Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 657 The missing part!

Guo Lin continued to check the information.

In these scientific theories, which are classified as nonsense, there is a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the evolution of human beings. ,

Not much, just hundreds of thousands of years.

According to Darwin's theory of evolution, human beings are rooted in the earth itself and evolved from species. Fossils are the best proof of evolution.

But there should be a connecting species during the transition period from ape-man to human.

Now science has discovered corresponding species in various periods, but this evolutionary species has not been found until now.

From ape-men to today's highly intelligent humans, there are always difficult connections between genetic companies and DNA spirals. Therefore, there is an inference that human genes already existed before the formation of the solar system.

But this is obviously impossible.

Unless there is only one possibility, there is really some unknown lack that makes this calculation wrong.

Therefore, in the blank period of hundreds of thousands of years, there was already such a species, but it seemed to have disappeared from the earth.

The correct progress should be: ape-man evolved into the disappeared species, then the disappeared species and then to the current human beings.

In other words, evolve and then degenerate.

That makes sense. The species that disappeared should be humans with normal genes and a pulse-breaking physique.

Today's human beings are just because that species disappeared, their genes were modified, and they have degenerated into ordinary humans now.

Otherwise, many things currently understood by human life sciences are inconsistent with the theory of evolution.

If this history of disappearing for hundreds of thousands of years is really as speculated, what happened in it will definitely not be that simple.

Guo Lin felt a little pain in his head after reading the information that was labeled as nonsense this time.

He didn't know if this had anything to do with the hundreds of thousands of years the female mountain goddess said.

Anyway, after learning that human genes had been modified, he knew that something was not simple.

But the fragments of the Bagua Evolution Disk cannot be deduced yet, and he doesn't understand what's going on.

However, with the female mountain goddess suddenly in such a state, something might really happen soon.

Almost when Guo Lin was confused, satellites from various countries detected the energy of an approaching earth in space.

However, no one cared when this energy was detected.

Because that's a rocket return capsule.

When the Eastern country's rocket was launched before, they also detected it and knew that someone of theirs had landed on the moon.

So, they are not surprised about this.

This kind of thing is done not only by the Eastern countries, but also by the beautiful countries that landed on the moon. There are also big countries that are doing this.

After confirming this, the satellite departments of those countries no longer paid attention to this matter, except for Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin in China.

Moreover, Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin have arrived in Fujian City, outside the Xuanniao Bar.

The surrounding area has also been put under martial law, and no ordinary people will appear here.

They already knew that they were being used, so naturally they wanted to come here to find out.

The situation inside the Xuanniao Bar is different from that at Qingfengguan.

The other party exists here, but has never appeared outside, and has not shown any mysterious energy, which shows that the other party has very great limitations and does not have the ability of Qingfengguan at all.

Mr. Chu feels that his thinking is very clear now.

This also made him annoyed. Why did he have such naive thoughts before?

This is a simple question that should be understood as soon as you think about it.

He realized a very bad situation, that is, his thinking might have been affected by the presence here before.

The other party's purpose is to let him send people to the moon and then find the three sculptures.

After thinking about this, his heart skipped a beat.

Moreover, he didn't know when this influence started, whether it was not only him who was affected, but also what happened to Qingfeng Guanfei before.

The more he thought about it, the uglier his face became.

Cheng Jianxin had already waved his hand, and beside him was a group of fully armed special warriors. Each of them was a person who had gone to Qingfeng Temple before and was washed by spiritual energy and cultivated energy.

Moreover, they also carry self-destructive weapons. Once they find something wrong, they will activate the weapons.

They are all aware.

This time I came with awareness.

It is nothing for people like them to regard death as home.

They are going to destroy this place directly, no matter what the situation is inside.

Gotta try anyway.

The soldiers rushed into the bar.

Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin were waiting outside, and a moment later, a report came out: "Reporting to the two leaders, everything inside is normal and there is no special situation."

Another report also sounded: "This is just a normal bar, nothing was discovered."

Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin frowned.

This is impossible.

When they came last time, they clearly saw the special passage and entered the special space, so he mistakenly thought that this place was the same as Qingfeng Temple.

But the reality is completely different.

The fact that the other party did not dare to show their holiness in front of others meant that they were far inferior to Qingfeng Guan.

Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin hurriedly entered the bar, but the scene inside made him frown immediately.

There is nothing inside, just a normal bar without the special passage from before.

"Damn it." Mr. Chu sighed deeply.

The feeling of being plotted against me all the time is really uncomfortable. ,

"Ruined this place." Cheng Jianxin also said in annoyance.

Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin went out again. Soon after, they saw that the entire bar was directly destroyed and collapsed completely.

But still nothing happened inside.

Those previous existences were completely gone.

Mr. Chu and Cheng Jianxin could only send someone to monitor the place and then leave alone. They had more important things to deal with. . ,

"How's the situation over there?" Mr. Chu asked immediately.

Cheng Jianxinhui reported: "It has entered the scope of the earth's magnetic field and will soon fall towards the prairie over there. I have made strict arrangements there, and various weapons have been aimed there."

Mr. Chu nodded when he heard this and said: "Let's go over there quickly. Now that things are like this, we must do something."

Cheng Jianxin nodded, and the group quickly left Min City, and then took a plane to the prairie in the northwest.

When they arrived not far from the predicted location, they saw a huge fireball falling from the sky and hitting hard deep in the grassland.

"Here we come." Cheng Jianxin quickly took out the communicator and shouted inside: "Everyone, move forward there and check the latest situation. Long-range high-explosive weapons can be launched at any time. We must destroy everything inside."

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