Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 673 A big drama!

Fujian City.

Chu Lin lived in a luxurious villa, looking at the terrifying stars appearing in the sky, his face was very ugly.

Even after the Wu family left Fujian City and went to Qingfeng City, he had become the richest man in Fujian City and the new president of the Fujian Chamber of Commerce.

No matter how much wealth he has, no matter how many beautiful women he can hug, he can change his bed warmer every day.

But facing the coming disaster, he had nothing to do.

The star can no longer be concealed and can be seen by looking up.

And the trajectory can clearly be seen as falling to the ground.

Even if he has not graduated from junior high school, even if he has not studied geography and physics, he still understands common sense.

Even if one ten thousandth of that star falls on this planet, it can cause violent crustal movements on this planet. There is no way for fragile humans to survive under such movements.

So, what’s the use of having more money at this time?

Even if he has more than a dozen wives, he can't take them with him after he dies, right?

It's really abominable for the officials to hide this situation from everyone.

If he had known this earlier, he would have definitely done something meaningful to prevent himself from living the last days of his life meaninglessly.

He had a crazy night with his three wives last night, only to wake up and find that the world was ending. How boring this was.

"It's so fucking fucked." Chu Lin cursed.

There were many people who had the same idea as him. Even in Min City, countless people came to the streets and looked at the stars in the sky in confusion.

Everyone in other countries and all over the world is the same. They don’t know what to do when they look at the stars!

It’s no secret that the world is ending.

Chaos occurred, and some people took advantage of the troubled waters. Since the world is going to be destroyed, why should we restrain our humanity?

Destruction and inhumane things happened everywhere.

The plot in the movie is not a lie, nor is it made up. In the apocalypse, human nature will really be distorted and become very scary.

But in this situation, in the breeze, Guo Lin also got a game prompt

That means the adjustment to increase the area of ​​the Qiankun Secret Realm has been completed, and the attributes have officially taken effect.

And not only the properties of the Qiankun Secret Realm, but also the properties of the Demon Locking Tower and Prison Locking also took effect at the same time.

Almost at the same time, an incredible scene happened all over the world!

Fujian City.

Chu Lin discovered anomalies in the entire city. Thugs appeared and they were doing evil and attacking the wealthy areas.

There were even people attacking his villa, but they were blocked by his bodyguards and security guards.

It's just that it's a very bad situation.

He stood on the top of the villa and frowned at all this.

Although the thugs were blocked, they still stayed outside and refused to leave. Apparently they had other agendas.

But just when he was worried, a scene that surprised him happened.

I saw that those thugs were unable to move at that moment, and they all froze in place.

Then the panic of these people sounded:

"What happened?, I can't move my body."

"What's going on? Why is this happening?"

"What's going on? Why is this happening? Who can help me?"

"I can't move,"

Chu Lin's face was full of surprise. Those people seemed to have been cast a spell and were frozen in place like wood.

And he could clearly see that phantom light curtains appeared above the heads of those people, and there were messages from these people on them.

There are names of these people, and information about their sins.


Chu Lin thought of one thing, that is, it was rumored that the Wu family went to Qingfeng City for some mysterious power.

He didn't pay much attention to the so-called mysterious power before. Compared with the mysterious power and the richest man in Fujian City, he still valued the position of the richest man in Fujian City more.

As those disasters happened, he knew he was wrong?

Those mysterious things are too terrifying.

Now even the end of the world has appeared.

Moreover, isn’t the situation in front of me a magical force?

Otherwise, why would this happen?

Situations like this happen everywhere on the streets of Fujian City.

The thugs who were committing violence and causing chaos were all suddenly immobilized by a special force, making them unable to move.

Many people suddenly remembered one thing, and that was about Qingfengguan.

After all, they had seen this situation online.

Is a similar situation happening here now?

Many people have turned on the Internet, looking for videos that have been posted on the Internet to view this kind of information.

Finally found it was exactly as described.

In the city of gods, as long as someone commits a crime, he or she will be imprisoned and the information will be displayed. They can only wait for the police to arrest them and then be imprisoned in the divine prison.

Now, this kind of magical thing has happened in their Fujian city.

Almost at the same time, the same thing happened all over the world. No matter where they were, the thugs who were causing destruction were arrested almost at the same time.

Moreover, a sinful message appeared above their heads, and everyone was excited when they saw this scene.

That's not the most amazing thing.

Almost at the next moment, everyone looked around in disbelief.

Because at that moment, incredible things happened all around. The ground became huge at that moment, and the house also became huge at that moment.

Two people who were originally standing together were suddenly separated by a long distance.

It was as if the whole world started to get bigger at that moment.

Chu Lin was looking at the immobilized thugs in surprise when he suddenly found that the railing he was holding on was rapidly getting higher, and his field of vision was also rising rapidly. It seemed that his villa was getting higher.

Yes, his villa is getting taller and taller.

The height of the original three-story villa soon reached the 30th floor.

There should be 30 floors, right?

Chu Lin really couldn't believe that such a thing happened, as if the gods had put a terrible force on his villa.

Even his swimming pool area has increased 10 times.

It seems that not only his villa, but also the villas in the entire villa area are like this. It seems that the entire world has become completely larger.

The high-rise buildings in the city are almost deep into the clouds. The original 100-story building now looks as high as 1,000 stories.

"What exactly happened? Is it the end of the world or a gift from the gods?" Chu Lin said with disbelief.

Soon, his mobile phone received WeChat messages one after another, all from his wives.

They were all shocked, and some said that after taking beauty sleep, the room became extremely empty.

Some people said that they took the stairs, and there were so many stairs that she couldn't walk wearing high heels.

Not only Chu Lin, but people from all over the world have discovered such a magical thing. As long as it is a country that has signed documents with Qingfeng Guan, the area of ​​the entire country has been increased by 10 times under the influence of the Qingfeng Guan sect's residence attribute.

Everyone was excited, everyone was shocked, everyone was in disbelief.

If other people dare to imagine such a thing, it seems like they are just dreaming.

But the fact is that it happened.

This scene will be recorded in human history, and this day will soon be called: the day of miracles.

It can be said that at this moment, everyone who owns a house and land is excited and cheering.

Because their land and residential area increased 10 times out of thin air.

People who have no house or land can only be shocked when looking at the enlarged area.

Qingfeng Guanzhong.

The leaders of various countries are still here and have not left. Especially after the huge star suddenly appeared, they felt a crisis.

The formation hasn't appeared yet, but something destructive has already appeared, so they don't dare to go back.

At least there is a real formation here at Qingfengguan, so you should be protected no matter what, right?

Mr. Chu is also here, but he is just an errand boy now.

But regarding the changes around the world, he still got the report immediately, and then hurriedly reported it to the leader.

"Are you telling the truth?" the leader asked in surprise.

Mr. Chu immediately nodded and said: "It's true, the news has been sent, and there are many videos and photos!"

As he spoke, he had already taken out the relevant videos and photos and handed them to the leader.

The leader took the video and watched it. As the video played, his eyes showed disbelief.

Those buildings that are deep into the clouds are not original at all. It is impossible for this kind of approval to be approved in China.

And those squares are terrifyingly large.

The most important thing is that the street is incredibly wide. The rest is 10 times wider than before, right? Cars seem so small on the street. Are there still traffic jams on this kind of street?

Absolutely impossible.

It seemed as if the entire city was directly magnified 10 times on the map.

It's a miracle.

Leaders found that the traffic problem that seemed to have been a headache for them seemed to be solved.

In fact, many cities have traffic problems, and the traffic problems are still very serious. This is because the traffic estimates in the early stages of construction of many cities were insufficient.

I just didn't know that the economy would develop so fast. I didn't know that in a short period of time, every household would have a car, so there would be traffic jams when going out.

Of course, even if this is estimated, construction is still a problem. After all, there is only so much area that can be allocated for road construction in the plan.

But now everything has been completely solved. The road that is 10 times wider cannot be blocked.

However, in this case, everything including traffic lights and traffic lights in various places will have to be re-done.

Each city has been enlarged 10 times, including buildings, which seems to be able to solve the housing problem. After all, housing prices have always been the most troublesome problem.

Moreover, if these cities are enlarged 10 times in this way, will other places also be enlarged 10 times?

After all, they signed documents and attributed all places to Qingfengguan. If the area becomes larger, it cannot be just the city, but all places.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the area has increased tenfold and the resources have also increased tenfold?

It seems that many very tight resources will suddenly become less tense.

It is even said that their population is too dense. In fact, the residents are not very happy. So if they increase the area ten times, everything can be solved. You will be as happy as you want.

He never thought that being under the name of Qingfengguan would have so many benefits and such magical things would happen.

"One more thing." Mr. Chu reported again: "Those who caused trouble have all been arrested. It has the same function as Qingfeng City. From now on, in all our cities, no one will dare to commit crimes."

"Ah, is this... so powerful?" The leader was completely shocked.

Not only theirs, but at this moment, the people in charge of Meimei Country, Yingjiang Country, Italy Country... almost all of these places have received relevant reports one after another, and they all know what is happening in their own countries.

In almost every place, the same thing happened after it was returned to Qingfeng Temple.

This seems to have solved all their domestic conflicts and all resource conflicts at once. After that, they can do many things that they could not do before.

The gods at Qingfengguan are so powerful.

They all expressed their emotions from the bottom of their hearts, and many of them even felt an uncontrollable piety in their hearts.

However, they also understand that no matter what they can do in the future or how they want to do it, it will have to wait until the disaster has passed.

That star is still falling. If it is not solved, the planet will eventually be destroyed.

But now that they know the changes that have taken place outside, they have inexplicable confidence in the gods of Qingfeng Temple. They can do such terrifying things, so it should be very simple to deal with this star, right?

Not only do they think this, but many people on this planet think this way.

The magical scene that happened before them made them firmly believe in the existence of gods. So, gods would save them, right?

But Guo Lin was not in a hurry to start the Tai Chi Liang Yi Feng Chen Formation, because he was waiting and had to direct a big play.

He wanted to see if there was any way to let the incarnation of Shen Yuan enter the country through this disaster.

Maybe not just entry.

Countless people looked at the sky and saw that the terrifying stars were getting bigger and bigger. There was no god to take action. This made countless people start to despair.

After all, the star is coming soon.

At this moment, Guo Lin suddenly cast a spell and wrote Buddhist calligraphy.

Through the sect's station, he can easily cast this spell and present it in all cities where humans gather.

In other words, this spell can be seen by most of the nearly 8 billion people on the planet.

So, when everyone was about to despair again, they suddenly discovered a light appearing in the sky.

A luminous figure condensed in the light, and the figure was completely enveloped by the light. Anyone with strong strength would definitely be able to tell that this was Guo Lin's appearance.

Almost at the same time, corresponding words appeared around the luminous figure: Before the disaster, pray sincerely, and gods will come to the world to eliminate the disaster.

The local language was spoken almost everywhere, and everyone could understand it. Therefore, as if grasping at straws, countless people knelt down and prayed devoutly.

At that moment, countless meritorious deeds and wishes surged in the direction of Qingfeng Temple like a vast ocean.

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