Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 558: Destroy a mountain with one sword!

"Ah? Is it this mountain?" Mr. Li's eyes widened when he saw the final stop on the map.

It turned out to be the Rich Earth Mountain of the Plaster Country.

"Oh my god, something big is going to happen." Mr. Chu also couldn't believe it: "This sword-shaped energy came from Qingfeng Temple. Do you think it was intentional by Daoist Guo or unintentional?"

These words made both Mr. Li and Cheng Jianxin look at each other.

Who knows this kind of thing?

Mr. Chu quickly asked: "When this sword-shaped energy reaches this mountain, will anyone discover it?"

Cheng Jianxin hurriedly said: "This sword-shaped energy consumes energy as it moves forward, and its volume is getting smaller and smaller. When it reaches this mountain, it should not be very large anymore. Moreover, with the flight of this sword-shaped energy The speed is such that if you don’t concentrate and look upward, you shouldn’t be able to spot it.”

"Of course, this country's satellites will definitely detect it. Unless our satellites specifically interfere with the other party at critical moments, we can still delay the other party for a few minutes with our technology."

These words made both Mr. Li and Mr. Chu fall into deep thought.

After a while, Mr. Li asked: "How powerful will this sword-shaped energy be then?"

"It needs to be calculated." Cheng Jianxin immediately started operating an instrument and ordered at the same time: "How powerful will the sword-shaped energy of evolution be when it reaches Futu Mountain!"

Almost instantly, data appeared on the screen one after another, and finally a value was fixed.

"Holy shit!" Cheng Jianxin exclaimed when he saw this value: "Two gentlemen, this sacred mountain that the plaster country is proud of may soon suffer a devastating blow."

Mr. Li and Mr. Chu understood what this meant.

Mr. Li immediately ordered: "Use our satellites to interfere. At least this matter cannot be known to the plaster country. This will prevent these people with brain problems from going to Qingfeng City to disturb Qingfeng Temple."

This can be regarded as a good demonstration of Qingfeng Guan.

Cheng Jianxin nodded and made arrangements without any hesitation.

At the same time, the multimedia quickly relayed the satellite picture, and finally the picture stopped at the Futu Mountain. Now the mountain is calm.

But soon, this place will be earth-shaking.

Mount Futu is the highest peak of Plaster and one of the largest active volcanoes in the world.

This is one of the classic symbols of plaster spirit and culture. In the hearts of plaster people, it is a sacred mountain with natural charm, beauty and solemnity. It is a revered holy place and is part of the folk customs.

Naturally, this is the place that plaster people are most proud of, and it is also the best place to travel.

Momonaki is a petite beauty, but her 89-58-83 and that F have attracted the attention of many people around her, and some even think she looks familiar.

This made her quickly put on her peaked cap to conceal her identity.

After all, she finally came to Futu Mountain for a trip, and she didn't want to be recognized.

She is an action star and is very famous in plaster or in Asia. When she is recognized, many people will call her teacher.

"Xiano, we have to go down the mountain first." A person who looked like an assistant came over and said hurriedly.

"Are you going down the mountain so soon?" Momonaki asked in confusion.

The assistant nodded and said: "There is an announcement that must be made. The producers have contacted the trams and cannot affect citizens' tram travel."

"Okay!" Momonaki Nodded and followed the assistant to start going down the mountain.

This time when I came to Mount Futu, it was really a pity that I didn’t go to the tourist camp at the top.

But it doesn't matter. Mount Futu is here and you can't run away. You can come here anytime.

time flies


In that multimedia conference room.

Cheng Jianxin's voice sounded urgently: "We'll be there soon."

Mr. Li and Mr. Chu quickly looked at the mountain in the video, staring closely. They could see that the arc drawn by Cheng Jianxin before, the sword-shaped energy was indeed moving along, and soon it To get to that end.

No, it has arrived.

Futu Mountain is very lively, with countless plasterers paying homage to their sacred mountain and praying at the campsite.

No one saw a sword-shaped energy that had become very small fall from the sky and hit the top of Futu Mountain hard.

boom! ~

A terrifying sound erupted instantly, like an earthquake.

Or, after that terrifying noise, the ground really shook.

After the sword energy from all directions collided with Futu Mountain, all the energy burst out. In an instant, the top of the mountain was directly bombarded into pieces. Terrifying cracks appeared and spread, as if to form a series of cracks. The abyss is accompanied by a terrifying rumbling sound.

Momonaki and her assistant had already arrived at the parking lot at the foot of the mountain.

She was about to get in the car when she suddenly heard a terrifying roar from Futu Mountain, which made her subconsciously look towards Futu Mountain.

The same goes for assistants.

But they saw a terrifying scene that they would never forget. Mount Futu seemed to have been struck by an extremely terrifying impact. The snow that had been there all year round on the top of the mountain was lifted up into the sky, as if it had been turned upside down.

After that, I saw the snow falling down, and an avalanche like the apocalypse occurred. With a rumbling sound, the snow on the entire mountain rolled down like a flood bursting its banks.

They could even see that after the snow rolled down, the entire Futu Mountain became shorter.

Momonaki and her assistant all opened their mouths, looking at this apocalyptic scene in disbelief.

There are many people on the mountain.

Indeed, it is the tourist season in Mount Futu, and there are too many people on the mountain.

The terrifying movement made everyone look up with their mouths wide open.

Panic sets in.

There were panicked shouts.

Cries broke out.

Everyone turned around crazily and ran down the mountain.

People near the bottom of the mountain can still escape, but those who have reached the top of the mountain...

The avalanche swept downwards quickly as if it was going to swallow everything.

Momonaki's face was pale. She couldn't imagine the scene above at all. What shocked her even more was that after the avalanche, there was a fiery red liquid pouring down quickly from the top of the mountain.

That's magma.

"How could this happen?" Momonaki's eyes were filled with tears and she knelt down directly on the ground.

Their sacred mountain was gone, and she didn't even have time to play on it this time.

That multimedia conference room.

Mr. Li and the three of them looked at the scene captured by the satellite with silence on their faces.

"This mountain is finished." Mr. Chu said.

"This method is too terrible." Cheng Jianxin said with emotion: "You know, the plaster is very far away from Qingfeng Temple."

These words instantly made Mr. Li and Mr. Chu look at each other, and cold sweat even broke out on their backs.

There is a saying that the truth is always within the range of artillery fire, and they seemed to be within this range.

Since this sword-shaped energy can turn this mountain into this.

What if it appears above their heads?

They couldn't believe it.

Moreover, they are not sure whether their defense power and attack energy can withstand this sword-shaped energy.

After all, it's impossible for them to ask Guo Daochang to experiment?

After sighing for a long time, Mr. Li said: "The news should come out later. For humanitarian reasons, we should donate some money!"

Compared with their shock, Pakistani President Gubadan also had difficulty calming down his mood for a long time. Until the plane approached Qingfeng City, he was still thinking about what happened just now.

What happened to that giant sword?

How could there be such a giant sword in the sky? This is completely unrealistic and impossible.

But the scene captured on the phone cannot be deceiving. The cloud layer was deeply cut in half.

What's more, their plane was bumping wildly under the influence of the giant sword. If it weren't for the distance, they might not even be able to land.

This personal experience cannot lie.

"Is there some great power that we don't know about in this world?" Cubadan immediately thought of a possibility, and then immediately confirmed this possibility.

Because there is only one explanation.

"President, you... look at this city below." A surprised voice sounded again.

Cubadan immediately looked down, his shocked face looking even more entranced. What kind of city could be so beautiful?

The cloud waves that had been cut apart in Qingfeng City recovered, and the whole city felt like it was shrouded in fairy mist again.

Cubadan has never seen a city so shocking and spectacular.

This also brought him back to his senses, remembering that it was Scary who invited him here this time, and there must be some purpose.

Whether there is great power or not cannot be found out immediately. Now we need to think about scars first.

"It seems that Scar is eyeing this city." Cubadan felt that it was possible. After all, there are so many good things here, and the city is so shocking and exciting.

If this is the case, then they must also get a share of the pie, and they cannot allow Scar to occupy this place alone.

Therefore, we must think of countermeasures.

It wasn't until the plane landed that Cubadan thought of a good idea, but the moment the plane landed, he was stunned.

Like everyone else, he felt an extremely comfortable feeling.

"There's something wrong with this city." Gubadan suddenly thought of it.

"President, look at these criminals." One of the companions reported quickly.

Cubadan looked immediately and saw messages appearing above the heads of the criminals. The key point was that each of these criminals was keeping their movements with panic on their faces.

"What's going on? I can't move."

"Why is this happening?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"???" When Cubadan saw the condition of these prisoners, his eyes suddenly widened in shock.

These people were immobilized by some force.

Could this be the surprise that Scar was talking about?

Suddenly, Cubadan realized something terrible.

The direction in which the giant sword flew at that time seemed to be the direction of Qingfeng City.

Combined with the special situation of this city and the situation of these prisoners in front of me, this is completely a special power.

That giant sword comes from Qingfengguanshi?

"Ah..." After Cubadan came to this conclusion, he was so shocked that he was covered in cold sweat.

He was actually thinking of going here with Scar just now.

This is a city of terrifying power.

Then why did Scary invite them here to hold a seminar?

For a moment, Cuba Dan was in panic as soon as he landed.

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