Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 650 Selection in the City of Believers!

Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin looked unhappy.

After all, other countries will soon have spiritual energy, and no one knows what this spiritual energy will eventually develop into.

King Scar and others did not hesitate. After returning to Qingfeng City, they immediately started communicating with the country!

They asked the country to prepare credentials as soon as possible and then sent them over as quickly as possible.

At this time, they can be said to be racing against time.

After receiving their orders, they entered the process steps as quickly as possible in China.

Not long after, the official credentials of these countries were also delivered to King Scar and his companions.

After King Scar had received his credentials and map, he left Qingfeng City as quickly as possible without any hesitation and headed straight for Qingfeng Mountain.

He also has no extra merit points.

On Qingfeng Mountain, Wang Yu finally reached it. When he came up again, it almost cost him half his life.

But when he arrived at the mountain, he found that it was already quiet, and he didn't see Moller and King Scar at all.

He walked around the Taoist temple, inquired about it, and learned that Moller had obtained the city of believers.

Moreover, he also roughly knew the process of obtaining the City of Believers.

Even the specific process of Mohler's request to the gods was revealed.

He hurriedly ran down the mountain. There was no way to make phone calls on Qingfeng Mountain. He had to run down the mountain to report the news.

At the foot of Qingfeng Mountain, Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin were a little embarrassed now. They wanted to leave, but they wanted to know what would happen next.

I want to see if countries like Taiguo can get the city of believers.

So, they waited at the foot of the mountain again.

Not long after, they saw King Scardy coming with another group of people.

After the other party got off the car, he hurriedly walked into Qingfeng Mountain without even looking at them, obviously very anxious.

It can be seen from this that the people of Tai Kingdom already have a way to know how to get the city of believers.

After a while, they saw the heads of other countries coming in a hurry, entering Qingfeng Mountain in the same hurry.

Obviously, these people are also confident of getting the City of Believers and are eager to go to the mountain.

This also made him look even worse, because they were outsiders now.

King Scardy arrived at Qingfeng Temple and knelt down directly at the gate tower:

"Believer Scary, willing to invite the city of believers, the credentials have been brought!"

He just shouted, waiting for a response.

The President of Pakistan and others all passed through the teleportation array and went up the mountain one after another.

When they came up, they also saw Scar Ling already kneeling there.

They all ran over, knelt down, and then raised their credentials high:

"Believers have prepared their credentials and are asking for the city of believers!"

"Believers have also prepared their credentials, please come to the city of believers!"


These people also shouted loudly, and then raised their credentials high.

Even after the shouting, they waited and did not dare to get up at all to show their sincerity.

After a while, Xuan Yang came out, looked at Scar and the others and said, "Come in, everyone!"

Scar Ling and the others did not hesitate at all and quickly followed Xuan Yang into the Taoist temple.

It didn't take long to arrive in front of the main hall.

Xuan Yang knew that these people would come soon, and he had already ordered the main hall to be cleared.

There are no more believers inside.

Xuanyang also said to those people: "Sincerely hand over your credentials and sincerely ask the gods, and the gods will grant the city to the believers."

People like Scar Litter had known this process for a long time, so after Xuan Yang spoke out, they also raised their credentials to their heads one by one, and then began to shout devoutly.

At this time, Guo Lin had already controlled the incarnation of Shenyuan again and floated in the mid-air in the hall.

These people can't see him either.

However, he waved his hand gently, and those people flew towards him one after another, knowing the credentials above their heads.

This scene filled these people's faces with excitement, and they knew that this was a manifestation of the gods.

A lot of people came, most of the countries in the Divine Prison Alliance came, so he wanted to select four countries from these countries and give them the opportunity to transform the city of believers.

However, the quotas for these four countries cannot be chosen arbitrarily. At least he wants to ensure one thing. After the leaders of these countries are changed, there will be no impact on the city of believers.

For example, in Taiguo, the king has the final say. Even if it is passed down to the prince, the prince has been living in the capital, and he will definitely be influenced by the city of believers soon, and he will also be a believer in Qingfengguan.

Therefore, even if the king is changed, it will not have any impact.

But like Cambodia, their leaders are completely elected by different ethnic tribes across the country.

This makes it very likely that the person in charge will become someone from outside the city of believers and take over!

If the other party has a firm belief, just like those in the country, it is completely impossible to be influenced by the City of Believers. This is a bit troublesome. Maybe they will have some suspicion about the City of Believers, or directly target it.

That's a very painful thing.

Therefore, Cambodia has been eliminated from the beginning!

Guo Lin looked at the credentials one by one and quickly selected four countries.

Taiguo is one of the natural numbers, and the country inherited by the family is the first choice.

The country of Pakistan is also the same. The president of Pakistan is elected by the Zhucheng House of Representatives, and all those members have served in Zhucheng for a long time.

So there's no problem with that either.

Soon, he waved his hand, and the credentials of other countries flew back to the hands of those in charge.

This made those people's faces look ugly, which meant that they were rejected.

But people like King Scar are very excited. They were chosen, which means that the city of believers should be stable.

Sure enough, they saw that the certificate of credence was wrapped in a layer of wrapping.

Then under the fluttering light, writing appeared on it, and then disappeared out of thin air.

This scene made King Scar and the others even more excited, it was done.

For a moment, Guo Lin controlled the incarnation of Shen Yuan and waved four documents, which floated out of Daluotian, as if they appeared out of thin air. These were documents from Qingfeng Temple.

Only by signing this document again can the City of Believers take effect.

Almost when the document was signed, Guo Lin's body also looked at the sect's location information. In the column of City of Believers, he could clearly see that there were four more maps on it, but the current four city maps were still there. No refresh.

He can clearly check the situation in these four cities.

[I found a city that can be transformed into a city of believers. Do you want to change it? 】

Guo Lin didn't hesitate, he made the choice and carried out the transformation at the same time.

The four extra maps also began to be refreshed at the same time.

Almost at the same time, the capitals of the four countries, Taiguo and Baguo, were also shaken at the same moment.

People from the four countries were all shocked in an instant.

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