Can life span be exchanged for treasure? I am invincible with infinite life span

Chapter 18 Kill the fifth-grade immortal beast! Gain a lot of life!

Lu Qingan also felt that the situation was not good, and immediately said: "Everyone, flee! Gather outside Panlong City!"

A group of people followed him, so he couldn't use other means.

After saying that, he looked at Zhen Yongfu, gave Zhen Yongfu a look, and flew to the right front.

"Take care, everyone!" Zhen Yongfu understood instantly and also flew to the right front.

Xu Youzhi and others reacted quickly. At a critical moment, they could gamble on their luck and choose their own direction to escape.

After Lu Qingan left the crowd, he quickly put on a mask and sacrificed the fourth-grade immortal flying boat.

On the flying boat, he flew at full speed towards Zhen Yongfu and soon joined him.

"Come on." Lu Qingan said calmly.

Zhen Yongfu was delighted when he heard the familiar voice, and he quickly flew the flying boat and stood behind Lu Qingan.

"Brother An, is it you? How do you have such a high-level flying boat!"

Zhen Yongfu was extremely surprised and puzzled.

How many secrets did his brother keep from him after he came to the fairyland?

"Let's talk about it later. The strength of the top-grade fairy beast is comparable to that of the Xuanguang Realm strongman. The defense of this flying boat is enough to withstand the attack of the Xuanguang Realm strongman." Lu Qingan drove the flying boat at full speed and tried to fly out of the forest.

He had never seen the true strength of the top-grade fairy beast, so he didn't dare to hold back. He exerted his Xinghui Realm cultivation to the fullest, and the fairy energy was continuously injected into the flying boat.

The flying boat flew at a high speed, and Zhen Yongfu watched it, feeling relieved: "At this speed, it should be no problem."

However, as soon as the voice fell, the two people's expressions changed drastically.

They felt a terrifying crisis approaching rapidly behind them!

They turned back quickly and saw a black-winged lion, like a star across the sky, breaking through the air.

"No! Is the luck so bad this time?!" Zhen Yongfu's red hair stood up in shock, and he looked at Lu Qing'an in a hurry: "Brother An! It's too fast! Hurry up and change direction!"

Lu Qing'an also wanted to change direction, but it was obviously too late.

Is this really a top-grade fairy beast! How can its speed be so terrifying!

Buzz! Whoosh!

The terrifying flying sound has come behind them, and the two were shocked to find that this top-grade fairy beast did not pounce on them, but flew past them quickly and continued to move forward!


Zhen Yongfu said in surprise.

Lu Qing'an's expression changed slightly, but he still said calmly: "See, there are many scars on its body, and there is a very high-grade fairy sword stuck in its back!"

"See! It turns out that it is not coming for us, but someone is chasing it? It looks like it is seriously injured!" Zhen Yongfu nodded in reply.

"It seems to be consuming its essence to exchange for this speed." Lu Qing'an guessed.

"Brother An! How about we chase it and see? Do some work? If the fairy beast dies on the way, we will be rich! A top-grade fairy beast! How many fairy stones is it worth? And that fairy sword!" Zhen Yongfu's eyes lit up and he was eager to try.

"You are really not afraid of death." Lu Qing'an looked at Zhen Yongfu speechlessly.

If the fairy beast fell unconscious in front of them, they might still try to hunt it. He also wanted to know how much life a top-grade fairy beast could bring him.

But if the fairy beast found that they were following and turned around to attack, facing a dying and crazy top-grade fairy beast, he could not guarantee whether the flying boat's defense could hold up.

Just as he was thinking about this, an accident happened suddenly.


There was a sound of heavy objects falling into the forest in front of him, and a row of top-grade trees collapsed in an instant.

Zhen Yongfu and Lu Qingan looked at each other and were stunned.

"Is it dead?" Zhen Yongfu's eyes flashed with excitement.

Lu Qingan frowned: "It can't be so lucky..."

Thinking of this, he looked at Zhen Yongfu.

It seems normal to have better luck with this kid.

So, this fairy beast flew to them because Zhen Yongfu was lucky?

So magical? ?

"Brother An! Isn't this flying boat able to defend against the attacks of Xuanguang Realm strongmen! Let's go and take a look? If it's really dead, it's a bargain!" Zhen Yongfu tried his best to persuade.

Lu Qingan shook his head: "Don't worry, don't act rashly without full confidence! I will set up a detection array first!"

"How long will it take? Someone is chasing this fairy beast, I'm afraid they will come!" Zhen Yongfu swallowed his saliva and looked back frequently, but no one was chasing him.

"Very soon!" Lu Qingan said, and quickly set up the array.

It's not a fairy-level array, but a mortal array is enough. With the support of a flying boat, he set up an array ten miles away to detect.

Soon, the situation over there was fed back into the array.

The fairy beast that had previously flown at an extremely amazing speed was now lying on the ground, dying and unable to move.

It was a high-grade fairy beast!

Its strength is comparable to that of a tenth-level Xuanguang Realm expert!

"Brother An! It seems to be really dying!" Zhen Yongfu said with a beaming face.

"It does look like a dying beast, but we can't approach it rashly. It is very likely to take someone with it before it dies." Lu Qing'an said in a deep voice.

He has seen many such situations.

However, this fairy beast seems to be dying soon. We need to delay it for a while, or find a way to kill it remotely, and then we can be sure of success.

However, I am afraid that there will be human strongmen chasing behind.

That is also dangerous.

We can't waste too much time.

"Let's kill it. If I succeed, I can increase my lifespan." Lu Qing'an thought.

"I will drive the flying boat to a half-mile range, and the two of us will attack from a distance. We must not leave the flying boat!" Lu Qing'an warned seriously.

Zhen Yongfu nodded quickly.

The flying boat quickly came to a distance of half a mile from the 깊꾉grade immortal beast, and then the two of them showed their strength in the Starry Realm and launched an attack from the air.

One after another powerful 꺶놅 attacks were blasted downwards.

Perfectly hitting the 깊꾉grade fairy beast.

After each set of attacks, Lu Qingan quickly drove the flying boat away from him.

Seeing that the immortal beast didn't move, let alone charge back like a flashback, he drove the flying boat back to its original position and launched another attack.

After doing this several times, he asked Zhen Yongfu to stop.

"Let me attack next."

Lu Qing'an launched a series of attacks, and a series of palm prints with the power of the second level of Star Glory Realm hit the ground from the sky to the body of the immortal beast.

Suddenly, a mysterious energy entered Lu Qing'an's body, and he stopped attacking.

Increase longevity!

Killing a 꾉high-level immortal beast actually increased your life span by 깊100,000 yuan! !

"Good guy! Make money!" Lu Qing'an was overjoyed.

Right now, his life span has reached 깊220,000!

"Is it dead?" Zhen Yongfu couldn't help but ask when he saw Lu Qing'an stopped attacking and saw that the immortal beast below remained motionless and his lantern-like eyes had lost their luster.

Lu Qing'an said: "Death."

After that, he quickly drove the flying boat down, put the immortal beast's corpse into the storage gold bead without hesitation, and then continued to drive the flying boat forward at full speed.

After flying a stick of incense, they finally flew out of the forest. Lu Qingan did not let the flying boat slow down, but continued to fly quickly.

"I will take you outside Panlong City first, and you can join them later. Remember, you must not mention the matter of high-level immortal beasts to anyone." Lu Qing'an warned seriously.

"Brother An, you know, my mouth has always been tight." Zhen Yongfu smiled broadly, and then asked in a low voice: "What grade of sword is that?"

Lu Qing'an smiled and said: "Immortal grade 껗 and other immortal swords, I picked up a treasure anyway!"

"Ah?! Then! How strong is this swordsman?" Zhen Yongfu swallowed his saliva.

"I can't care less, I need to quickly find a way to sell the fairy beast and the fairy sword! I still feel unsafe if I put it in my hand."

He didn't dare to take it and keep it in his hand. He was also afraid that someone would be able to locate the sword's location.

So what he has to do at this moment is to race against time to go to Jubaozhai and sell the fairy sword!

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