Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 570 Are prayers useful and still afraid of typhoons?

"Mr. Bailey Couli, what are you doing?" Zheng Kai asked with confusion on his face.

Bailey Couli quickly requested: "Commander Zheng, please take me to Qingfengguan to apologize. The terrorist incident has nothing to do with us. Please be merciful to Qingfengguan and don't let that typhoon attack us."

"What typhoon?" Zheng Kai was stunned.

Although this person's Chinese is not very good, he understood what the other person meant.

Then, he had a flash of inspiration and thought of something.

That whirlwind?

Isn't this right?

Bailey Guli did not dare to stop and explained: "It's the huge divine shadow of Qingfeng Temple. Didn't he throw out a whirlwind? The whirlwind gradually became bigger, and now it turned into a typhoon, and now it is heading straight to our Niyin. .”

"Ah?" Zheng Kai was surprised.

Is this really the case?

He had read about the butterfly effect before, saying that if a butterfly flaps its wings in one place, this small gust of wind may turn into a hurricane in other places.

It's just that there is no way to experiment with this kind of thing in reality, and we can only rely on theoretical calculations.

But now, the giant god who suddenly appeared in Qingfeng Temple threw a whirlwind and turned it into a typhoon. Is this another kind of verification of the butterfly effect theory?

It's just that Daozhang Guo didn't say that he would punish Niyin like this. Could it be that Daozhang Guo had other deep intentions?

Bailey Couli had already won and asked again: "Commander Zheng, please save our Niyin. In the future, when we Niyin joins the Hell Alliance, we must follow the lead of Commander Zheng."

This was Faorati's order on the phone. They were really afraid of Qingfengguan.

Since the Wana United District represents Qingfengguan, it seems that it is okay to take the Wana United District as the leader in East Asia.

"Get up, I can take you to Qingfeng Temple. As for whether Taoist Guo will see you, I can't guarantee it." Zheng Kai could only say this.

He didn't know if the typhoon was caused by Daozhang Guo, or if it was just to punish Niyin.

"Thank you, co-chief, thank you, co-chief!" Bailey Guli immediately thanked him.

The two of them left the office building in a moment and headed to Qingfeng Mountain. They soon arrived at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain.

Bailey Guli looked at the mountain wrapped in magical fog in front of him, feeling uneasy in his heart.

He who didn't know before was fearless, but now he was sure that there must be a god on this mountain.

He saw with his own eyes that the huge god casually threw a whirlwind, and then the whirlwind now turned into a typhoon.

Therefore, when he came here, he subconsciously felt fear, and then awe.

My heart was beating like crazy.

"Let's go!" Zheng Kai also entered the fog with Bailey Couli alone.

When he arrived at the teleportation array, Bailey Guli was attracted at first sight. He knew that this should be the teleportation array that he had investigated from those believers.

It is rumored that Qingfeng Mountain has a teleportation array set up by the gods, which can allow people to teleport from the bottom of the mountain to the mountain regardless of space.

You must know that this kind of space transmission ability will not be able to touch the surface of all countries for 50 years. Perhaps only gods can control this power.

Under the leadership of Zheng Kai, Bailey Guli entered the teleportation array, and then as Zheng Kai activated the teleportation array, he was instantly teleported to the top of the mountain.

The change in space in the blink of an eye made Bailey Guli feel as if he had been transported in an instant.

This is the power of God.

"Jushi Zheng, why are you here today?" Xuanyun's voice sounded at this time, and he was seen coming from the ancient elm tree and picking some elm coins.

As the elder of the medical hall, in addition to leading people to refine Bishu powder and health-preserving pills, he now also researches and refines some elixirs himself.

After all, he was already in the realm of foundation building, so there was no problem in researching some ordinary elixirs.

He had recently figured out how to use the elm money from the ancient elm tree to refine a special cooling elixir. When he came back from picking the elm money just now, he unexpectedly saw Zheng Kai.

"Taoist Master Xuanyun." Zheng Kai immediately bowed respectfully to Xuanyun.

After all, he is an elder of the Xuan generation in the Taoist temple.

Bailey Couli didn't know the structure of Qingfeng Temple. Seeing that Zheng Kai respected Xuanyun so much, he hurriedly knelt down towards Xuanyun: "Taoist Master, please let us Niyin go and let the god remove the typhoon!"

"???" Xuan Yun looked at the guy in front of him who knelt down when they met, and was stunned for a moment.

What typhoon?

In the waiting room, Guo Lin was sitting cross-legged, with the wind spirit bead still floating in his hand, and he was pouring Qi into it.

After the Wind Spirit Bead was cast on the Wind God, it became dim.

Because it is incomplete, after one use, the phantom of the Wind God's true spirit inside also loses its aura, and it needs time to recover before it can be used again.

It's just that this recovery does not rely on the input of true energy, but requires self-recovery by the power of the rules of wind.

However, this does not mean that the Wind Spirit Pearl cannot be used anymore, it can still be used, such as to help control the wind, but it is no longer possible to use the Wind God skill.

Seeing this, he also put away the Wind Lingzhu. When he stood up, he saw Xiaodeng appearing in the closet. He turned around and asked inquiringly: "Taoist priest, how about my pink clothes today?" Come?"

Guo Lin was helpless. There was a female demon who was getting better and better at his side. The Taoist priest had a firm heart, but sometimes it was difficult to control him.

After all, Yan Zhi is really too moist.

The female elf is really annoying too.

Moreover, Xiao Deng's outfit today is really good. Although she is no longer seductive, she looks a bit like a lady in a pink Hanbok.

It's just that the front position is exposed so much, it's not something that most ladies would do.

But the fact that it's exposed seems to be a bonus.

Xiao Deng seemed to have noticed that the Taoist priest was staring at his extra points, and felt a little secretly happy.

Because she realized she had caught something.

She checked online and found out that men like to show off their extra points like this. There are also photos of old Taoist priests in Taoist temples staring at girls' extra points.

It seems that the Taoist priest also likes it.

What is said on the Internet is really right. It is better to have nothing covered than half-covered, and it is better to be looming than to be dignified and ladylike.

She didn't understand what this meant, but it seemed like it was right.

Guo Lin frowned slightly because he saw a hint of pride from the corner of Xiao Deng's mouth.

What is she so proud of?

Moreover, he found that this guy seemed to be ready to help him play in the mortal world again.

Fortunately, at this time, Xuanyun's voice sounded: "Brother, Master Zheng has brought a gentleman, who is kneeling outside the Taoist temple. Master Zheng said that the man is from Niyin, and he is here to beg you to forgive Niyin and remove the punishment on them. punish."

"????" Guo Lin was confused when he heard this.

He threw two swords at Niyin, but he didn't continue to punish Niyin now.

What kind of punishment does this require him to withdraw?

Is it possible that they were so frightened that they came to beg for mercy when he didn't declare forgiveness to them?

No matter what, Xuanyun's words could save him from having to endure the hardships of the world of mortals. After hurriedly leaving the room, he let Xuanyun lead the way.

In a moment, he appeared in front of Bailey Guli, frowning at the person in front of him: "You can get up."

Bailey Guli looked at the young man in front of him in confusion. For some reason, when the other person said he could get up, he didn't dare to disobey and subconsciously got up.

"Greetings to Taoist Master Guo." Zheng Kai hurriedly saluted Guo Lin.

These words made Bailey Guli stunned, and he knelt down again in shock: "Taoist Master, please spare us and remove the typhoon."

Even though his Chinese is not very good, he can still understand the three words "Guo Daozhang". According to the information investigated, the most powerful person in Qingfeng Temple is named Guo Daozhang.

Oh my god.

This one is too young, and too young.

Then, he realized, that's not right. Qingfeng Temple is a powerful place. You can't judge your age by looking at it. Maybe the other person has magical power and will not grow old. In fact, he is very old.

"Typhoon?" Guo Lin was stunned for a moment.

He had no idea what a typhoon was.

But he also immediately thought of the whirlwind condensed by the God of Wind.

Did this cyclone turn into a typhoon?

He was confused, but he wouldn't ask in front of the other person. That would seem a bit ignorant, which would be a bad idea.

Therefore, he directly activated his small evolutionary ability to evolve the fragments of the Bagua Disk to see what he would discuss with Bailey Guli next.

Through the small evolution ability, he immediately knew the reason.

In the picture, Bailey Couli will tell the reason next. It is indeed the whirlwind thrown by the God of Wind that turned into a hurricane, and then turned into a typhoon. ;

This kind of change was something Guo Lin didn't expect.

He thought that the wind blowing into the sea would dissipate quickly as it moved. Who knew that not only did it not dissipate, but it also became more and more terrifying?

He immediately understood that it should be related to the wind attribute regular runes in the wind.

After all, it is a rune that condenses the power of rules, and it is not so easy to dissipate and consume energy.


If it turns into a typhoon and enters a country, it may really cause a terrible disaster.

He immediately started thinking about how to solve this.

It might be possible to slash with power.

In addition, it should be possible to control it with the wind spirit beads.

After all, the runes in the whirlwind were also made of wind spirit beads.

"Please Taoist Master, spare us Niyin!" Bailey Guli hurriedly begged for mercy again, and even kowtowed.

Guo Lin also came back to his senses at this time, and snorted coldly, pretending to be: "Then you know you are wrong?"

Bailey Guli immediately nodded: "We really know we were wrong, and we beg the Taoist Master for forgiveness."

Guo Lin continued to hum: "Then it depends on your performance. Send the news back and ask Niyin to build a Qingfeng Temple as quickly as possible, and then declare Qingfeng Temple as his faith. After that, set up a Bagua altar and let that Faorati personally led people to pray in front of the altar. If you are sincere, nothing will happen."

Even if the typhoon was not his intention, he couldn't agree to it just as soon as the other party came to his door. He had to make the other party do something.

It depends on whether the other party agrees to this condition.

Unexpectedly, when Bailey Guli heard this, he hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you, Master Taoist, for the opportunity. Thank you. I will inform people in China right away."

After that, he really hurriedly picked up the phone and started dialing.

On the other side, Faorati was also waiting anxiously. As soon as he received the call from Bailey Guli, he immediately answered the call. When he heard the request conveyed by Bailey Guli, he did not hesitate and immediately summoned people. Arrangements were made.

He even personally supervised the construction of a Qingfeng Temple as quickly as possible. Moreover, with the huge area of ​​construction, naturally, he also built a Bagua altar on the shore where the fleet was originally destroyed.

At the same time, he also asked people to declare Niyin's belief in Qingfeng Guan as quickly as possible.

This suddenly confused the people in Niyin, especially those in the capital. Everyone was even more confused when they saw the construction of Qingfeng Temple and the altar.

Especially in just three days, the Qingfeng Temple and the altar were built at a desperate speed. Moreover, people in the capital actually discovered that the president and his official people started praying on the altar.

At this time, the people monitoring the typhoon also knew that the typhoon was about to enter Nepal.

Moreover, they also received news that President Faorati was leading people to pray in an attempt to make the typhoon leave.

This shocked many people.

Bashan Yishita, the head of the Plaster Satellite Department, felt incredulous: "Is the news true? Is the president of the other party really praying?"

Someone next to me immediately replied: "It's true, there are videos circulating."

As he spoke, a video appeared on the screen.

Bashan Yixia said sarcastically: "Is there nothing we can do? But we are often at our wits' end, and we have never done such stupid things. Praying works, but our plaster will be so damaged by a typhoon? Every time a typhoon comes, we will directly Just pray.”

This statement made everyone in the department laugh out loud.

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