Can I enter the Shushan game?

Chapter 96 The magical effect of quiet room baptism!

Guo Lin took several sutra racks into the quiet room and placed them in the position of praying.

After that, he placed the Sutra of Washing the Dust on the ceremonial shelves of those Taoist scriptures.

"The Sutra of Washing the Dust" is divided into several parts. One part is placed on each Taoist Sutra ritual shelf. However, the content of each part is not much, so I will only talk about a few pages.

The reason why it is divided into several parts is because it was passed down like this, and the part where the volume was broken is regarded as one part.

Those who pray in the quiet room need to recite them one by one in order.

Guo Lin placed the "Cleaning the Dust Sutra" and at the same time, the game system prompt sounded:

[Congratulations on stimulating the effect of the quiet room. The contents of "The Sutra of Washing the Dust" are being renovated... The statues of the Sanqing gods, futons, Taoist scriptures "The Sutra of Washing the Dust", incense burners, Dharma drums, and Taoist Sutra ritual shelves are being renovated...! 】

Following the system prompt, Guo Lin watched in surprise as rays of light condensed out of thin air in the quiet room, shrouding the things he had arranged inside.

Moreover, in the light, he could clearly see that those things were slowly undergoing mysterious changes.

The most obvious ones were the several "Chenchen Sutra" in front of him.

They turn pages automatically. The key is that the content above is also changing rapidly. The original content is hidden and new content appears.


This process lasted for a while, and the system prompt sounded again:

[Congratulations on the completion of the refurbishment of the content of "The Sutra of Washing the Dust", the renovation of the Sanqing statues, futons, Taoist scriptures "The Sutra of Washing the Dust", the incense burner, Dharma drums, and the Taoist Sutra ritual stand! 】

[Congratulations on your activation of the quiet room effect. For specific information, please check the sect’s resident information! 】

Guo Lin looked directly at the quiet room information at the sect's residence.

Quiet room:

Modified items: Special·"Cleaning the Dust Sutra", special·Sanqing statue, special·futon, special·incense burner, special·Dharma drum, special·Taoist sutra ritual stand

Restrictions: The modified items only have an effect when the quiet room effect is activated, and can be recalled and repaired.

Effect: Cleanses the soul +2, nourishes the essence +2, radiates +2, smoothes the blood +2!

Stimulating conditions: Pray and recite the "Chenchen Sutra" devoutly, supplemented by the ritual of ritual instruments.

Inspiration restrictions: 1. Pious heart! 2. Transform items! 】

After reading the notes, Guo Lin basically understood the situation in the quiet room.

He flipped through the "Cleaning the Dust Sutra" and found that the content was indeed different from what he had read before, or that there were only some similarities, 70% different.

Perhaps, the previous "Cash-Cleaning Sutra" was lost and was added at will by the person who wrote it. Now this is the real "Cash-Cleaning Sutra".

All the items he arranged have been transformed and become unique items in this quiet room, so each item has the word "special" in front of it.

Moreover, the things modified by the game system can be recalled and repaired just like the Lingquan vat.

Simply put, I am no longer afraid of being thieves.

With these modified items, all you need to do is beat the Dharma drum and recite the Sutra of Cleansing the Dust devoutly.

The most important thing is that the four attributes of this quiet room are very good.

Cleansing the Mind +2 Needless to say, this can make people relax physically and mentally, reduce tension and anxiety, and become happy and satisfied.

Contains energy and spirit +2, as the name suggests, it is definitely good for people's energy and spirit.

A person's vitality often reflects a person's health.

Now that the spirit has improved, it is not surprising that the latter attribute is radiant +2.

Then there is the attribute of smooth qi and blood +2, which needless to say is definitely beneficial.

With the blessing of these attributes, it is not only beneficial to believers, but also enjoyable.

If ancient Taoist temples had this attribute, we can understand why believers would like to go to Taoist temples to sit and meditate.

Guo Lin immediately sat on the prayer position.

Only if someone chants the "Cleaning the Dust Sutra" can the effect of the quiet room be fully stimulated.

Just as he was about to chant, he thought of something, took out his phone, turned on the recording function and put it aside.

He wanted to record the "Chenchen Sutra" he recited first.

Then, he sat upright and began to chant:

"...its complexity, its light, its dust, and its purity...the heart that is near death cannot be restored to the sun...a hundred bones, nine orifices, and six treasures, all in one order..."

As Guo Lin's chant spread, the game system also displayed a prompt:

[Quiet room effect is being activated...]

[The special transformation items in the quiet room take effect...]

Qingfengguan has indeed become very popular on the Internet in the past two days, especially the 15,000-a-portion blessing rice, which has really attracted some devout believers.

People who are devout to Taoism will always believe that praying rice can really be used for it.

Moreover, if someone can buy the blessing rice for 15,000 yuan, it should have special effects.

Many devout believers come with a sense of piety, hoping that the opportunity will bring them blessings.

This is the case for Zhao Songhe Linye.

They have entered middle age and have achieved little success. Their belief in Taoism is a coincidence. They were taught by a Taoist priest when they were young and escaped disasters without fear of their lives, so they always have a pious heart towards Taoism.

This time I also saw a video about praying rice on the Internet and came to Qingfeng to give it a try.

It is best if you have good luck, but if you don't have good luck, you should go to Taoism to observe the ceremony.

It's a pity that after they wiped out their merits, they did not get the blessing of blessing rice.

"It seems that our good fortune is not enough." Lin Ye shook his head.

Zhao Song said with a smile: "You can't force blessings like this. Otherwise, if you don't get the chance, you've already come here. Let's take a tour of this Taoist temple."

"Okay." Lin Ye nodded.

The two of them also left the main hall and wandered around the Taoist temple.

When passing by the Marriage Hall, I found that it was very lively, and many young people heard surprised voices.

Obviously there must be something surprising there, right?

Both of them were very curious, but after looking at the same-sex friends around them, they still didn't want to go to that kind of place.

It would be really embarrassing if something happened like what happened online when I went to the Marriage Temple with my buddies to watch the fun and was misunderstood by a photo.

While passing by a place, the two of them suddenly heard a sound of chanting Taoist scriptures.

"Someone is chanting the Taoist Sutra." Lin Ye said in surprise.

Zhao Song nodded: "Go and have a look."

The two of them followed the sound to a place and saw the word 'quiet room' written on the door.

There is a note next to it, which is a place for believers to sit quietly, enjoy sermons, and receive baptism.

Lin Ye and Zhao Song were a little surprised because it was the first time they knew about the quiet room in the Taoist temple.

The Taoist temple they went to before did not have this facility at all.

Never heard of it.

But this also aroused the curiosity of the two of them. Looking inside, they saw a young Taoist priest chanting Taoist scriptures.

They recognized that this was Taoist Master Guo from Qingfeng Temple.

Although the other person is young, anyone who has watched the online video knows that this person has real kung fu heritage.

At least, ordinary people can't take a slap from the other party, right?

Unless the bones are harder than the bluestone.

The only people who can withstand this Taoist master's palm are those who have mouths tougher than a dead duck.

Looking at the futons inside, they should be for believers to sit cross-legged.

The two of them became more and more curious and walked inside. The moment they stepped into the quiet room, they were all stunned.

A strange feeling suddenly hit them. The moment they entered this quiet room, they seemed to feel that the irritability in their souls and the slightest anxiety in their lives were gone.

What's more, I felt that the Taoist scriptures recited by the young Taoist priest were very pleasant to the ears, making people feel relaxed.

This feeling is very amazing.

Guo Lin naturally saw the two of them.

The psalms go on and on.

Therefore, he remained silent and continued chanting.

Even devout believers would not interrupt him, but would sit down and listen quietly.

This is the Taoist etiquette.

If you are not a devout believer, you will naturally not know this, and the other party will not be able to feel the magic of the quiet room.

Lin Ye and Zhao Song were naturally very surprised by the magic, and they silently bowed to Guo Lin, then walked straight to a futon and sat down.

As soon as they sat down, the two of them were even more incredible.

This futon is surprisingly comfortable. After sitting down, it feels like some acupuncture point in the body is unblocked.

Unexpectedly magical.

After all, I just sat on the futon and didn't do anything else, so I felt like this.

As for futons, they also have them at home and often sit on them. All kinds of futons are just like that. The difference is that their buttocks are more comfortable or less comfortable.

But now just sitting on this futon, why do I feel this way?

At this time, Guo Lin picked up the hammer handle of the Dharma drum and struck the Dharma drum in unison.

Boom! ~

With the sound of a drum, the blood in their bodies seemed to be flushed, becoming extremely smooth, and the whole person became much more relaxed.

Their eyes were in disbelief, and they immediately closed their eyes and listened, knowing that they were meeting an expert.

In the past, when looking at the Taoist scriptures, we could often see some stories on the Internet, that is, the masters chanted the Huangting Taoist scriptures, and the believers listened to them, which was like washing the marrow and cutting the bones.

Although they believed in it before, they did not believe in these things.

Those Celestial Master Taoist priests held Dharma conferences, and they also listened to the sermons, but they were not as miraculous as what the Taoist scriptures said.

But now, they seem to really feel it.

It's like the acupoints are opening, the blood is rushing all over the body, and the feeling of all the irritability is gone.

It should be this feeling in the Taoist legend, right?

The two of them quickly became completely immersed in it, feeling their spirits becoming clearer and clearer, and their breath becoming more stable with the smooth flow of blood.

Obviously, their spirits are getting better and better,

Time passed, and Guo Lin soon recited the last "Chenchen Sutra".

When the chanting ends.

Guo Lin also received 3 reminders at the same time:

【Quiet room effect stops! 】

[A believer has undergone the baptism in the quiet room and felt something in his heart. Congratulations on gaining 1 point of wish power! 】

[A believer has experienced the baptism in the quiet room and felt something in his heart. Congratulations on gaining 1 point of wish power! 】

Guo Lin was surprised.

I didn't expect that I could obtain the power of wish in this way. This is equivalent to adding another source of obtaining the power of wish.

The moment Lin Ye and Zhao Song stopped at Guo Lin, they also noticed that the magical feeling in their bodies disappeared instantly.

After the two stood up, their faces were full of disbelief. What they had experienced just now was too mysterious.

But when they looked at each other, the changes were very obvious.

His face was obviously radiant, as if he had just experienced something exciting.

My energy and spirit have also obviously become very good.

With sufficient energy, your eyes will be more radiant and your eyes will be brighter.

Moreover, they themselves can also feel that after receiving the baptism just now, their whole people seem to have become very relaxed and agile.

Lin Ye and Zhao Song also reacted and saluted Guo Lin in unison:

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!"

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!"

Guo Lin looked at the two of them, returned the greeting and said, "This is a blessing for both of you, no need to thank you!"

When the two of them heard this, they silently bowed to the young Taoist priest.

Although the other party is young, he is definitely a true Taoist master, far beyond the comparison with those well-known and highly respected heavenly masters.

Only by personal experience can we know the depth of the Tao and the heights of the Tao.

It seemed that all of a sudden, all the Taoist priests and heavenly masters I had met in the past had become people with no reputation.

The two got up and walked out of the quiet room. When they were outside, Zhao Songxi thought of something and asked Guo Lin: "Taoist Master, we are all devout Taoist believers. We also meditate on futons and read scriptures when we have free time. I wonder if there is such a futon in Qingfeng Temple." ?”

Lin Ye also looked forward to it.

They had clearly experienced the effect of the futon just now.

If you can buy a futon like this and take it home, then it would be nice to sit on it and read Taoist scriptures when you have free time.

Guo Lin seemed to understand their intentions, and smiled and said, "You two can go in now and sit on the futon again."

It seems that the items transformed by the quiet room also have special properties, otherwise the two of them would not be like this.

However, now that the quiet room effect has stopped, the special effects of the futon are gone as well.

When Lin Ye and Zhao Song heard this, they naturally knew that it had a profound meaning, so they also returned to the quiet room and sat back on the futon.

The two were stunned again.

It doesn't have the magical effect just now, it's just like an ordinary futon.

They understood that the magic was not the futon, but the young Taoist priest chanting Taoist scriptures in this quiet room.

The two of them hurried out of the quiet room. This time, they all kowtowed to Guo Lin.

This attracted the attention of some tourists around, some were curious, some were confused, and some were puzzled.

Because the prostrations look like kneeling, people who don't know the meaning may think that the two of them are kneeling to worship Guo Lin.

In fact, not at all. The kowtow ceremony has its own gesture requirements and bending rules.

This is also one of the highest expressions of respect that Taoist believers have for Taoist masters.

Obviously, the baptism in Jingshi made the two of them completely impressed by this young Taoist priest.

They had no good luck with the blessing rice this time, but now they understand that the baptism in the Qingfeng Guanjing Room is the good luck they have here this time.

"The two donors don't have to be like this." Guo Lin hurriedly helped the two of them up. To be honest, although he had a game system, he seemed to be unworthy of receiving such a gift.

Zhao Song and Lin Ye stood up and expressed their admiration again before saying goodbye and leaving the Taoist temple.

As soon as the two came out, they saw the young man standing in the circle, and a tourist was giving him paper.

Because his face seemed to be visited by some nasty little bird.

The two of them were even more shocked.

In this case, another person should have gone to clean it long ago, right?

But the young man seemed to dare not leave this circle.

"Sir, why don't you go clean it up?" a tourist kindly reminded, wondering why this person was standing here.

"..." A Pao had ten thousand draft horses running through his heart.

He also wants to clean it, but does he dare?

I can only cry without tears.

Zhao Song and Lin Ye seemed to guess something from A Pao's expression. Thinking of the magic of the young Taoist priest, they must have drawn this circle and he must have been punished.

Moreover, this person must know how powerful Daochang Guo is, so he has to stand here and dare not leave the circle.

The two looked at each other.

This time they really met an expert.

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