said with joy on his face: "I'll go back and prepare the contract agreement right now!"

Zheng Kai also left. When he saw Matthew waiting outside, he smiled and said, "Mr. Matthew, let's go down the mountain!"

Matthew reacted and hurriedly followed. When he was going down the mountain, he couldn't help but ask: "Your Excellency, Mr. Union Commander, I wonder how that gentleman will deal with those battleships?"

When Zheng Kai heard this, he smiled and said, "Mr. Matthew, this is not your business."

It was something that Daochang Guo didn't worry about, and he didn't even worry about it.

Because he absolutely believed in Daozhang Guo.

After Zheng Kai left, Guo Lin left the living room and directly entered the Shushan Sect. He reached the edge of a mountain peak, where he could clearly see the entire Qingfeng City.

He was also not sure whether Zheng Kai's proposal could achieve the results he wanted.

If it is feasible, then the spiritual energy will spread throughout Qingfeng City, and even the 'immortal incarnation' will enter Qingfeng City, as well as the mist and a series of attributes.

By that time, I am afraid that the entire Qingfeng City will become a fairy city.

Naturally, the scope must be controlled well and limited to the city. We cannot let all the wilderness in Qingfeng City be like this. Just let Qingfeng City be directly under the jurisdiction.

Thinking about this, Guo Lin planned to take out his mobile phone and continue playing "Leisure Shushan". The plot of "Long Eyebrows" could not be rewarded, so he had to get through it as soon as possible.

This plot mission is really disgusting. They are both collection missions and refining collection missions.

He looked at it and saw that more than half of the task he had just hung up on was completed. This task was to collect materials to create a spiritual treasure, the Haotian Mirror.

This Haotian Mirror is definitely awesome.

Changmei planned to use this treasure to deal with a demon sect leader. Unfortunately, when the treasure was successfully refined, the demon sect leader also came to find him, and he had no choice but to escape.

However, the refining of the treasure was completed, and his collection mission was also completed.

Select Submit immediately and complete the remaining tasks of this eyebrow plot.

But the moment he submitted the task, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

It wasn't that the game system prompted him and he didn't get any rewards, but in the game garden in his mind, a figure suddenly appeared that surprised him to the extreme.

Now the cowhide is booming!

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