Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 80 Free blood bank! What a filial son!

"Householder, take Donor Lin to prepare a guest room." Guo Lin saw that what had happened, also gave instructions to the old layman.

More than 500 days, I don’t know how long this person can last.

The life in Taoist temple is poor and it is difficult for ordinary people to live there for a long time.

However, Qingfeng Temple is different. Once you know the magic of Qingfeng Temple, I am afraid that many people will do this kind of operation in the future.

Not only for some people, this is really not much money.

Therefore, this rule should be changed in the future and a restriction should be made.

"Donor, please." The old layman also led Lin Ze'an towards the guest room.

At this time.

A group of tourists walked in, most of them carrying three supplies for the college entrance examination. Apparently they had children at home who were going to take the college entrance examination.

"I've met all of you good believers." Guo Lin smiled and stepped forward to guide, leading a group of people through the incense-burning process.

What is different from usual times is that there are more rituals required to put the three offerings into the offering table, which takes a lot of time.

It's a pity that no one in this industry can provide the willpower.

None of them are devout believers.

It's probably because the children are taking the college entrance examination, and everyone has scanned 500 merit points.

Guo Lin also took a look at the merit money information of the station where he was stationed. The merit money had reached 201,200, which was twice as much as the upgrade requirement.

However, there are only 273 willing points, which is still a long way from the 500 required for upgrading.

Willingness is still more difficult.

It is a pity that there is no Taoist sacrificial etiquette in recent times.

Most of the people Qingfeng Temple attracts are people who join in the fun or just want to go out and have fun. There are still few devout Taoist believers.

This reminded him of the benefactor Lin Ze'an.

At least the resident at Qingfeng Temple has some benefits. He can earn 3 points of wish power every day. If you add the old layman's 9 points every day, it will be 12 o'clock.

After the group of tourists left, Guo Lin also walked towards a side hall. Now he still had to get out the Marriage Hall first.

This side hall is dedicated to gods of fortune, longevity and longevity.

Now all we need to do is to get the god in charge of this side hall, invite these gods of functions to other side halls, and then invite Lao Yue from the side of the main hall.

Naturally, when moving the deity, ritual prayers are also required, and the gods of various functions are appealed to, and then the husband of the moon is bequeathed.

The general meaning is that now I want you to clear this office so that the leaders above can use it.

If you have any opinions, go to the leadership and tell them.

Therefore, if this god of functions has any objections, he can go to Yue Laogong and tell him, but the gap in priesthood status is obviously impossible.

Guo Lin also went back to his room and put on the Taoist robe of the temple master, and started the spirit transfer ceremony in the side hall.

Lin Ze'an tidied up the room and came over. Seeing Guo Lin's ceremony, he curiously asked the old layman: "Layholder, what is the Taoist Master doing?"

Xie Qingyang explained: "This is a god-moving ceremony. The Taoist priest should invite other gods in charge to take their places in this side hall, but I don't know which god to invite."

When he saw the Taoist leader removing the functional gods of Fortune, Lushou and Shou and inviting Mr. Yue in, the old layman understood.

This is going to be transformed into the Marriage Hall. .

It seems that with the current development of society, the marriage hall is indeed very popular among pilgrims and believers. Many Taoist temples have specially set up marriage halls.

Even those dedicated to marriage temples are popular.

This is the need of the times.

However, he subconsciously realized that the Taoist priest had specially built a marriage hall, which must be extraordinary.

Guo Lin moved the altars and burned incense and prayed.

During this process, Xie Qingyang and Lin Ze'an stood aside politely and did not interrupt.

After Guo Lin finished everything, he turned his attention to the inner marriage talisman.

This thing will be effective only if it is made and paired with the Marriage Palace.

It's just that making an inner marriage talisman requires a drop of blood from a sincere person, which means that you have to be in emotion and be extremely strong in this emotion.

He subconsciously excluded himself. He was already single and there was no need to talk about true love.

He looked at the old layman next to him again.

Now that you are old, what are you thinking about?

Finally, he set his sights on Lin Ze'an and asked, "Donor Lin is sincere to his girlfriend?"

Lin Ze'an was stunned for a moment when he was asked. He thought he had some instructions and immediately said: "Daozhang Guo, that's natural. I love my girlfriend very much and I must have her in this life."

"In front of Mr. Yue, is this oath sincere?" Guo Lin asked again.

"That's for sure." Lin Ze'an never doubted himself on this point.

Guo Lin immediately said with a smile: "Donor Lin, do you mind donating a drop of blood?"

"????" Lin Ze'an was a little confused. It could be seen that Daochang Guo spoke like this, but he nodded subconsciously.

Then, it was too late to regret.

Without any hesitation, Guo Lin said to Xie Qingyang: "Father, please help me prepare some tools for making talismans. I'm going to make talismans."

The old layman was stunned: "Taoist Master, there is no rootless water!"

Guo Lin explained: "The layman has made a fortune. There are many kinds of Taoist talismans. Not all talismans require rootless water. This time, spiritual spring water will do."

The old layman said nothing more and hurried to the warehouse.

The Taoist priest is going to make a new talisman.

This means that you can learn more.

After a while, the old layman brought all the things he needed and asked, "Taoist Master, how to grind cinnabar?"

Guo Lin said with a smile: "Please donate a drop of blood on the cinnabar, Master Lin."

The old layman was obviously stunned.

Will human blood be used to grind cinnabar this time to make the talisman?

He has been searching for a long time, and this is the first time he has heard of it.

But this was the first time he had encountered these magical powers of the Taoist Master.

Therefore, he immediately found a needle for disinfection, and then walked towards Lin Ze'an with cinnabar: "Donor Lin, please."

Lin Ze'an took the needle. Although it took courage to prick himself with a needle, he would not regret what he agreed to do.

In addition, after what happened last night, he was also curious about what kind of talisman Guo Daozhang was going to make. He gritted his teeth and pricked his finger, squeezing a drop of blood on the cinnabar.

The old layman also hurriedly ground cinnabar and sent it to Guo Lin: "Taoist Master."

Guo Lin nodded, picked up the pen, and ran the "Basic Qi Refining Method of Nine Heavens Xuan Jing" to control the energy to be absorbed into the talisman pen. When the green hair was inserted, cinnabar would automatically attach to it.

This was Lin Ze'an's first time seeing this situation.

This move alone surprised him.

Daochang Guo is indeed amazing.

Guo Lin took out a piece of yellow paper, picked up a pen and started drawing.

The making of the inner marriage talisman is obviously simpler than the tranquilizing talisman, so it costs less. After a while, an inner marriage talisman was drawn.

When the runes closed the loop, the effect was activated, and there were energy fluctuations that were difficult to feel.

It seems that Benefactor Lin is indeed very sincere towards his girlfriend.

This also made him pick up the pen again and start drawing on a new piece of yellow paper. After a while, another inner marriage talisman was drawn.

Because he consumed less energy, he drew five pictures in a row before stopping, still very relaxed.

"Taoist Priest, is this talisman related to marriage?" the old layman asked curiously.

"Yes." Guo Lin nodded and explained: "This is the internal marriage talisman. It can solve many conflicts and emotional problems between the two parties in the marriage. As long as both parties truly love and care about each other, they should be able to reconcile as before."

Lin Ze'an was suddenly attracted by these words, with a thoughtful expression on his face, obviously thinking of something.

Guo Lin put away the talisman, and the sun reached its center.

He also went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

The old layman took advantage of the time and picked up a broom to sweep up the fallen leaves.

Lin Ze'an didn't know what he wanted to do. He often heard that living in a Taoist temple could help the Taoist priests with some chores, so he took out a broom and followed the old layman to sweep the fallen leaves.

Dumb, dumb, dumb! ~

A group of crows suddenly flew over, attracting Lin Ze'an's attention. He also discovered that these crows were standing on the stone table, and they were calling towards the kitchen.

Is this crow begging for food?

When Guo Daozhang came out, the crows flapped their wings and flew over. Except for one that was relatively slow, it jumped onto the stone chair first and then fluttered over.

"You guys are more active than anyone else at meal time." Guo Lin said, throwing the handful of spiritual energy rice in his hand to a few crows.

Lin Ze'an was immediately surprised and said: "Laity, are these crows raised by the Taoist Priest? They seem to be very smart."

The old layman smiled and said: "They are the auspicious treasures of the Taoist temple. They were attracted by the Taoist priest's blessing rice, and they ate it."

"What?" Lin Ze'an was stunned when he heard the word "prayer rice".

He has eaten blessing rice and knows the magic of blessing rice.

That's a blessing rice.

No matter how much money that guy in Fangcheng paid, he still wouldn't sell it.

The Taoist priest actually used this blessing rice to feed a few crows.

I suddenly felt envious of these crows.

After a while, with the enticing aroma spreading, the rice was ready.

After Lin Ze'an and the old layman entered the charity hall, they found that Taoist Guo seemed to have only prepared one kind of rice today.

That is the blessing rice.

The Taoist priest made his prayer rice?

He had put up a billboard to pray for rice before and worked hard. Who knew happiness would come so suddenly.

"What is the donor doing in a daze? Make food for yourself." Guo Lin said to Lin Ze'an: "The donor donated blood today, can he rely on blessing rice to make up for it?"

"Trenching...?" Lin Ze'an subconsciously looked at the small pinprick that had recovered on his finger, and said almost subconsciously: "Taoist Master, do you still need blood tomorrow?"

Guo Lin smiled but said nothing, all in silence.

Free long-term blood bank.

There should be a lot more needed in the future.

Lin Ze'an was embarrassed again. He felt that he was too eager, so he hurriedly lowered his head and ate the blessing rice.

When he was half full, he hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but ask: "Taoist Master, is it okay to have any conflicts within the marriage talisman? Even if we have to quarrel every day when we meet at home?"

Guo Lin nodded: "It should be so. However, this cannot be verified until the destined couple comes. Otherwise, there will be no such couple to verify this talisman for a while."

Lin Ze'an looked overjoyed when he got the answer, and immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

As soon as the phone call came through, a male voice came from inside: "You brat, I've already had those two people fired..."

Lin Ze'an didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and said directly: "Dad, I am in Qingfeng Temple now. I am going to become a Taoist priest here. In the future, you can have another one to inherit the family property!"

"What? Touch! Crash... Hello... son..." An anxious voice suddenly sounded from the other side.

Lin Ze'an hung up the phone decisively, then dialed another number and went out, saying inside: "Mom, I'm at Qingfeng Temple now. I'm going to become a Taoist priest. You won't be able to have grandchildren in the future."

"Son... oh... don't scare mom..."

Lin Ze'an didn't wait for the other person to finish speaking, and hung up the phone without any further delay.

Finally, a shutdown operation came directly.

After finishing, he awkwardly said to Guo Lin: "Master Guo, this destined couple will be here soon!"

Guo Lin looked at each other with the old layman in astonishment.

This... is really a 'filial son'.

"Donor Lin, your parents don't get along?" Guo Lin asked after a moment.

Lin Ze'an nodded and said, "They always quarrel when they meet, and they don't like each other. My mother complains that my father socializes all day long, and my father always says that my mother has nothing to do and is not considerate. He also hopes that Guo Daocheng will be successful."

Guo Lin finally nodded.

Using the donor's blood, this first talisman was used on the other person's parents, which was also a good deed.

On the other side, in a luxurious villa, a middle-aged man and woman were seen coming down from upstairs.

The woman was obviously limping, and there were burn marks on the corners of the man's mouth, which should have been caused by cigarette butts.

When the two saw each other, the atmosphere turned cold in vain, and then the volcano erupted:

"It's all your fault. My son is going to become a monk."

"You still blame me. It's because you're away from home all day long and can't give your son the warmth of home."

The two complained to each other, but hurriedly walked out of the villa, fearing that their son would become a monk too late.


After Lin Ze'an finished eating the spiritual energy rice, his face was full of enjoyment.

He can really replenish it every day.

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