Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 632 The spiritual energy increases dramatically!

"Ah, this is not ordinary rain!"

"It's incredible, it blends into my body!"

"This rain can be turned into energy!"


As exclamations rang out one after another, Zheng Kai also felt the benefits of this golden rainstorm.

As the golden rainstorm fell on him, he immediately felt that the rain turned into cold streaks and penetrated into his body.

When the coldness entered his body, it immediately turned into traces of energy that moved rapidly through his meridians.

He realized that this golden rainstorm could be turned into energy and absorbed, so this was the reason why it could help people break through.

This made him look overjoyed, and he quickly activated his cultivation techniques to absorb the energy!

He could clearly feel the energy in his body growing stronger.

This energy was absorbed by him very quickly, but the heavy rain fell even faster, raining down on him. The energy it transformed into was definitely not comparable to eating aura rice!

This also filled his face with joy.

If this speed continues, he will soon be able to successfully break his pulse.

Wang Yu also felt this magical scene.

He had already cultivated the energy, but now there are people like Weisit and others competing for the refined spiritual energy rice. With domestic funding, it is difficult for him to obtain the refined spiritual energy rice.

Therefore, cultivation has been stagnant.

Now as the golden rainstorm falls, he also feels the energy. As long as the rainstorm doesn't stop, this energy will continue to appear. .

It's incredible.

An exclamation sounded: "I have gained energy through cultivation."

This is a student from Qingfeng University.

The technique he originally practiced at Qingfeng University could not cultivate energy, but could only cultivate inner strength.

Now, under the wash of spiritual energy, energy can be directly cultivated.

With this student, soon, the second, the third...

One after another, students from Qingfeng University cultivated the energy.

Moreover, not only these students, but also the cultivating believers, they thought that there was no hope of cultivating energy, at least it would take a long time.

Now under this golden rainstorm, it is so easy to cultivate energy.

"Is this a gift from God?"

"It must be so, otherwise who could do such a thing?"


Invisibly, the piety of each believer and international student increased by an unknown amount.

As time went by, waves of increasing momentum began to appear.

Someone's pulse is broken.

Because the energy level is higher, the fluctuations of this breakthrough are also more intense and can be easily felt.

"It's coming." Zheng Kai said in surprise. With the constant influx of energy, something in his body was washed away. This was the strength that directly stepped into the broken pulse.

The same is true for Wang Yu.

People like them who have been practicing for a long time have successfully broken their veins under this golden rainstorm.

They are all like this, and naturally the inner disciples of Qingfeng Temple are also like this. All of them have succeeded in breaking their pulses.

Even those who had their pulse broken long ago have greatly increased their strength at this time.

After Wang Yu broke his pulse, he didn't feel the increase in energy stop. Under this golden rainstorm, the energy in his body was still increasing rapidly. He could even feel that all the people sent from the country were cultivating. Energy.

You must know that many of them have not practiced much, and have never eaten spiritual energy rice. They were sent here purely to try their luck. Who knew that they could be able to cultivate energy.

It seems that this time he is a master of mass production.

Then this time, the densely packed believers and students who came to Qingfeng Mountain were probably all going to gain energy through cultivation.

If several armies were placed on this mountain and they had practiced the technique, I am afraid that all the people in the armies would have cultivated energy.

Thinking of this, his face became very ugly.

Because their people are nothing in front of this number. Thinking of the dense crowd of people around them, it feels scary, okay?

Although many of these people come from various countries, with the existence of Qingfengguan, these countries have a hub to unite together, and this is an extremely terrifying power.

In the past, in this Asian region, various small countries were just doormats in the international arena, and no one dared to show their shame.

But now just so many people who have cultivated energy can make those big countries worry. If they go crazy and send these powers out, it will cause very terrifying destructive power.

However, their country is completely lagging behind in this regard, and even can only hold back.

While he was afraid, he also thought that if Qingfengguan was still in the country, the densely packed people around him would all be his comrades.

How wonderful would that be?


A loud cry sounded in the sky.

I saw that there were already flying birds circling in the sky, and they were bathing in the golden rain under the leadership of the two phoenixes.

This spiritual energy flushing is good for people, and it is of great benefit to the birds and beasts in the sect's territory.

It seems that the scene of hundreds of birds paying homage to the phoenix has appeared again, and the birds in the sky are attracting people from Qingfeng City.

People in Qingfeng City were not in the circle and basically didn't know about spiritual energy flushing, so those who saw it were attracted by this scene.

But obviously, it's not just these birds that are attractive, but also the dense trees on Qingfeng Mountain.

Those trees also grew rapidly under the golden rain, becoming denser, stronger, and more spectacular.

Even from a distance, you can see the visible growth of the trees, as if the God of Time has added the power of time to these trees, allowing them to quickly grow from small trees to big trees, and big trees to ancient trees.

Naturally, the five ancient trees on Qingfengguan that benefit the most are the five ancient trees. They grow faster and taller under the golden rain, and they are unbelievably spectacular.

Breeze View on the roof.

You can see that 7 little guys are jumping around in the golden rain. They are very comfortable.

It is exactly 7 auspicious treasures.

However, they are also different. As they are bathed in the golden rainstorm, a faint light begins to appear on their bodies.

This kind of light surrounds them, making them look very mysterious.

Xuanyang and Xuanyun noticed it and subconsciously looked at a few auspicious treasures.

At this moment, I saw it flapped its wings slowly, jumped a few times, and saw a tile in front of it shattered, as if it was impacted by some energy.

"???" Xuan Yang was suddenly surprised.

"It's amazing!" Xuan Yun also felt incredible. After all, those were seven auspicious treasures, not humans.

time flies.

The time for spiritual energy flushing ended quickly, and the golden rainstorm slowly subsided.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyang and Xuanyun felt the huge changes in Qingfeng Temple, and their eyes suddenly brightened.

At that moment, he felt that the spiritual energy around him suddenly increased several times compared to before.

That's right, it's several times more spiritual energy.

After they broke through the golden elixir before, they felt that the spiritual energy in Qingfeng Temple was no longer enough to support their current level of cultivation. Even if the spiritual energy in Qingfeng Sect was stronger, it was still a bit reluctant.

But at this moment, they felt the surge of spiritual energy. The spiritual energy in Qingfeng Temple alone was enough for them to practice in their current state.

Sure enough, as the senior brother said, the spiritual energy increased dramatically.

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