Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 308 The army sets out to defeat Cao Cao and capture the fake emperor!


Yuan Xi's face was full of shock. He looked at Yuan Shao who was bowing his head deeply in front of him and was speechless for a while.

Yuan Shao's move caught him off guard.

He never thought that Yuan Shao would choose to confess to the emperor at this last moment and bow his head!

But when Yuan Xi came to his senses, he was not happy about it, but was furious and furious!

"This damn old thing!"

Yuan Xi stared at Yuan Shao, and a strong hatred surged in his heart. He had the urge to cut off his head with the emperor's sword in his hand.

What's the point of confessing at this time?

The whole Yuan family has died!

If they could confess earlier, the Yuan family would not have ended up being exterminated, and he would not have been the only bloodline left!

What did they do earlier!

At this moment, Liu Xie couldn't help but be moved.

He knew Yuan Shao's character.

It can be said that he was extremely proud.

At the same time, he was also extremely stubborn.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Yuan Shao to refuse to confess and surrender after being imprisoned for so long after the defeat, and even cursed him in the Xuanshi before.

But how could such a proud person choose to break his persistence for so long and bow his noble head to him and confess his guilt when he was dying?

In short, it was not because he was afraid of death.

It is impossible for a person like Yuan Shao to be afraid of death.

Just when Liu Xie was puzzled, Yuan Shao said again: "The guilty minister held the emperor hostage and committed rebellious things. I have failed your majesty's expectations and the grace of the Han Dynasty."

"The guilty minister knows that his sins are serious and unforgivable. Now I can only apologize to your majesty and the Han soldiers who died in the battle with my death!"

"My son Yuan Xi is loyal and upright. He did not go along with me. It is a blessing for our Yuan family. Although I am a father, I am far inferior to my son."

"Today, my son will execute the sentence, and my heart is very relieved."

"I hope my blood can alert me The descendants of the Yuan family and the people of the world, do not follow my example and do rebellious things. "

"The country has its own laws, and the family has its own traditions. If the family tradition is not right, it should be corrected by the national law! The world should take my son Yuan Xi as an example, and all rebellious people should be killed by their parents and brothers! Do not shield, condone, or go along with the crowd! "

"I am a guilty minister, thank your majesty for granting me death!"

Although Yuan Shao's hoarse and old voice was not loud, it echoed clearly in everyone's ears, like a heavy hammer hitting their hearts.

The country has its own laws, and the family has its own traditions.

If the family tradition is not right, it should be corrected by the national law!

These words are really deafening!

After hearing these words, Liu Xie finally understood Yuan Shao's plan and why he pleaded guilty at this last moment.

It was not to live, but to die!

Yuan Shao entered the game with his body, and in this situation where he was bound to die, he gained a great reputation for Yuan Xi!

Although it is not unprecedented for a son to kill his father, it is still rare. It is unheard of for him to kill his father in public in front of countless people.

Even though he had a reputation of killing his relatives for the greater good, Yuan Xi would inevitably be cursed afterwards. If Yuan Shao cursed him a few more times before he died, the curse would definitely be heavier.

But Yuan Shao is now willing to plead guilty and accept death, and he highly praised Yuan Xi's behavior and said that he would set an example for future generations with his death.

Then Yuan Xi's killing of his father will become a typical example!

Not only will he not be cursed, but he will get a great reputation and become a model for future generations.

And this is a brilliant conspiracy.

Even if Liu Xie knew what Yuan Shao was thinking, he would still follow Yuan Shao's ideas and strongly promote and praise this behavior.

Because this can make the dynasty's imperial power more stable.

The more he rewards Yuan Xi and the better he treats the Yuan family, the more suspicious the rebels will be of their brothers and fathers, and they will no longer be close because of blood ties.

"Yuan Benchu, what a great Yuan Benchu!"

"I underestimated you."

At this moment, Liu Xie looked at Yuan Shao with a deep admiration and respect. Yuan Shao was defeated, but he could still clear the name of the Yuan family and find the seeds for the Yuan family to be glorious again.

This convinced him.

After staring at Yuan Shao for a moment, Liu Xie sighed: "You are a loyal minister, but why do you become a thief... Sikong, execute the sentence."

Yuan Xi trembled all over when he heard the words.

His eyes turned to Yuan Shao.

After hearing what he just said, no matter how stupid he was, he understood the meaning of it. Yuan Shao was paving the way for him with his life!

Especially the sentence "Although I am a father, I am far inferior to my son", which made him feel mixed emotions.

This is the recognition he has always longed for.

Now that he was late, he didn't feel any joy, and even the murderous intent in his heart was hard to bring up.

"Do it."

Yuan Shao's eyes were deep, his expression was calm and without ripples, and he said in a voice that only Yuan Xi could hear: "Don't let me down, Xianyi."

Yuan Xi pursed his lips and said nothing, only feeling that the Emperor's Sword in his hand seemed to be as heavy as a thousand pounds, and he couldn't lift it no matter what.

"Do it!"

Yuan Shao glared at Yuan Xi with his eyes and roared.

"Ah ah--!"

Yuan Xi roared, tears gushing out of his eyes uncontrollably, and at the same time, he used all his strength, closed his eyes and swung the sword to cut it down!

A dull sound sounded.

Blood dripped from the tip of the sword.

Yuan Shao's head fell to the ground, and blood sprayed nearly ten feet high from his broken neck, which was sprinkled all over the Emperor's Dragon Flag dancing wildly in the wind!

It was also sprinkled all over Yuan Xi's body!

Yuan Xi did not dare to look at Yuan Shao's headless body anymore. She turned around and knelt down to Liu Xie tremblingly, holding the Emperor's Sword in both hands and raising it high above her head.

"Your Majesty, the traitor has been killed!"

Liu Xie took a deep look at him, stretched out his hand to grab the blood-stained Emperor's Sword, then with a cold face, waved his hand and ordered: "Pass the decree——!"

"The army moves out!"

"Destroy Cao's thieves and capture the false emperor in this battle!"


The loud shouts of killing came like a tide, and the morale of the army reached its peak at this moment, and they marched southward in a mighty manner.

Yuan Shao was beheaded, which spread throughout the world.

Regardless of whether Yuan Shao confessed before his death, the mistakes he committed cannot be erased, let alone forgiven.

Under Liu Xie's order, Yuan Shao's head was sent to various counties for public display. At the same time, news spread that Wang Shi went south to hunt down thieves.

Guanzhong, Chang'an.

Ma Chao looked at the information in his hand with a very excited expression. He couldn't help laughing and said: "What a great opportunity, it's a godsend!"

"All the soldiers and horses of the imperial court are going south to attack Cao Cao and Sun Quan. I can take the opportunity to attack Bingzhou and seize the north!"

Ma Chao was very happy. He had been waiting for this opportunity. He didn't expect that the emperor would be so stupid and send his troops south at this time!

Simply ignore him!

After hearing this, Pang De on the side quickly advised: "General, although the imperial army has moved south, there are still 20,000 troops stationed in Bingzhou."

"Bingzhou has many passes and is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Although our Xiliang army is numerous, they are all cavalry. It will be too difficult to capture Bingzhou."

"Besides, if the general uses troops against Bingzhou, he will be a complete traitor. How should the general's father and brother deal with themselves?"

"The general's separatist rule can be tolerated by the imperial court for a while, but if you openly rebel, you will annihilate yourself from the world! Listen to my advice and never use troops!"

When Ma Chao heard this, he immediately lowered his face and said with displeasure: "Hmph! How can I be a traitor? I am clearly siding with the Qing Emperor when I send troops this time! It is an act of loyalty!"

"Now that the Xiliang army has been basically integrated by me, the main army of the imperial court has also moved south to the Central Plains. How long will it take until we don't move troops at this time?"

"We should take advantage of Lu Bu's absence to attack Jizhou and rescue the emperor and my father!"

Facing Pound, he still used this name.

But Pang De still advised: "General, since Lu Bu dares to send his troops south, it means that he has made complete preparations in Bingzhou and is not afraid of the general knocking on the door."

"Otherwise, how would they dare to send troops and leave?"

"In my opinion, it is better to sit still and wait for opportunities for the time being. This is a wise move."

He did not feel that now was the right time to send troops, and Bingzhou was a natural barrier for Hebei to contain them.

Hearing Pang De's words, Ma Chao was very impatient, but his words did make sense, so he could only suppress the urge to send troops.

"Just go down."

In order to prevent Pang De from persuading him any further, Ma Chao could only agree perfunctorily and send him away.

After Pang De left, Ma Chao picked up a letter on the desk. It was a letter from his father Ma Teng sent from Yecheng.

Ma Chao opened the letter and glanced at it.

Then he snorted coldly.

"The emperor's soldiers are inferior to mine. Why should I go to Yecheng to plead guilty to him and listen to his orders?"

"My father has been fighting with Han Sui for so many years. After I took over the Xiliang Army, I was able to eradicate him and integrate all the 100,000 Xiliang Army. This shows that my talents are far better than my father!"

"Only can I revitalize my Ma family!"

Ma Chao dismissed Ma Teng's words in the letter. The Ma family had openly rebelled for so long and had become rebels time and time again. If they went to join the emperor, they would definitely end up being cooked by cunning rabbits and dead lackeys.

The best choice is to support one side with self-respect and separatist forces!

When he finds an opportunity to capture Bingzhou and march to Yecheng, he can force the emperor to make him the king of Liangzhou, and thus he can legitimately become a great prince!

As soon as he thought about this, Ma Chao's eyes became more and more fiery, and he put the letter in his hand on the candle and burned it to ashes.

Yingchuan, Xu County.

Cao Cao also received the news from Jizhou. He stared at the eight words "Yuan Shao was executed and spread throughout the world" in the letter with a complicated expression.

Although he and Yuan Shao were rivals, they were once friends after all. Now that he suddenly heard the news of Yuan Shao's death, he was inevitably a little touched in his heart.

"Old friends gradually wither away, like leaves falling in the wind..."

Cao Cao sighed, picked up the drink prepared on the table, then stood up and walked out of the room, heading to the small courtyard where Xu You was imprisoned.

Xu You was reading in the courtyard at this time.

Seeing Cao Cao coming over with wine, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, closed the book and said with a smile, "Why are you thinking of having a drink with me today?"

"It's said that you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. If you ask me for help if you have anything, then this bottle of wine won't be enough... Unless, of course, you want to vote for the emperor with me."

Xu You was imprisoned in this small courtyard, although he had no worries about food and drink, but he was quite depressed. Moreover, Xu Chu didn't chat with him, so after seeing Cao Cao, he seemed to be particularly talkative.

"Yuan Shao is dead."

Cao Cao walked to the stone bench in the courtyard and sat down, put the drink in his hand on the table, and said casually.

Xu You couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard this. After a long time, he asked, "When did it happen?"

"Just after the first seven days." Cao Cao said as he poured three glasses of wine. "The emperor sent his troops south and asked Yuan Xi to cut off Yuan Shao's sacrificial flag and spread the news throughout the world."

"Yuan Shao confessed his crime to the emperor before his death, praised Yuan Xi's behavior and asked the world to follow Yuan Xi's example... I didn't expect that such a person would bow his head."

Yuan Shao's behavior before his death was something he didn't expect.

It was completely inconsistent with Yuan Shao's character.

After listening to it, Xu You couldn't help but sneer: "Anyway, he can't live, and at the last moment, he also fulfilled a good reputation, allowing his son to be remembered in history and the Yuan family to be revived again. He is really calculating."

At this point, Xu You's expression became ferocious, and his tone was full of deep hatred.

"He died worth it, but my poor son and wife died unjustly!"

"My family is broken and dead because of him!"

While Xu You was speaking, he waved his hand and knocked over the glass of wine poured for Yuan Shao on the table-he didn't want to commemorate Yuan Shao with Cao Cao.

He and Yuan Shao had no friendship for a long time!

Looking at Xu You in anger, Cao Cao didn't say much, but just drank a sip of wine silently.

"What, are you mourning over the death of the rabbit?"

Xu You glanced at Cao Cao and said coldly: "Yuan Shao is dead, the emperor is marching south, and it will soon be your turn."

"Cao Aman, I have one last piece of advice for you. It's not too late to surrender to the emperor now. If you continue to insist, you will die!"

"Even I can't save you by then!"

Hearing Xu You's constant talk about surrendering to the emperor, Cao Cao frowned deeply and said expressionlessly: "I have my own plans, so you don't need to worry about it."

"But don't worry, if I die, I will never let you live alone. You and I will meet again on the road to the underworld."

They are friends who run around, and enemies who will never stop until death.

Cao Cao has never let go of his vigilance and murderous intentions towards Xu You. If he ends up in an irreversible situation, he will not let Xu You live to receive rewards in front of the emperor and enjoy wealth and glory.

Xu You snorted coldly and did not answer.

Cao Cao didn't care about it and continued, "Liu Biao and his son are dead. Now the families in Jingzhou support the little boy Liu Cong as their leader."

"Once Liu Biao dies, it will be much easier for me to take Jingzhou. It is still unknown who will win in the end."

"Just wait and see."

After saying this, Cao Cao put down the wine jar in his hand, turned around and left the courtyard, leaving only Xu You who frowned deeply.

"Cao Ah Man..."

Xu You watched Cao Cao's back disappear in the distance, with a lot of worries in his heart, and also felt a little anxious.

He knew all of Cao Cao's plans, which were important information. Unfortunately, he was trapped in this small courtyard and could not convey it to Yecheng, otherwise he would definitely be able to anticipate the enemy in advance.

After a long sigh, Xu You turned around and returned to the wing room.

But the moment he walked into the wing room, he suddenly felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and a hand suddenly covered his mouth and pressed him to the ground!

At this moment, Xu You was filled with fear, and he kept kicking his legs on the ground, knocking over a wine jar on the ground.

At this moment, a voice also sounded in his ears.

"Sir, calm down, I was sent by His Majesty!"

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