After contacting Zhen Yongfu, Lu Qingan left the cave and flew to the agreed-upon location.

This is an inaccessible place.

The two of them have never met each other, and their cultivation is very impressive.

Zhen Yongfu went into seclusion for a while and practiced with all his strength. At this moment, he was at the seventh level of the Star Yun Realm.

Such a cultivation speed is considered extremely fast, but when Lu Qingan saw this, he still felt a little satisfied.

Compared with 껣떘, using fairy stones to practice is indeed less efficient than taking pills.

While he was refining elixirs, he was distracted in his cultivation, and his cultivation had reached the fifth level of the Star Yun Realm.

"Brother An!" Zhen Yongfu shouted with a laugh when he saw Lu Qing'an from a distance.

A rare smile appeared on Lu Qingan's face, and the two briefly chatted about their cultivation.

"My cultivation level is still relatively high. After a while, we will continue to practice in seclusion and strive to break through to the Star Glory Realm after a while. When you go out this time, will anyone see your cultivation level?"

Zhen Yongfu said: "No, if someone sees it, they should be very surprised. I should be the person with the highest cultivation level among all the longevity springs in the Lin family!"

"To be cautious, take this hidden repair pill before going out in the future." Lu Qing'an handed Zhen Yongfu thirty pills of hidden repair and explained how to use them.

Before taking it, enter the immortal energy into the Hidden Sacrifice Pill. If you want to hide your cultivation in a certain realm, just input as much immortal energy into it and then swallow it.

It's best to see what other people's cultivation levels are and choose a middle value, otherwise it will be too eye-catching.

When Lu Qingan went out for this trip, he hid his cultivation in the second level of Xingyun Realm.

Generally speaking, if one can reach the second level of Xing Yun Realm by practicing the first level of Shouquan, the Sutra is very simple.

"The smell of this elixir is so familiar! Brother An, you refined this? Are you an immortal-level alchemist?!" Zhen Yongfu recognized it as an immortal-level elixir at a glance.

Lu Qing'an smiled and nodded, then took out one hundred and fifty pills of Gathering Immortals and handed them to Zhen Yongfu.

One hundred and forty of them are the first-class elixir-condensing elixir, and ten are the first-class elixir-condensing elixir.

When Zhen Yongfu saw this elixir, especially after taking one pill on the spot, he only felt his scalp numb.

"How come this Immortal Gathering Pill is completely different from the one I received! The amount of immortal energy contained in this pill is four times stronger than the ordinary Gathering Immortal Pill!" Zhen Yongfu was surprised and happy.

With these pills, he will definitely be able to break through to the Star Glory Realm in no time!

The corners of Lu Qing'an's mouth curled up slightly, this is the power of the superior elixir.

땤A first-grade, first-class elixir-condensing pill is even worth ten pills.

He is temporarily able to refine an extremely high level Immortal Gathering Pill with 100% accuracy.

It can only be refined with a low probability.

After giving Zhen Yongfu the elixir, Lu Qingan and Zhen Yongfu started chatting.

They haven't seen each other for a while, but they have something to talk about.

About an hour later, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, ready to go back and continue practicing. They met for a while and met again, hoping to break through to the Starry Realm.

Lu Qingan returned to the cave and retreated again.

For cultivators, time is the most valuable thing.

In the blink of an eye, another moment passed.

In the past two days, he had gone out of seclusion several times, not just for wandering around, but because Huang Hongzhong came to distribute the Gu Pill, and he followed other Shouquan to receive the pill.

After Lu Qing'an consumed the last immortal energy from the Immortal Gathering Pill, he stopped practicing.

At this moment, the aura all over his body was extremely deep.

껥Ran놊It’s the Xingyun realm cultivation again.

Da Gong has entered the Starry Realm!

땤Moreover, 놊 is on the first level of the Star Glory Realm, and 땤 is on the second level of the Star Glory Realm!

But even those who are in the Star Glory Realm are only at the bottom level in Panlong City.

If you haven't reached the Yuexiao realm, you are still cannon fodder.

To have sufficient status and self-protection ability in Panlong City, one needs to reach the Mysterious Light Realm.

땤There are three major differences between the Star Glory Realm and the Mysterious Light Realm.

"Still need to work hard, 놊rong is slacking off. The elixir is used up, it's time to buy more elixir."

After breaking through to the Star Glory Realm, his lifespan increased by 80,000 뎃.

In addition to the 20,000 yuan increased by refining the elixir, he already had a hundred thousand yuan in life before his eyes!

But this is far from enough.

"Buy more elixir this time, and the immortal energy in my body is enough to try to refine the second-grade elixir!"

Being able to refine a second-grade elixir will indicate that he has become a second-grade immortal alchemist!

"Let's go to the Alchemist's Guild and meet Yongfu again."

Lu Qing'an swallowed a hidden pill and hid his cultivation aura in the third level of the Star Yun Realm.

"It's been more than two years since I came to the Immortal Realm. Other Shouquan's cultivation should be at the fourth or fifth level of the Xingyun Realm."

He walked out of the cave, took a breath of fresh air, and then flew towards the Alchemist Guild.

But he hadn't been flying for long when he suddenly sensed something and looked to the right.

I saw a person flying in the direction of hundreds of feet in the sky.

This person looked at him.

The two looked at each other.

Lu Qingan was silent.

놊It's someone else, none other than Xu Qingying.

He decisively changed direction to stay away from Xu Qingying.

When Xu Qingying saw Lu Qing'an, she was stunned for a moment. Then she saw him change direction and seemed to be avoiding her, so she quickly chased after her.

"Fellow martial artist! Wait!"

We haven’t seen each other yet, Xu Qingying is at the seventh level of Xingyun Realm.

This cultivation level is definitely at the top level among all longevity springs.

"Friends of martial arts, see you after a long time!" Xu Qingying smiled brightly. After her strength improved, she looked even more beautiful and charming, and her temperament went to a higher level.

Lu Qing'an said: "Do we know each other?"

Xu Qingying smiled bitterly: "Okay, we know each other, but we belong to the camp and come from Shouquan, a mortal world."

She had always known what she had done to make Lu Qingan hate her so much. She thought about it for a while and still wanted to understand.

She suspected that she had offended Lu Qing'an somewhere.

That's why Lu Qingan disliked her so much.

If this is true, she must apologize properly! !

"Although this is Shouquan, I do have something important to do, so I'll take my leave." Lu Qing'an said expressionlessly.

"Wait a minute, I'm catching up because I have something I want to discuss with fellow Taoist."

"I really have something important to do."

"What's important?"

"I'm going to the Alchemist's Guild." Lu Qing'an said.

"What a coincidence! I'm about to go to the Alchemist's Guild! As I expected, my fellow martial artist 껩늅 is a first-class immortal alchemist?" Xu Qingying's beautiful eyes lit up, and a look of gratitude appeared on her pretty face.

She was able to refine a first-grade elixir a few months ago. After becoming a first-grade alchemist, she always wanted to thank Lu Qing'an.

If he hadn't helped her buy the fairy fire, she would never have become a fairy-level alchemist so quickly, and she would have broken through to the seventh level of the Starry Realm in two days.

After all, looking at Lu Qing'an's cultivation, he might have just become an immortal-level alchemist.

Is this to take the test to join the Alchemist Guild?

Lu Qingan was silent.

Seeing Lu Qing'an speaking, Xu Qingying said again: "Martial fellow, you are an immortal alchemist and want to take the exam to enter the Alchemist Guild? It is true that after joining the Alchemist Guild, you can enjoy some discounts! I joined the Alchemist a while ago Guild! Very clear about the process!”

Lu Qing'an looked at the enthusiastic Xu Qingying and felt helpless.

However, he does have the intention to join the Alchemist Guild.

In this way, you can save some fairy stones when purchasing various fairy medicines in the future.

He still has 30,000 fairy stones on hand. After using them up, he has to find a way to make some money.

However, even if he wants to join the Alchemist Guild, he does not need Xu Qingying's guidance.

He was determined to hang out alone with such a beautiful woman.

"Yes, it suddenly occurred to me that I want to see an old friend." Lu Qing'an refused again.

Xu Qingying was stunned and looked slightly disappointed.

Are you really so despised?

"One more thing, my martial arts friend is still at the third level of Xingyun Realm. Do you need immortal stones? I have a way to quickly earn immortal stones by hunting immortal beasts. If you are lucky, you can earn hundreds of immortal stones in a day! And it is dangerous. , our number is 놊꿁, and we have a team leader from the tenth level of Xingyun Realm!”

Xu Qingying felt that Lu Qing'an stayed in this realm because, like most Shouquan, he lacked resources.

She even suspected that Lu Qing'an helped her raise fairy stones to buy fairy fire, which was why she was like this now.

땤She saw Lu Qingan before and came over quickly because she wanted to repay the kindness!

Lu Qingan wanted to refuse, but after hearing this, he paused.

Fairy beast?

Are there many people?

He became interested.

He increases longevity and can kill people, destroy animals and destroy all kinds of plants.

땤The vitality of monsters is greater than that of humans and various elixirs.

Killing monsters is the fastest way to increase longevity.

Fairy beasts should be 껩놊 examples늌.

"In the mortal world, the vitality of monsters in the 땢 realm is often ten times higher than that of humans. If the same is true for fairy beasts, then killing fairy beasts to increase life span is actually wrong." Lu Qing'an thought for a moment and made a decision Decide.

"Are you sure there are many people and it's safe?" Lu Qing'an looked at Xu Qingying solemnly and asked.

He definitely doesn’t know as much about Panlong City and the city as Xu Qingying and the others. After all, he has been in seclusion for such a long time, and it’s good to have more people. When he was extremely lucky, he met a powerful fairy beast, and there were people At the bottom, give him a chance to survive.

땤The cause and effect are entangled again, so let's wait until this incident is over and see how to solve it.

"Yes, including me, there are ten people in total. We only hunt in the area where first-grade immortal beasts are active, so the chance of being in danger is high!" Xu Qingying saw that Lu Qing'an was a little moved, and she quickly nodded and replied like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Okay, when will we set off?" Lu Qing'an was naturally afraid of first-grade immortal beasts. He was mainly afraid of man-made danger.

But in the wild, if he is forced into a critical situation, he can use the flying boat to save his life.

You can try it appropriately.

If he can gain a large amount of longevity by hunting immortal beasts, then he has one more way to increase his longevity.

"Three days later! Three days in total!" Xu Qingying was slightly excited when she saw Lu Qing'an's rare agreement.

She 껩놊 knew why she was so happy.

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