Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 17 Zhang He!

After a lot of push and pull, the canonization matter was finally settled. Yuan Shao was made a general and Yuan Shu was made a Taiwei.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Shao welcomed Liu Xie into the palace to visit.

"Your Majesty, there are nine palaces in this villa, which are used for meeting officials, handling government affairs, holding banquets, and resting."

"I have prepared a hundred maids and two hundred servants in the palace to serve you. In addition, there are a thousand imperial troops to guard the palace and protect your majesty's safety."

Yuan Shao gave Liu Xie a brief introduction to the palace's configuration.

With such a big palace ready, he naturally would not be stingy with manpower, so he directly arranged for 300 people to serve Liu Xie. Even the Imperial Guards arranged for a thousand people, which was enough for the pomp.

"so much?"

Liu Xie was secretly speechless, and couldn't help but be surprised by Yuan Shao's handiwork.

It wasn't enough for Boss Yuan to give him a big farewell, he also prepared servants and even imperial guards in the farewell!

Where is the boss here? This is obviously the adoptive father!

Before Liu Xie could say anything, Yuan Shao shouted behind him: "Zhang He, why don't you come and pay homage to your majesty soon?"

After the words fell, a burly, seemingly taciturn military general walked out from the crowd, and then knelt down to Liu Xie directly.

"General Zhang He, please see your Majesty!"

The sound was not loud, but it shocked Liu Xie's whole body and almost couldn't help but scream!

Zhang, Zhang He? !

Liu Xie doubted whether he was hearing hallucinations.

One of the five great generals, a rival to the Five Tiger Generals of Shu, was actually sent to him as the commander of the imperial guard?

You must know that the commander of the Imperial Guard is, at best, a doctor, but at worst, he is the head of the palace's security.

In the heyday of the dynasty, the status of this position was indeed not low, but now that the Han royal family has fallen, he is a fake emperor, and there is no future for him as the commander of the imperial guard.

Yuan Shao uses talents like this?

"Oh...ah, okay, okay, general, please get up."

Liu Xie suppressed the shock in his heart, came to his senses, said pleasantly, and went forward to help Zhang He up with his own hands.

Zhang He was somewhat flattered by such courtesy.

"Your Majesty, Zhang He was originally a general under Han Fu. After I captured Jizhou, he turned to me."

"Zhang He is very brave and brave, far beyond ordinary people. With him commanding the Imperial Army and guarding the palace, Your Majesty will be able to sit back and relax."

Yuan Shao introduced Liu Xie with a smile, but although he praised him, he didn't think so in his heart.

There are many powerful generals under his command, including Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Qu Yi, Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong, who are all outstanding generals.

Zhang He was a mere demoted general with no well-known military exploits, so he could not catch his eye.

But if he is left idle, others will inevitably think that he is narrow-minded. There is no need to surrender the general. It is better to use the waste now to lead the imperial army.

"That's natural. With the general, I feel at ease."

Liu Xie nodded in agreement, and the expression on his face did not change much. In fact, he was already happy in his heart!

He just figured out the reason. It wasn't long before Zhang He defected to Yuan Shao, and he was not taken seriously at all. It was only after he defected to Cao Cao that he started to rise to prominence.

Unexpectedly, he would have missed it now!

"Although my identity as emperor is false, no one knows it except Yuan Shao Jushu and Cao Cao's group."

"I might as well use this status to try to win over a group of my own people."

Liu Xie's mind began to become more active.

He had no such idea originally, but Yuan Shao sent him Zhang He, which quietly changed his heart.

He did this not to fight for world supremacy in the future, but to protect himself as much as possible, because he didn't know if Yuan Shao would kill him after taking advantage of him, and he didn't want to be slaughtered by others.

Yuan Shao didn't know what Liu Xie was thinking at this moment. After leaving Zhang He behind, he said: "Then, Your Majesty, I will leave first."

After saying that, he left with a group of retainers.

Only Liu Xie and Zhang He were left standing there.


Liu Xie watched Yuan Shao and others leave, feeling relieved.

Although the cage was just a little bigger when he came from another courtyard to this palace, he still felt like "after being in a cage for a long time, he has returned to nature."

You don’t have to stay in such a small yard anymore!

Just when Liu Xie was still immersed in the joy of gaining a moment of freedom, Zhang He behind him also took the initiative to resign to him.

"Your Majesty, the general needs to mobilize the imperial army to defend the palace, so he will retire first."

Zhang He bowed and said in a very respectful manner.

Liu Xie came to his senses after hearing this, then immediately stretched out his hand to hold Zhang He's arm, and said with a smile: "Hey, there is no rush now, follow me to sit in the pavilion in the garden over there, and chat with me."

"Your Majesty, this..."

Being pulled by Liu Xie's arm, Zhang He was a little at a loss.

Pulling the arm and giving support are two behaviors that the superior shows closeness and trust to the subordinate.

Zhang He thought that he was just a small lieutenant general. How could He De receive such courtesy from the emperor?

But Liu Xie didn't wait for Zhang He to refuse, and pulled him towards the pavilion not far away.

"General, don't just stand there, come over and sit down."

Liu Xie took the lead and found a stone bench to sit down on, then greeted Zhang He.

Hearing this, Zhang He quickly waved his hand and refused: "No, no, no, it's fine for me to stand. How can I sit with His Majesty? It's really rude."

"Oh well."

Liu Xie heard this and stopped insisting.

His original intention was to get closer to Zhang He and see if he could recruit him for his own use. It would be bad if he was too enthusiastic and scared him away.

Seeing Zhang He's nervous look, Liu Xie smiled and said, "General, don't be nervous. I just want to chat with you. After all, you will be the one responsible for protecting my safety in the future. I have to understand you, right?"

Hearing this, Zhang He felt a little relieved and understood why Liu Xie was so enthusiastic about him.

Because the person who manages the imperial guards is absolutely the emperor's guards, generally speaking, they are from the royal family or the person the emperor trusts the most; he is an outsider who was suddenly sent to this position, and it is normal for the emperor to feel uneasy.

Zhang He thought for a moment, then said solemnly: "Your Majesty, I originally served Han Fu, the former governor of Jizhou, but when Yuan Shao took control of Jizhou, I joined his army."

"But please rest assured, Your Majesty, I am not a retainer of Han Fu or Yuan Shao, but I am loyal to the Han Dynasty and the emperor."

"Now that I am the commander of the imperial guards for Your Majesty, I will protect Your Majesty with my life."

Zhang He's words were sonorous and powerful, and his expression was even more resolute.

The subtext of his words was very clear, that is, Liu Xie did not need to worry that he was a man of Han Fu or Yuan Shao, and he was loyal to the Han Dynasty.

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